[ZODB-Dev] A little help in configuring a better solution for ZEO deployment

Войнаровський Тарас voyn1991 at gmail.com
Fri May 18 13:53:00 UTC 2012

Good day comunity.

My project is a ZOPE3/BlueBream project, that runs mainly of ZODB using
ZEO. I use wsgi to get multiple instances(4) of my project and connect to
ZEO Server from them.
The database is around 3 GB in unpacked state and around 800 MB in packed.

I use 4 processes with 7 threads each for serving data

WSGIDaemonProcess doba.ua user=www group=www processes=4 threads=7

I have little space on /tmp partition, so the cache of ZEO is only 40 MB

    pool-size 30
    server localhost:8200
    storage 1
    # ZEO client cache, in bytes
    cache-size 40MB
    # Uncomment to have a persistent disk cache
    #client zeo1

The server has those specs:
8GB ram. 8 CPU 3.2 Ghz.  Raid-2 in a mirror mode.

The load of instances:
1 GB per instance - 8 GB total. Other apps consum up to 1.5 GB. So there is
2.5 GB in inactive mode all the time.

The problem, that I have:
The server has a Raid-2 in a mirror mode, so I only have 1 hard drive,
which contain all my data. After a while of serving data the load gets
highter and this hard drive just starts having 100% of disk usage. Then
everything starts to fall. I have problems accessing the server and even
restarting the project.
I can't find any ther explanation, that ZEO does not handle the load well

Does someone see any way to ease the load?
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