[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/RestrictedPython/compiler_2_1 - __init__.py:1.2 ast.py:1.2 ast.txt:1.2 astgen.py:1.2 consts.py:1.2 future.py:1.2 misc.py:1.2 pyassem.py:1.2 pycodegen.py:1.2 symbols.py:1.2 transformer.py:1.2 visitor.py:1.2

Shane Hathaway shane@digicool.com
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 14:34:48 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/RestrictedPython/compiler_2_1
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv17035/compiler_2_1

Added Files:
	__init__.py ast.py ast.txt astgen.py consts.py future.py 
	misc.py pyassem.py pycodegen.py symbols.py transformer.py 
Log Message:
Merged RestrictedPython-2_2-branch.

=== Zope/lib/python/RestrictedPython/compiler_2_1/__init__.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+There are several functions defined at the top level that are imported
+from modules contained in the package.
+parse(buf) -> AST
+    Converts a string containing Python source code to an abstract
+    syntax tree (AST).  The AST is defined in compiler.ast.
+parseFile(path) -> AST
+    The same as parse(open(path))
+walk(ast, visitor, verbose=None)
+    Does a pre-order walk over the ast using the visitor instance.
+    See compiler.visitor for details.
+    Generates a .pyc file by compilining filename.
+from transformer import parse, parseFile
+from visitor import walk
+from pycodegen import compile

=== Zope/lib/python/RestrictedPython/compiler_2_1/ast.py 1.1 => 1.2 === (586/686 lines abridged)
+This file is automatically generated.
+from types import TupleType, ListType
+from consts import CO_VARARGS, CO_VARKEYWORDS
+def flatten(list):
+    l = []
+    for elt in list:
+        t = type(elt)
+        if t is TupleType or t is ListType:
+            for elt2 in flatten(elt):
+                l.append(elt2)
+        else:
+            l.append(elt)
+    return l
+def asList(nodes):
+    l = []
+    for item in nodes:
+        if hasattr(item, "asList"):
+            l.append(item.asList())
+        else:
+            t = type(item)
+            if t is TupleType or t is ListType:
+                l.append(tuple(asList(item)))
+            else:
+                l.append(item)
+    return l
+nodes = {}
+class Node:
+    lineno = None
+    def getType(self):
+        pass
+    def getChildren(self):
+        # XXX It would be better to generate flat values to begin with
+        return flatten(self._getChildren())
+    def asList(self):
+        return tuple(asList(self.getChildren()))
+class EmptyNode(Node):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.lineno = None
+class If(Node):
+    nodes["if"] = "If"
+    def __init__(self, tests, else_):
+        self.tests = tests

[-=- -=- -=- 586 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

+        return "AssTuple(%s)" % (repr(self.nodes),)
+class For(Node):
+    nodes["for"] = "For"
+    def __init__(self, assign, list, body, else_):
+        self.assign = assign
+        self.list = list
+        self.body = body
+        self.else_ = else_
+    def _getChildren(self):
+        return self.assign, self.list, self.body, self.else_
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "For(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (repr(self.assign), repr(self.list), repr(self.body), repr(self.else_))
+class Raise(Node):
+    nodes["raise"] = "Raise"
+    def __init__(self, expr1, expr2, expr3):
+        self.expr1 = expr1
+        self.expr2 = expr2
+        self.expr3 = expr3
+    def _getChildren(self):
+        return self.expr1, self.expr2, self.expr3
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "Raise(%s, %s, %s)" % (repr(self.expr1), repr(self.expr2), repr(self.expr3))
+class From(Node):
+    nodes["from"] = "From"
+    def __init__(self, modname, names):
+        self.modname = modname
+        self.names = names
+    def _getChildren(self):
+        return self.modname, self.names
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "From(%s, %s)" % (repr(self.modname), repr(self.names))
+class Slice(Node):
+    nodes["slice"] = "Slice"
+    def __init__(self, expr, flags, lower, upper):
+        self.expr = expr
+        self.flags = flags
+        self.lower = lower
+        self.upper = upper
+    def _getChildren(self):
+        return self.expr, self.flags, self.lower, self.upper
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "Slice(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (repr(self.expr), repr(self.flags), repr(self.lower), repr(self.upper))
+klasses = globals()
+for k in nodes.keys():
+    nodes[k] = klasses[nodes[k]]

