[Zope-Annce] popoto 0.4.3 is Zbabel compliant for french and english
Didier Georgieff
Didier Georgieff <dgieff@divinerites.com>
Sat, 28 Jul 2001 13:36:58 +0200
popoto 0.4.3 is available and is ZBabel compliant.
A first ZBabel tower and dictionary is also available with
english dictionary (anyone with a spanish or german
translation will be greatly praise ;-).
Now it also works nicely with HTMLDocument.
I made "Portal For All in a nutshell" (POrtail POur TOus
in french) in order to allow (almost) anyone to setup and
customize collaborative portals within an hour.
A lot of non-technical people are interested in Zope, but
are really afraid of testing it, being under the impression
that Zope is *only* for developpers.
So this product aims at being used by non technical
managers, to experiment easily Zope Zen.
This product is based on NFGnav, CookieCrumbler,
Yihaw/EPIC & Popoto.
It works nicely with ZBabel, HTMLDocument.
How-To are available in french (in English in the future)
in RTF format within PopotoTools.zip.
If you need more power, please have a look at CMF.