[Zope-Annce] [ANNOUNCEMENT]: New documentation
Michel Pelletier
Fri, 9 Mar 2001 13:19:26 -0800 (PST)
Hey folks,
As I dropped earlier before the conference, I was going to make a number
of important announcements. Well, for those of you who could not attend,
here they are, as well as some other information that should be of
interest to you.
First off, as many of you know, New Riders is now publishing The Zope
Book. The upshot of this is that the book is now under the Open
Publication License (http://opencontent.org/openpub). The book has a new
home at SourceForge, and you can go there and check the book out of CVS,
add patches, bug reports, and request features.
And now for the *new* news, DC has commited to create a Zope Developer's
Guide. This will be the authoritative text on building Zope components.
It will cover Interfaces, Components, Persistence, Product Development,
Security, Publishing, Debugging, and Testing. Its home is also at
SourceForge, and it is also under the OPL.
And last, but not least, we are writing yet another guide for you, the
Zope Administrator's Guide. This guide will cover installation, building,
clustering, database troubleshooting and repair, and many other very
useful bits of information. Details are the same, SourceForge and OPL.
As you can see, DC is commiting itself to providing full documentation
coverage of all aspects of Zope: using, developing, and administerating.
Please visit these projects and tell us what you think. The Zope Book is
in its final stages of development, and the dev and admin guides are in
their planning stages, so there's still a lot of work to be done.
Finally, I'd like to mention that we have decided to start a weekly
'Featured Interface' article to be published in a as yet undetermined
online publication, and Zope.org. This weekly article will feature one
interface out of Zope, and prose and examples explaining the interface and
how it can be used to complete useful projects. These articles will be
oriented to be a very useful resource in conjunction with the upcomming
dev guide, and will eventually be compiled into an upcomming,
comprehensive interface reference for Zope.
Well, that's it! (as if that's not enough ;). Stay tuned, and definately
give us a hand if you feel the itch to help, we could use it. We are
looking for bug-catchers, community editors, feature requests, pointers to
existing documentation that can be included, and if you can write
according to our guidelines and documentation process, authors.
Please send any comments or questions to docs@digicool.com, or any project
specific comments to one of the above SourceForge projects.
It was good to meet with many of you at the conference, and I was really
pleased to hear lots of positive feedback about our recent documentation
efforts. From here, it will only get better, and more fun!