[ZODB-Dev] [X-Post] Figure out bottle neck in a repoze.bfg based web app

steve steve at lonetwin.net
Tue Jan 24 13:50:42 UTC 2012

Hi All,

I apologize for the cross-post but by this mail I simply hope to get a few
pointers on how to narrow down to the problem I am seeing. I shall post to the
relevant list if I have further questions.

So here is the issue:

Short description:
I've got a repoze.bfg application running on top of zeo/zodb across multiple
servers, served using mod_wsgi and it's showing bad resource usage (both high
memory consumption as well as CPU usage). Are there any steps i can do to
localise whether this is an issue with zeo/zodb/mod_wsgi configuration, and/or
usage ?

Long description:

* I have a repoze.bfg (version 1.3) based app, which uses zodb (over zeo,
version 3.10.2) as the backend and is served up using apache+mod_wsgi. All
running on a minimal debian 6.0 based amazon instances.

* The architecture is 1 zodb server and 4 app instances running on individual
EC2 instances (all in the same availability zone). All of the instances are
behind an amazon Elastic Load Balancer

* At the web-server, we don't customize apache much (ie: we pretty much use the
stock debian apache config). We use mod_wsgi (version 3.3-2) to serve the
application in daemon mode, with the following parameters:

WSGIDaemonProcess webapp user=appname threads=7 processes=4
maximum-requests=10000 python-path=/path/to/virtualenv/eggs

* The web app is the only thing that is served from these instances and we serve
the static content for the using apache rather than the web app.

* The zodb config on the db server looks like:
  address 8886
  read-only false
  invalidation-queue-size 1000
  pid-filename $INSTANCE/var/ZEO.pid
  # monitor-address 8887
  # transaction-timeout SECONDS

<blobstorage 1>
    path $INSTANCE/var/webapp.db
  blob-dir $INSTANCE/var/blobs

* The zeo connection string (for repoze.zodbconn-0.11) is:

zodb_uri = zeo://<zodb server

(Note: the drop_cache_rather_verify=true is for faster startups)

Now with this, on live we have typical load such as:
top - 13:34:54 up 1 day,  8:22,  2 users,  load average: 11.87, 8.75, 6.37
Tasks:  85 total,   2 running,  82 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu(s): 81.1%us,  6.7%sy,  0.0%ni, 11.8%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.1%si,  0.2%st
Mem:  15736220k total,  7867340k used,  7868880k free,   283332k buffers
Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,  1840876k cached

 5079 appname   21   0 1587m 1.2g 6264 S   77  8.1   9:23.86 apache2
 5065 appname   20   0 1545m 1.2g 6272 S   95  7.9   9:31.24 apache2
 5144 appname   20   0 1480m 1.1g 6260 S   86  7.4   5:49.92 apache2
 5127 appname   20   0 1443m 1.1g 6264 S   94  7.2   7:13.10 apache2

As you can see that very high load avg. and the apache processes spawned for
mod_wsgi (identifiable because of the user whose context they run under) consume
about 1.2Gs resident memory each.

With a constant load like this, the app. response progressively degrades. We've
tried to tweak the number of processes, the cache_size in the zeo connection
string but all to no avail. So, now rather than shoot in the dark, I would
appreciate suggestions on how I might be able to isolate the bottle-neck in the

One thing to note is that is high load and memory usage is only seen on the
production instances. When we test the app. using ab or funkload on a similar
setup (2 app instances instead of 4), we do not see this problem.

Any pointers/comments would be appreciated.

- steve

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