[Zope-Annce] VanPyz Meeting: July 2nd
Paul Prescod
Tue, 02 Jul 2002 04:41:01 -0700
The XRoads Learning Management System, a Zope Show-and-Tell
John Maxwell will show us "How a small, rag-tag team of python
hackers with a good idea can create something big, complex, and
wonderful using Zope, XML, and open-source technology." More information
on XRoads can be found at http://www.entity-x.ca/XRoads.
When: July 2nd, 7pm
Where: ActiveState
Come discuss XML and REST web services at:
Open Source Conference: July 22-26, 2002,
Extreme Markup: Aug 4-9, 2002, www.extrememarkup.com/extreme/