[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope2 - SiteObject.py:1.1 __init__.py:1.1 addSiteObject.dtml:1.1 manage_main.dtml:1.1
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 15:55:22 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope2/lib/python/Products/SiteObject
In directory korak.digicool.com:/home/michel/dev/SiteObject/lib/python/Products/SiteObject
Added Files:
SiteObject.py __init__.py addSiteObject.dtml manage_main.dtml
Log Message:
site object product that goes with the ZPublisher patches for virtual hosting, this is much simpler than Evan's SiteAccess product, but also cleaner and uses new ZPublisher features