[Zope-Annce] Epoz 0.7.5 released
Maik Jablonski
maik.jablonski at uni-bielefeld.de
Sat Feb 14 07:25:32 EST 2004
just released an minor update of Epoz - the wysiwyg-editor for Zope & Plone.
Epoz 0.7.5 fixes some css-issues with the upcoming Plone 2.0-release. Thanks
to Alexander Limi for his patches. I've also added two new translations.
Please download Epoz 0.7.5 at:
(Please note: The download-location of Epoz has changed. Uploading products to
zope.org is a real mess... no fun anymore, needs too many clicks, too slow,
Just a note: some people reported problems with freezing browsers when
switching to source-view. This is not a Epoz-Issue! If you run Zope 2.7 from
CVS, please delete the obsolete xmlrpclib.py in Zope-2.7-head/lib/python.
Zope 2.7 uses the xmlrpclib.py from Python 2.3.3.
Just another note: The development of Epoz 0.x is still in progress. epozNG
(1.x) is a fork of the project, which will be renamed in the near future. The
only relations between Epoz 0.x and epozNG are the name (this will change
soon) and the focus of projects (produce wysiwyg-editing-elements for
web-based-cms-systems). The people, philosophies and the codes of projects
are very different. That's it.
Cheers, Maik
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