=== Zope/lib/python/RestrictedPython/compiler_2_1/ast.txt 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+Stmt: nodes
+Function: name, argnames, defaults, flags, doc, code
+Lambda: argnames, defaults, flags, code
+Class: name, bases, doc, code
+For: assign, list, body, else_
+While: test, body, else_
+If: tests, else_
+Exec: expr, locals, globals
+From: modname, names
+Import: names
+Raise: expr1, expr2, expr3
+TryFinally: body, final
+TryExcept: body, handlers, else_
+Return: value
+Const: value
+Print: nodes, dest
+Printnl: nodes, dest
+Discard: expr
+AugAssign: node, op, expr
+Assign: nodes, expr
+AssTuple: nodes
+AssList: nodes
+AssName: name, flags
+AssAttr: expr, attrname, flags
+ListComp: expr, quals
+ListCompFor: assign, list, ifs
+ListCompIf: test
+List: nodes
+Dict: items
+Not: expr
+Compare: expr, ops
+Name: name
+Global: names
+Backquote: expr
+Getattr: expr, attrname
+CallFunc: node, args, star_args = None, dstar_args = None
+Keyword: name, expr
+Subscript: expr, flags, subs
+Sliceobj: nodes
+Slice: expr, flags, lower, upper
+Assert: test, fail
+Tuple: nodes
+Or: nodes
+And: nodes
+Bitor: nodes
+Bitxor: nodes
+Bitand: nodes
+LeftShift: (left, right)
+RightShift: (left, right)
+Add: (left, right)
+Sub: (left, right)
+Mul: (left, right)
+Div: (left, right)
+Mod: (left, right)
+Power: (left, right)
+UnaryAdd: expr
+UnarySub: expr
+Invert: expr
+    self.varargs = self.kwargs = None
+    if flags & CO_VARARGS:
+        self.varargs = 1
+    if flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS:
+        self.kwargs = 1
+    self.varargs = self.kwargs = None
+    if flags & CO_VARARGS:
+        self.varargs = 1
+    if flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS:
+        self.kwargs = 1

