[Zope-Annce] FYI: Epoz 0.2 - A cross-browser-wysiwyg-editor for Plone / Zope

Maik Jablonski maik.jablonski@uni-bielefeld.de
Wed, 21 May 2003 16:57:15 +0200


I'm happy to announce the release of Epoz 0.2... call it the 

What is Epoz?

  Epoz is a cross-browser-wysiwyg-editor for Zope / Plone. It supports
Mozilla (>1.3) and Internet-Explorer (>5.5).

Where can I see a demo?


  Please note: the demo is running on a shared server, so there's no
product-filesystem-access or Plone available. But it should give you the 
main idea running Epoz in a native Zope-Application...:)

Where can I download Epoz?


Question: I've installed Epoz, but nothing in my Plone changed...?

  After installing Epoz and restarting your server, create an External
Method in your Plone-Root and enter:


  Click test to run the plone-epoz-installer. Then enter your
Plone-Site, go to your preferences and select "Epoz" as
Content-Editor... Now you should be able to edit your Plone-Documents
comfortably with a wysiwyg-editor, regardless if you use Mozilla or IE.

I'll hope, you'll find Epoz useful. Feel free to send me a comment,
patch or anything else... The work on Epoz will continue...

Cheers, Maik Jablonski

German Zope User Group