[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/App - CacheManager.py:1.21
Shane Hathaway
Mon, 27 Aug 2001 15:25:49 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/App
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv9785/lib/python/App
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Got cache_detail and cache_extreme_detail working again and added links
from the debugging information screen.
=== Zope/lib/python/App/CacheManager.py 1.20 => 1.21 ===
-import Globals, time, sys
+import Globals, time, sys, string
class CacheManager:
"""Cache management mix-in
@@ -252,62 +252,59 @@
- def cache_detail(self):
- try: db=self._p_jar.db()
- except:
- # BoboPOS2
- detail={}
- for oid, ob in Globals.Bobobase._jar.cache.items():
- if hasattr(ob, '__class__'):
- ob=ob.__class__
- decor=''
- else: decor=' class'
- c="%s.%s%s" % (ob.__module__ or '', ob.__name__, decor)
- if detail.has_key(c): detail[c]=detail[c]+1
- else: detail[c]=1
- detail=detail.items()
+ def cache_detail(self, REQUEST=None):
+ """
+ Returns the name of the classes of the objects in the cache
+ and the number of objects in the cache for each class.
+ """
+ db=self._p_jar.db()
+ detail = db.cacheDetail()
+ if REQUEST is not None:
+ # format as text
+ REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
+ return string.join(map(lambda (name, count): '%6d %s' %
+ (count, name), detail), '\n')
- # ZODB 3
- detail=db.cacheDetail()
- detail=map(lambda d:
- (("%s.%s" % (d[0].__module__, d[0].__name__)), d[1]),
- detail.items())
- detail.sort()
- return detail
- def cache_extreme_detail(self):
- try: db=self._p_jar.db()
- except:
- # BoboPOS2
- detail=[]
- rc=sys.getrefcount
- db=Globals.Bobobase._jar.db
- for oid, ob in Globals.Bobobase._jar.cache.items():
- id=oid
- if hasattr(ob, '__class__'):
- if hasattr(ob,'__dict__'):
- d=ob.__dict__
- if d.has_key('id'):
- id="%s (%s)" % (oid, d['id'])
- elif d.has_key('__name__'):
- id="%s (%s)" % (oid, d['__name__'])
- ob=ob.__class__
- decor=''
- else: decor=' class'
- detail.append({
- 'oid': id,
- 'klass': "%s.%s%s" % (ob.__module__, ob.__name__, decor),
- 'rc': rc(ob)-4,
- 'references': db.objectReferencesIn(oid),
- })
+ # raw
return detail
+ def cache_extreme_detail(self, REQUEST=None):
+ """
+ Returns information about each object in the cache.
+ """
+ db=self._p_jar.db()
+ detail = db.cacheExtremeDetail()
+ if REQUEST is not None:
+ # sort the list.
+ lst = map(lambda dict: ((dict['conn_no'], dict['oid']), dict),
+ detail)
+ lst.sort()
+ # format as text.
+ res = [
+ '# Table shows connection number, oid, refcount, state, '
+ 'and class.',
+ '# States: L = loaded, G = ghost, C = changed']
+ for sortkey, dict in lst:
+ id = dict.get('id', None)
+ if id:
+ idinfo = ' (%s)' % id
+ else:
+ idinfo = ''
+ s = dict['state']
+ if s == 0:
+ state = 'L' # loaded
+ elif s == 1:
+ state = 'C' # changed
+ else:
+ state = 'G' # ghost
+ res.append('%d %-34s %6d %s %s%s' % (
+ dict['conn_no'], `dict['oid']`, dict['rc'],
+ state, dict['klass'], idinfo))
+ REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
+ return string.join(res, '\n')
- # ZODB 3
- return db.cacheExtremeDetail()
+ # raw
+ return detail