[ZODB-Dev] SpatialIndex

Nitro nitro at dr-code.org
Tue Jun 29 18:39:28 EDT 2010

Am 28.06.2010, 23:42 Uhr, schrieb Laurence Rowe <l at lrowe.co.uk>:

> On 28 June 2010 21:27, Nitro <nitro at dr-code.org> wrote:
>> ZODB is a general python object database with a much wider audience than
>> just plone. It suits desktop applications just as well as applications
>> you'd normally use twisted and pickle for. Forcing all those zope
>> dependencies like buildout on people does not add to the attractiveness  
>> of
>> ZODB for users outside zope. Having indices only in plone does also not
>> make sense. Many applications would benefit from keyword, field,
>> full-text, spatial, younameit indices. Yet extracting individual  
>> packages
>>  from zope/plone is impossible due to the slew of dependencies. While I  
>> can
>> accept a dependency like zope.interface I don't accept a lot of the
>> others.  It really prevents ZODB from living up to its full potential in
>> non-plone applications.
> Remember that Plone is an eight year old application that is built on
> top of a 12 year old Application server. There has been much progress
> since then (and plenty of people who build non-Plone ZODB based
> applications), but the size of the codebase means it is not possible
> to always be using the current best practice.
> http://zope2.zope.org/about-zope-2/the-history-of-zope
> Nobody would recommend that you try to extract stuff from Plone or
> Zope2. In my opinion there are two main sources of packages for
> non-Zope2 dependent applications.
> * The ZTK extracted the core of Zope 3 and is used in application
> servers such as Grok and BlueBream. It contains zope.catalog and it's
> related packages. There are several extensions on top of this such as
> zc.catalog and hurry.query. The 1.0 release has not been there yet,
> but the underlying packages are stable. Installing zcatalog requires a
> total of 34 packages (ZODB3 requires 10)
> http://docs.zope.org/zopetoolkit/releases/packages-trunk.html
> * The Repoze project has focussed on making zope technologies more
> easily accessible to applications outside of Zope. Whilst the ZTK
> project has improved things a lot, it is still a relatively large
> chunk to swallow whole. repoze.catalog is extracted from zope.catalog
> and requires only zope.index in addition to ZODB3.
> http://docs.repoze.org/catalog/
> At the very lowest level are the indexes themselves such as zope.index
> and zc.relation, a spatial index would fit in here too.
> (Health warning: I'm mostly a Plone developer, so do not yet have
> experience using these packages)

This is all very useful information. Thanks for the pointers Laurence.


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