[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope2 - FTPServer.py: FTPRequest.py:

chrism@serenade.digicool.com chrism@serenade.digicool.com
Mon, 9 Apr 2001 14:24:04 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope2/ZServer
In directory serenade.digicool.com:/home/chrism/sandboxes/DAVFTPMerge/ZServer

Modified Files:
      Tag: zope-2_3-branch
	FTPServer.py FTPRequest.py 
Log Message:
Undoing changes from FTP merge.

--- Updated File FTPServer.py in package Zope2 --
--- FTPServer.py	2001/04/09 18:07:31
+++ FTPServer.py	2001/04/09 18:24:03
@@ -138,8 +138,7 @@
 from PubCore import handle
 from medusa.ftp_server import ftp_channel, ftp_server, recv_channel
-import asyncore, asynchat
-from medusa import filesys
+from medusa import asyncore, asynchat, filesys
 from FTPResponse import make_response
 from FTPRequest import FTPRequest
@@ -203,45 +202,28 @@
     def get_dir_list(self, line, long=0):
-        self.globbing = None
-        self.recursive = 0
         # we need to scan the command line for arguments to '/bin/ls'...
         # XXX clean this up, maybe with getopts
         if len(line) > 1:
             args = string.split(line[1])
             args =[]
         path_args = []
-        # Extract globbing information 
-        for i in range(len(args)):
-            x = args[i]
-            if string.find(x,'*')!=-1 or string.find(x,'?')!=-1:
-                self.globbing = x
-                args[i] = '.'     
         for arg in args:
             if arg[0] != '-':
                 path_args.append (arg)
                 if 'l' in arg:
-                if 'R' in arg:
-                    self.recursive = 1
         if len(path_args) < 1:
             dir = '.'
             dir = path_args[0]
         self.listdir(dir, long)
     def listdir (self, path, long=0):
         response=make_response(self, self.listdir_completion, long)
-        request=FTPRequest(path, 'LST', self, response,globbing=self.globbing,recursive=self.recursive)
+        request=FTPRequest(path, 'LST', self, response)
         handle(self.module, request, response)         
     def listdir_completion(self, long, response):

--- Updated File FTPRequest.py in package Zope2 --
--- FTPRequest.py	2001/04/09 18:07:31
+++ FTPRequest.py	2001/04/09 18:24:03
@@ -100,18 +100,10 @@
 class FTPRequest(HTTPRequest):
     def __init__(self, path, command, channel, response, stdin=None,
-                 environ=None,globbing=None,recursive=0):
-        # we need to store the globbing information to pass it
-        # to the ZPublisher and the manage_FTPlist function 
-        # (ajung)
-        self.globbing = globbing
-        self.recursive= recursive
+                 environ=None):
         if stdin is None: stdin=StringIO()
         if environ is None:
             environ=self._get_env(path, command, channel, stdin)
         HTTPRequest.__init__(self, stdin, environ, response, clean=1)
@@ -182,11 +174,6 @@
             env['PATH_INFO']=self._join_paths(channel.path, path, command)
-        # Fake in globbing information 
-        env['GLOBBING'] = self.globbing
-        env['FTP_RECURSIVE'] = self.recursive
         return env
     def _join_paths(self,*args):