[ZODB-Dev] RelStorage and MySQL 5.5

Shane Hathaway shane at hathawaymix.org
Wed Jun 22 17:25:23 EDT 2011

On 06/21/2011 08:22 AM, Philip K. Warren wrote:
> Does RelStorage work with MySQL 5.5? I saw a note posted back in
> February on this list that said that 5.5 is not yet supported, however I
> haven't seen any issues with this configuration.
> I have been able to successfully run the 1.4.2 and 1.5.0b2 unit tests
> against a 5.5.13 server on Linux/Mac OS X.

That's great!

I think RelStorage is ready to become more of a community project, and 
part of that is changing the meaning of "supported".  Until now, it has 
meant "Shane is confident that this configuration will not lose your 
data, because he has tested it repeatedly in a few different ways."  In 
the future, "supported" should mean several people have tested it, and 
not necessarily me.  I think we need some kind of support matrix that 
gathers input from the community.  I wonder if a wiki would be sufficient.

Also, we need a public buildbot.  I wonder if there is something like a 
GitHub for buildbots.  I have a private buildbot, but my little server 
can't easily go public.


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