[Zope-Annce] Zope Corp and Z3ECM

Rob Page rob.page at zope.com
Tue Jun 14 16:42:48 EDT 2005

Zope Corporation is delighted to announce its active
participation in the Zope 3 Enterprise Content
Management project recently organized by Nuxeo and
joined by a number of community members.

It's clear that the Zope Community will benefit from a
consolidation of common patterns and their
implementations in order to grow Zope's market share
and we are excited to participate in this effort.

In conjunction with the Zope Foundation we expect the
Z3ECM project to set the example for global
collaboration on sophisticated content management
functionality and its application.  We are looking
forward to launching the Foundation with community
involvement so that the Z3ECM project can safely share
in the Zope brand.

We would like to sincerely thank all of the pioneers
who planted the seeds for this effort at the recent
sprints (Castle, Paris, etc.).  We know from
first-hand, large-scale commercial experience that Zope
3 will excel at supporting this effort.

Zope Corporation has been making substantial
investments in Zope 3 evolution and associated add-on
componentry for the last year.

An example of this investment is the XML Process
Definition Language (XPDL) support that is now
available in Zope 3.  XPDL support is the first in a
series of substantial, customer-inspired contributions
that Zope Corporation will be making to the ZECMP over
the coming months.

Together with Nuxeo's significant ongoing investment in
CPS (the Zope 3 version of which will also be
contributed to the Z3ECM) we expect the platform will
quickly evolve to be the world-leading content
management platform.

We also propose a name change to the project from Z3ECM
to Zope Enterprise Content Management Platform (ZECMP).
This will allow the project to disassociate from Zope 3
(it seems likely that there will be 2.8/"5" ports of
many/most capabilities).  It also makes for a natural
transition to the Zope Foundation when that's available
in the early Fall.

Thanks again to everyone who has helped get Zope 3 and
these ideas to this exciting point!



Rob Page                V: 540.361.1710
Zope Corporation        F: 703.995.0412

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