[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Publishers/ZServer - monitor.py:1.1 monitor_client.py:1.1 monitor_client_win32.py:1.1
Amos Latteier
Tue, 25 May 1999 22:11:37 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Publishers/ZServer/medusa
In directory tarzan.digicool.com:/projects/users/amos/Test/ZServer/medusa
Added Files:
monitor.py monitor_client.py monitor_client_win32.py
Log Message:
Added medusa monitor server to ZServer. This allows you to securly access Zope via a remote python prompt! You could do some serious Zope hacking with this--debug the server while it's running, tweaking live Zope objects, etc. Needless to say this is dangerous.