[Zope-Annce] Zwiki 0.41 released, news for april
Simon Michael
simon at joyful.com
Wed May 18 13:17:59 EDT 2005
Seems I'm never going to finish this.. just *post* it!
*What is it ?*
Zwiki is a Zope product for building wikis - a special kind of website
that's easy for anyone to edit. Zwiki was started in 1999 by Simon
Michael and now receives improvements from many contributors. It is
released under the GNU GPL. A new version is released on the first of
the month. See http://zwiki.org for more.
*0.41 release summary*
Some anti-spam features, skin fixes and translation updates. Full
release notes are below.
*Zwiki news this month*
Development activity, contributors
Translation updates from T.C. Chou (chinese) and Gaspar Quiles
(spanish), and a number of fixes from Jens Nachtigall. Thank you!
Bug reporting & closing activity
bug day on the first friday of the month
Documentation activity
reorganized front page
UsersGuide and AdministratorsGuide are fairly complete and accurate
old docs have been demoted to *Notes and linked less prominently
New zwiki-edits list and mail setup
new anti-spam features installed (no external links by unidentified
users, delayed indexing); no spam since
As a reminder, experimental rss links are available, linked on the
FrontPage. They are
.../pages_rss - new pages in this wiki
.../changes_rss - recent edits in this wiki
http://zwiki.org - Zwiki home, with all download, documentation &
discussion links
http://zwiki.org/ZwikiFunding - how to donate or sponsor a feature
*Release notes*
Some anti-spam features, skin fixes and translation updates.
Upgrade notes
Translations may be somewhat in flux this release.
* restrict external links: if a max_anonymous_links int property is
defined, edits from unidentified users (with no username) containing
more than that number of http:// links will be refused and logged
* delayed indexing: pages now include the NOINDEX meta tag for 24 hours
after an edit, to reduce the chance of spam links being indexed by
search engines.
* show page source links when using thorough search, to help with spam
* make subscribe form help reflect the comments/edits mailout policy
(Jens Nachtigall)
* AnonymousUserSubscriptionInPlone (Jens Nachtigall) fixes #878
anonymous subscription in cmf/plone subscribes "Anonymous User"
* br_for_subscribed_pages_list_on_subscribeform (Jens Nachtigall) If one
is subscribed to several pages, theses pages are on the same line, which
looks confusing. Now it is done as with the page_subscribers list on the
very same subscribeform, ie an "
" is inserted between each page name.
General - i18n
* regenerate pot and po files, and this time with up-to-date Default
comments (#1093, SM, Jens Nachtigall)
* mark_PREVIEW_as_translatable (Jens Nachtigall)
* chinese translation updates (T.C. Chou)
* spanish translation updates (Gaspar Quiles)
General - skins
* subscribeform_remove-unneccessary-span-tags (Jens Nachtigall)
* new api method: lastEditIntervalInHours
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