=== Zope/lib/python/RestrictedPython/compiler_2_1/astgen.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+import fileinput
+import getopt
+import re
+import sys
+from StringIO import StringIO
+SPEC = "ast.txt"
+COMMA = ", "
+def load_boilerplate(file):
+    f = open(file)
+    buf = f.read()
+    f.close()
+    i = buf.find('### ''PROLOGUE')
+    j = buf.find('### ''EPILOGUE')
+    pro = buf[i+12:j].strip()
+    epi = buf[j+12:].strip()
+    return pro, epi
+def strip_default(arg):
+    """Return the argname from an 'arg = default' string"""
+    i = arg.find('=')
+    if i == -1:
+        return arg
+    return arg[:i].strip()
+class NodeInfo:
+    """Each instance describes a specific AST node"""
+    def __init__(self, name, args):
+        self.name = name
+        self.args = args.strip()
+        self.argnames = self.get_argnames()
+        self.nargs = len(self.argnames)
+        self.children = COMMA.join(["self.%s" % c
+                                    for c in self.argnames])
+        self.init = []
+    def get_argnames(self):
+        if '(' in self.args:
+            i = self.args.find('(')
+            j = self.args.rfind(')')
+            args = self.args[i+1:j]
+        else:
+            args = self.args
+        return [strip_default(arg.strip())
+                for arg in args.split(',') if arg]
+    def gen_source(self):
+        buf = StringIO()
+        print >> buf, "class %s(Node):" % self.name
+        print >> buf, '    nodes["%s"] = "%s"' % (self.name.lower(), self.name)
+        self._gen_init(buf)
+        self._gen_getChildren(buf)
+        self._gen_repr(buf)
+        buf.seek(0, 0)
+        return buf.read()
+    def _gen_init(self, buf):
+        print >> buf, "    def __init__(self, %s):" % self.args
+        if self.argnames:
+            for name in self.argnames:
+                print >> buf, "        self.%s = %s" % (name, name)
+        else:
+            print >> buf, "        pass"
+        if self.init:
+            print >> buf, "".join(["    " + line for line in self.init])
+    def _gen_getChildren(self, buf):
+        print >> buf, "    def _getChildren(self):"
+        if self.argnames:
+            if self.nargs == 1:
+                print >> buf, "        return %s," % self.children
+            else:
+                print >> buf, "        return %s" % self.children
+        else:
+            print >> buf, "        return ()"
+    def _gen_repr(self, buf):
+        print >> buf, "    def __repr__(self):"
+        if self.argnames:
+            fmt = COMMA.join(["%s"] * self.nargs)
+            vals = ["repr(self.%s)" % name for name in self.argnames]
+            vals = COMMA.join(vals)
+            if self.nargs == 1:
+                vals = vals + ","
+            print >> buf, '        return "%s(%s)" %% (%s)' % \
+                  (self.name, fmt, vals)
+        else:
+            print >> buf, '        return "%s()"' % self.name
+rx_init = re.compile('init\((.*)\):')
+def parse_spec(file):
+    classes = {}
+    cur = None
+    for line in fileinput.input(file):
+        mo = rx_init.search(line)
+        if mo is None:
+            if cur is None:
+                # a normal entry
+                try:
+                    name, args = line.split(':')
+                except ValueError:
+                    continue
+                classes[name] = NodeInfo(name, args)
+                cur = None
+            else:
+                # some code for the __init__ method
+                cur.init.append(line)
+        else:
+            # some extra code for a Node's __init__ method
+            name = mo.group(1)
+            cur = classes[name]
+    return classes.values()
+def main():
+    prologue, epilogue = load_boilerplate(sys.argv[-1])
+    print prologue
+    print
+    classes = parse_spec(SPEC)
+    for info in classes:
+        print info.gen_source()
+    print epilogue
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
+    sys.exit(0)
+"""Python abstract syntax node definitions
+This file is automatically generated.
+from types import TupleType, ListType
+from consts import CO_VARARGS, CO_VARKEYWORDS
+def flatten(list):
+    l = []
+    for elt in list:
+        t = type(elt)
+        if t is TupleType or t is ListType:
+            for elt2 in flatten(elt):
+                l.append(elt2)
+        else:
+            l.append(elt)
+    return l
+def asList(nodes):
+    l = []
+    for item in nodes:
+        if hasattr(item, "asList"):
+            l.append(item.asList())
+        else:
+            t = type(item)
+            if t is TupleType or t is ListType:
+                l.append(tuple(asList(item)))
+            else:
+                l.append(item)
+    return l
+nodes = {}
+class Node:
+    lineno = None
+    def getType(self):
+        pass
+    def getChildren(self):
+        # XXX It would be better to generate flat values to begin with
+        return flatten(self._getChildren())
+    def asList(self):
+        return tuple(asList(self.getChildren()))
+class EmptyNode(Node):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.lineno = None
+klasses = globals()
+for k in nodes.keys():
+    nodes[k] = klasses[nodes[k]]

=== Zope/lib/python/RestrictedPython/compiler_2_1/consts.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+SC_FREE = 3
+SC_CELL = 4
+CO_OPTIMIZED = 0x0001
+CO_NEWLOCALS = 0x0002
+CO_VARARGS = 0x0004
+CO_NESTED = 0x0010

