[Zope-Annce] CFP: Final call for Zope track presentations at EuroPython 2002

Paul Everitt paul@zope.com
Fri, 17 May 2002 11:44:49 -0400

Final call for Zope track presentations at EuroPython 2002:


The Zope track has most of the slots filled with exciting talks by 
familiar names from the Zope community.

But there are still several slots available!  If you have something 
important to say, EuroPython 2002 wants to hear from you. Send a title 
and abstract to Tom Deprez (tom@aragne.com) or Paul Everitt 
(paul@zope.com), the Zope track champions.

EuroPython 2002 is the important event for Python and Zope users in
Europe.  Held June 26-28 in Charelroi, Belgium, the conference
anticipates hundreds of attendees and an agenda packed with tutorials,
presentations, lightning talks, a sprint, and birds-of-a-feather meetings.

   ***         Early registration is open !!!          ***
   ***  https://secure.zope.nl/europython/Registration ***

ESR, Guido, Jim, Zope 3.  Enough said.  I hope we will all see you in 
Charleroi!  Interested?  Have a look at www.europython.org for more 
