[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/OFS - ObjectManager.py:

Casey Duncan casey_duncan@yahoo.com
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 23:06:54 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/OFS
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv11014

Modified Files:
      Tag: casey-better_put_handling-branch
Log Message:
Completed coding for manage_mkdir and tested

=== Zope/lib/python/OFS/ObjectManager.py => ===
             meta_type = p['name']
             for ob in product.objectValues():
-                print ob.getId()
                 if ob.meta_type == 'Z Class' \
                    and ob._zclass_.meta_type == meta_type \
                    and getattr(ob._zclass_, 'isAnObjectManager', 0):
@@ -724,9 +723,15 @@
             self._mkdir_meta_type = meta_type
-            if hasattr(aq_base(self), '_mkdir_meta_type'):
+            if hasattr(self, '_mkdir_meta_type'):
                 del self._mkdir_meta_type
+        if hasattr(self, '_v_mkdir_constructor'):
+            del self._v_mkdir_constructor
+        if hasattr(self, '_v_mkdir_permission'):
+            del self._v_mkdir_permission
     def manage_mkdir(self, id, title='', REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None):
         """Add the appropriate folderish object in response to a mkdir
@@ -738,19 +743,41 @@
             mkdir_type = 'Folder' # If we get here, something's weird
-        # Get the product and find the constructor for this meta_type
-        product = self.manage_addProduct[self._mkdir_meta_type]
-        all = self.all_meta_types
-        if callable(all):
-            all = all()
-        for meta_type in all:
-            if meta_type['name'] == mkdir_type:
-                # Get the name of the constructor
-                # this is kindof a hack, but it should work
-                constructor = meta_type['action'].split('/')[-1]
-                # now see if we can just call it...
+        if hasattr(self, '_v_mkdir_constructor') \
+           and hasattr(self, '_v_mkdir_permission'):
+            # We already found the constructor, so use it
+            constructor = self._v_mkdir_constructor
+            permission = self._v_mkdir_permission
+        else:
+            # Do some digging to find the constructor
+            all = self.all_meta_types
+            if callable(all):
+                all = all()
+            for meta_type in all:
+                if meta_type['name'] == mkdir_type:
+                    # Get the name of the constructor
+                    # this is kindof a hack, but it should work
+                    constructor = meta_type['action'].split('/')[-1]
+                    if hasattr(self, constructor):
+                        constructor=getattr(self, constructor)
+                    else:
+                        product = self.manage_addProduct[mkdir_type]
+                        constructor = getattr(product, constructor)
+                    self._v_mkdir_constructor = constructor
+                    permission = meta_type.get('permission', None)
+                    self._v_mkdir_permission = permission
+                    break
+        # make sure the user has permission to create this object
+        checkPermission=getSecurityManager().checkPermission    
+        if permission and not checkPermission(permission, self):
+           raise Unauthorized, 'You are not authorized to add %ss' % mkdir_type
+        # Try calling it
+        constructor(self, id=id, title=title, REQUEST=REQUEST)
 def findChilds(obj,dirname=''):
     """ recursive walk through the object hierarchy to