[Zope-Annce] ZBabel 0.9.90 (or 1.0.0 RC1) released
Stephan Richter
Mon, 28 May 2001 04:53:14 -0500
Hello everyone,
Andrew Milton and I are pleased to announce the ZBabel Translation System
0.9.90 (or 1.0.0 RC1 -- Andrew does not like letters in versions ;-) ).
With this new version the functionality and stability of ZBabel increased
quiet a bit. Furthermore, proiektor (iuveno's OS groupware and project
management tool) uses ZBabel to make proiektor completely localized!
The link: http://www.zope.org/Members/TheJester/ZBabel
Here are the changes since the last release (0.0.3):
- A BasicZBabelTag class was made, which is like an abstraction of the
DTML-BABEL tag (read next point).
- You can now use a second singelton tag called DTML-FISH, so you can
easier work with menu-option-like translations.
- There is a support class called LabelSupport, which lets you specify a
label for each string ('label' is just another language). There is also an
entire part for the ZMI for it, which lets you quickly make translations.
- Some Management views were added to allow you to manage your SQL Methods
better and make adjustments later. For example, you will be directly
forwarded to the "Create Table/Views" screen, if no Phrases table exists
yet in your DB.
- The attribute 'towerId' was added, so the user can choose the Babel Tower
that is used for the translation; if the id was not found, the first found
one will be chosen. This attribute/parameter is optional.
- You can also localize expressions, such dates and times. A time
conversion would look like that:
<dtml-fish label=fmtDateTime dst=en data="ZopeTime()">
The 'en' text entry looks like that: "data.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')", which is
evaluated at run time.
- The "literal" option works now. You can make translations of text pieces
that contain variables, and still have only one translation.
- You can import/export the entire dictionary. It is pretty cheap
implemented, but it works great.
- You can filter your label view, so that you can see easier whether you
translated a phrase already.
- Plenty of little bug fixes.
Planned features after 1.0:
- make ZBabel data-storage independent (using SmartObjects?)
- make the storage namespace-specific, so that you can have a dictionary
for calendars, addresses, ...
- write a patch for DTML-VAR, so that the translation is supported natively.
- a garbage collector, that can find unused translations.
I hope you enjoy the product. I am sure it will solve some of your
headaches. ;-)
Stephan Richter
CBU - Physics and Chemistry Student
Web2k - Web Design/Development & Technical Project Management