[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Packages/StructuredText - DocumentClass.py:1.33 STletters.py:1.4

Andreas Jung andreasjung@cvs.zope.org
Mon, 6 Aug 2001 09:46:28 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Packages/StructuredText
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv24570

Modified Files:
	DocumentClass.py STletters.py 
Log Message:
        - Collector #2481: adjusted punctuation for link generation
          (not working with ! inside quoted text)

=== Packages/StructuredText/DocumentClass.py 1.32 => 1.33 ===
 from string import split, join, replace, expandtabs, strip, find, rstrip
 from STletters import letters, digits, literal_punc, under_punc,\
-     strongem_punc, phrase_delimiters
+     strongem_punc, phrase_delimiters,dbl_quoted_punc
@@ -950,9 +950,10 @@
            return None
     ## Some constants to make the doc_href() regex easier to read.
-    _DQUOTEDTEXT = r'("[ %s0-9\n\r\-\.\,\;\(\)\/\:\/\*\']+")' % letters ## double quoted text
+    _DQUOTEDTEXT = r'("[ %s0-9\n\r%s]+")' % (letters,dbl_quoted_punc) ## double quoted text
     _ABSOLUTE_URL=r'((http|https|ftp|mailto|file|about)[:/]+?[%s0-9_\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\-\#\~\=\&\%%]+)' % letters
     _ABS_AND_RELATIVE_URL=r'([%s0-9_\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\-\#\~\=\&\%%]+)' % letters
     _SPACES = r'(\s*)'
     def doc_href(self, s,

=== Packages/StructuredText/STletters.py 1.3 => 1.4 ===
 letters     = string.letters
 literal_punc = punc_func("'")
+dbl_quoted_punc = punc_func("\"")
 strongem_punc = punc_func('*')
 under_punc = punc_func('_')
 phrase_delimiters = r'\s\.\,\?\/\!\&\(\)'