[Zope-Annce] VarImage 2 Released
Terry Hancock
Sun, 13 Apr 2003 23:36:19 -0700
The much-improved version 2 of VarImage ("Variable Image")
is now available, including generative image support, chainable
image operations, color map and transposition effects, and more!
It also includes an extremely simple plugin mechanism, so it is
now easy to add your own operators to extend VarImage.
Download from:
More information about VarImage ...
VarImage 2.0-beta
VarImage means "variable image". It provides a way to make
on-the-fly modifications to an image in Zope simply by referring
to the correct URL.
Starting in this version (version 2), VarImage also allows "component"
images to be loaded into a sub-folder called "components". These
may be composited onto the main image to provide generative image
Version 2 also includes experimental code for referrer-blocking
(this means that you can keep remote sites from directly linking
to your images).
The URL-command is parsed as a chain of "operations" to be applied
to the original image, separated by "." (period). Each operation
is specified as an "operator", followed by zero or more "arguments",
separated by "_".
Arguments and operators must be composed of only letters and numbers
([A-Za-z0-9], note that "_" and "." are not legal because they are
used as separators). Other than the fact that floating point values
have to use "o" (the letter "o") instead of "." for the decimal
point, this works well.
Colors are represented by strings, usually as hexadecimal codes, with
a prefix of "x" and 6 hexadecimal characters.
Component images may be referred to by their unadorned Zope ID, so
"myimage/components/mycomponent" is simply "mycomponent". Note
that, to be useful, you have to use only letters and numbers in
the name of components.
Each operation is applied in sequence, to the result of the previous
operation, and then the final result is returned.
If you have a VarImage "shinobu_jpg", you can get it
in an exact size of 100x100 (regardless of the original aspect)::
or 100x50::
or you can thumbnail it into a 70x50 space (the longer dimension
will be determined by the specified limit, while the smaller is
determine by the image aspect ratio -- i.e. the image will "fit"
into the available 70x50 space)::
or you can set the horizontal or vertical dimensions::
(The above examples are converted from the Version 1 docs).
You can also convert the image to PNG or GIF format::
And do color effects, such as black-and-white::
or color-multiplication::
Special Commands
For a help page with a complete list of all currently understood
operators, use::
If you need to clear the cache and start over for some reason (this
is necessary a lot when you're writing a new plugin)::
And you may set the "fovial" region of the image (used by the "tn"
thumbnail operator to show the center-of-interest/fovial-extent)::
Or you can call this from Zope::
<dtml-call expr="shinobu_jpg.set_fovia( (100,150,30,30) )">
Calling VarImages
After writing the above, I have discovered that what does *not*
work is calling the image as::
<dtml-var expr="shinobu_jpg.f_100">
(Actually it will work *if* you had previously generated the image,
but it will not regenerate after the cache expires, which can bite
However, you can do this instead::
<dtml-var expr="shinobu_jpg.restrictedTraverse('f_100')">
Not as pretty, I know, but it will correctly regenerate, and
you still get the benefit of the Zope image tag generation (the
image tag will have correct width and height specified, which
is handy, since with the f ("fit") command, you don't know
them in advance (you know only the maximum possible values).
I do consider this a bug, but it's low priority because the
workaround exists.
How It Works
VarImage inherits from Zope's Image and ObjectManager types, so
it is an image that also acts as a folder. The folder contains
a Temporary Folder named "cache". When you query for a modified
image, it first checks to see if the cache already contains the
image. If so, it returns that. Otherwise, it uses Python Imaging
Library to generate the image (storing it in the cache of course).
A couple of other cases are caught, too: most plugins will try
to catch "do-nothing" cases and pass through without operating.
If you request an image *while* it is being generated, the
requesting thread will sleep until the generation is complete
and then return the result.
Temporary Folder uses a RAM storage method which will lose objects
when they are not in use (I don't know what algorithm it actually
uses, though I'm hoping it's some variant of "least recently
used"), or whenever Zope is restarted (this is good). Thus the
cached objects are never permanently added to Zope.
Note that because each resized image gets a unique URL, front
end caches (proxy or browser) can efficiently cache these images,
thus further reducing regeneration to the minimum needed.
Writing Plugins
It is now trivial to add a plugin operator to VarImage, and you
do not need any understanding of Zope to do this. You will need
to understand how to manipulate and process images in Python.
It is not strictly necessary to use Python Imaging Library, but
that is what I have used for all the example plugins, as it is
the best Python library available as of this writing. The next
best option is probably libmagick for C, which has some Python
wrappers defined for it --- however, the Python wrappers were
very immature or in poor repair when I wrote this.
I would certainly welcome contributed libmagick plugins, though!
To create a new operator, you will create an image processing
function with the following profile::
imio, imtype, xsz, ysz = your_function(imio, imtype, xsz, ysz, args)
imio -- is a StringIO (file-like) object containing the image data.
imtype -- is the image MIME type (e.g. "image/jpeg").
xsz -- is the width of the image.
ysz -- is the height of the image.
args -- is a tuple of converted arguments from the URL.
Then you will register it with the 'Operator' class constructor::
Operator('foo', your_function, 0, 4, (int, int, float, str))
This example will register your operator under the name 'foo',
accepting 0 to 4 arguments, with the specified types. The arguments
will be converted from strings to these types before being passed
to your function, so you won't normally have to parse them unless
you need something special (in which case, you use "str").
The plugin "pil_resize.py" was the first, and best documented, so
I recommend you look at that one for comments and examples.
Operators that use components, or need to access the image fovia
information have some special requirements --- see "Operators/pil_composite.py"
and "Operators/pil_fovia.py" for examples.
The function and the registration should be in a single Python module,
which you will put into the 'Operators' package within VarImage.
That's it --- if your code works, you'll have a new VarImage
operator defined. Be sure to provide a (structured-text) docstring
in your function, as this will be included in the automatic
documentation produced by the "help" method.
Currently, you need Zope 2.5.1 or higher and Python 2.1.3 is
recommended. You'll need Python Imaging Library 1.1.3 or
higher for all the provided plugins to work.
GIF support is spotty --- especially for transparency --- in
P.I.L. 1.1.3 (which is what I developed against), though I
have read that 1.1.4 may address this, and is due to come
out soon as of this writing. You might want to try it.
This in turn requires the zlib, PNG, and JPEG libraries. I had
real problems getting P.I.L. to find the libraries if they are
not installed in one of the canonical locations such as
/usr/local, so here's a heads-up -- you'll have to edit the
Makefile and Setup.in manually for it to work right. Hopefully
that'll get fixed in a later version of P.I.L.
Author and Licensing
Terry Hancock wrote VarImage for Anansi Spaceworks. It may be
redistributed under the terms of the Gnu Public License. The
full text of the GPL is in the file LICENSE.txt in this
Terry Hancock ( hancock at anansispaceworks.com )
Anansi Spaceworks http://www.anansispaceworks.com