[Zope-Annce] Nuxeo releases CourierCPS,
the generic solution for mail management in CPS 3
Stefane Fermigier
sf at nuxeo.com
Tue May 18 08:58:40 EDT 2004
Nuxeo releases CourierCPS, the generic solution for mail management in CPS 3
Nuxeo releases CourierCPS, the mail management solution for
Collaborative Portal Server 3 (CPS3). This software module allows
organisations to dematerialize from end to end the processing chain
for incoming and outgoing mail. CourierCPS has been developped by
Nuxeo within a contract for the French Ministry of Interior, of
Internal Security and Local Rights (MISILL), in partnership with
Capgemini. This is one of the first projects dealing with
administrative procedures dematerialization thoroughly built on Zope
and CPS.
CourierCPS comes from a development project for the General
Directorate for Local Authorities (DGCL), and aims at being extended
to the Secretariat-General and the other directorates inside the
Ministry. The goal is to provide the civil servants with a reliable
and user-friendly mail management service which will allow them to
reply to the incoming mail efficiently. Optimizing the steering of
mail responses (improving response delays, access to a knowledge
base...) gives the Ministry an important leverage for improving the
quality of its relationship with its administrates. According to
Emmanuel Marcovitch, project manager at the Information and
Communication Systems Directorate (DSIC), "the use of CPS in general,
and of CourierCPS in particular, is part of a global modernization
endeavour. We increase information sharing and exchange, using
collaborative tools tailored to our business".
CourierCPS illustrates perfectly pouring back a software module
developped for a major account to the Open Source community. The
module has been subjected to a significant generization processe
before it was released to the community, so that they will benefit
from a real packaged software and not the offspring of a specific
project. "We want to make it clear that the developments carried out
by Nuxeo and published under the GPL are all subjected to a packaging
and generization process. We publish only reusable components and not
custom developments", says Stéfane Fermigier, Nuxeo's CEO. This
process of incorporating CourierCPS into the generic CPS code base
guarantees the module's perenity and evolutivity.
The design of business solutions for the administration through Open
Source software helps mutualize knowledge and know-hows. Using Open
Source software within process dematerialization projects helps the
Electronic Administration grow faster, while at the same time saving
on costs. "The ADELE gouvernment programme is partly dedicated to
favoring development mutualisation. A collaborative platform that will
permit to capitalize on e-government software will hence be created.
CourierCPS is an example of what can be expected in terms of best
practices for software components mutualization and reuse", says
Jean-Paul Degorce-Dumas, in charge of the resource center at the
Agency for the Development of Electronic Administration (ADAE).
The Electronic Administration is playing the Open Source card: new
developments carried out for one administration, after generization
and publication under the GPL - the license recommended by ADAE for
developments financed by the Administration - are used by the other
About Nuxeo
Nuxeo is the European leader of services surrounding the open source
platform Zope.
Nuxeo develops and markets collaborative web content management
systems, as well as associated services such as training, consulting
and hosting. Nuxeo's customers have at their disposal a highly
competent team with high technical qualifications and who use the best
of free software.
Nuxeo supports the open source software effort by publishing software
components under a free license (GPL) and by contributing as a core
developer to the development of the Zope platform. Nuxeo supports the
action of the EuroLinux Alliance in favor of software innovation and
free software, and against software patents, harmful for competition
and innovation.
* Commercial web site: www.nuxeo.com/en
* Community web sites: www.nuxeo.org et www.cps-project.org
* Nuxeo CPS: www.nuxeo.com/cps
* Email: contact at nuxeo.com
* Tel: +33 (0)1 40 33 79 87
* Contact : Stéfane Fermigier (+33 (0)6 63 04 12 77)
About CPS
Nuxeo CPS is an extensive collaborative Web content management
system (CMS) implemented on top of Zope and the CMF, that enables
organizations to easily, quickly and efficiently implement
collaborative portals (intranet, extranet or internet) and
workflow-oriented business applications. Nuxeo CPS has already been
adopted by major accounts in the Administration (French Ministries of
Interior, of Culture, of Finances, French Atomic Energy
Commission...), in the private sector (Suez, STMicroelectronics...)
and by the major french IT consultancies (Capgemini, Unilog,
About CourierCPS
* Download address : http://www.nuxeo.com/solutions/couriercps
* User guide (in french for now):
Permanent address for this press release
* http://www.nuxeo.com/en/pr/5
Stéfane Fermigier, Tel: +33 (0)6 63 04 12 77 (mobile).
Nuxeo Collaborative Portal Server: http://www.nuxeo.com/cps
Gestion de contenu web / portail collaboratif / groupware / open source!
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