[ZODB-Dev] ZEORaid was Re: Restoring from repozo and reusing an index file?

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Sat Jun 12 06:43:17 EDT 2010

Christian Theune wrote:
> On 06/12/2010 09:47 AM, Chris Withers wrote:
>> Christian Theune wrote:
>>> On 06/11/2010 05:50 PM, Alan Runyan wrote:
>>>>>> I suppose you could look at zeoraid.
>>>>> Hadn't thought of that, will look at it, thanks!
>>>> Anyone using ZEORaid in production?
>>> I hope not. There's still open issues with split brain situations
>> IIUC, that can be mitigated by only having one zeoraid server live at a
>> time?
> Yes. Our goal is to mitigate even splits by making the system read-only 
> and manually allowing to specify which parts are active in that case.
> An automatic voting procedure would then require more than 2 
> participants, but with even splits you at least won't fail horribly.

*nods sagely while looking a little blank* ;-)

>>> and a
>>> mysterious bug WRT oid generation
>> This one's new to me, where can I find out more?
> The one you reported quite a while ago that ended in mixed-up OID results.

Have you got a url to the tracker issue?



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