[Zope-Annce] CMFPhoto 0.2 and CMFPhotoAlbum 0.2

Magnus Heino magnus.heino@home.se
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 14:37:50 +0200


I have released new versions of CMFPhotoAlbum and CMFPhoto, get them 
from http://www.sf.net/projects/collective.

Both products are packaged for usage with Plone, http://www.plone.org.

CMFPhotoAlbum 0.2

   - i18n fix

   - Background color in datetime exif field was broken in mozilla.

CMFPhoto 0.2

   - Photo size variants now callable by url

   - Tag method now uses a real url to call each variant instead
     of passing a request parameter. This solves caching problems.

/Magnus Heino