=== Zope/lib/python/RestrictedPython/compiler_2_1/future.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+import ast
+from visitor import walk
+def is_future(stmt):
+    """Return true if statement is a well-formed future statement"""
+    if not isinstance(stmt, ast.From):
+        return 0
+    if stmt.modname == "__future__":
+        return 1
+    else:
+        return 0
+class FutureParser:
+    features = ("nested_scopes",)
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.found = {} # set
+    def visitModule(self, node):
+        if node.doc is None:
+            off = 0
+        else:
+            off = 1
+        stmt = node.node
+        for s in stmt.nodes[off:]:
+            if not self.check_stmt(s):
+                break
+    def check_stmt(self, stmt):
+        if is_future(stmt):
+            for name, asname in stmt.names:
+                if name in self.features:
+                    self.found[name] = 1
+                else:
+                    raise SyntaxError, \
+                          "future feature %s is not defined" % name
+            stmt.valid_future = 1
+            return 1
+        return 0
+    def get_features(self):
+        """Return list of features enabled by future statements"""
+        return self.found.keys()
+class BadFutureParser:
+    """Check for invalid future statements"""
+    def visitFrom(self, node):
+        if hasattr(node, 'valid_future'):
+            return
+        if node.modname != "__future__":
+            return
+        raise SyntaxError, "invalid future statement"
+def find_futures(node):
+    p1 = FutureParser()
+    p2 = BadFutureParser()
+    walk(node, p1)
+    walk(node, p2)
+    return p1.get_features()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    from transformer import parseFile
+    for file in sys.argv[1:]:
+        print file
+        tree = parseFile(file)
+        v = FutureParser()
+        walk(tree, v)
+        print v.found
+        print

=== Zope/lib/python/RestrictedPython/compiler_2_1/misc.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+def flatten(tup):
+    elts = []
+    for elt in tup:
+        if type(elt) == types.TupleType:
+            elts = elts + flatten(elt)
+        else:
+            elts.append(elt)
+    return elts
+class Set:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.elts = {}
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.elts)
+    def __contains__(self, elt):
+        return self.elts.has_key(elt)
+    def add(self, elt):
+        self.elts[elt] = elt
+    def elements(self):
+        return self.elts.keys()
+    def has_elt(self, elt):
+        return self.elts.has_key(elt)
+    def remove(self, elt):
+        del self.elts[elt]
+    def copy(self):
+        c = Set()
+        c.elts.update(self.elts)
+        return c
+class Stack:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.stack = []
+        self.pop = self.stack.pop
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.stack)
+    def push(self, elt):
+        self.stack.append(elt)
+    def top(self):
+        return self.stack[-1]
+    def __getitem__(self, index): # needed by visitContinue()
+        return self.stack[index]
+MANGLE_LEN = 256 # magic constant from compile.c
+def mangle(name, klass):
+    if not name.startswith('__'):
+        return name
+    if len(name) + 2 >= MANGLE_LEN:
+        return name
+    if name.endswith('__'):
+        return name
+    try:
+        i = 0
+        while klass[i] == '_':
+            i = i + 1
+    except IndexError:
+        return name
+    klass = klass[i:]
+    tlen = len(klass) + len(name)
+    if tlen > MANGLE_LEN:
+        klass = klass[:MANGLE_LEN-tlen]
+    return "_%s%s" % (klass, name)

=== Zope/lib/python/RestrictedPython/compiler_2_1/pyassem.py 1.1 => 1.2 === (726/826 lines abridged)
+from __future__ import nested_scopes
+import dis
+import new
+import string
+import sys
+import types
+import misc
+def xxx_sort(l):
+    l = l[:]
+    def sorter(a, b):
+        return cmp(a.bid, b.bid)
+    l.sort(sorter)
+    return l
+class FlowGraph:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.current = self.entry = Block()
+        self.exit = Block("exit")
+        self.blocks = misc.Set()
+        self.blocks.add(self.entry)
+        self.blocks.add(self.exit)
+    def startBlock(self, block):
+        if self._debug:
+            if self.current:
+                print "end", repr(self.current)
+                print "    next", self.current.next
+                print "   ", self.current.get_children()
+            print repr(block)
+        self.current = block
+    def nextBlock(self, block=None):
+        # XXX think we need to specify when there is implicit transfer
+        # from one block to the next.  might be better to represent this
+        # with explicit JUMP_ABSOLUTE instructions that are optimized
+        # out when they are unnecessary.
+        #
+        # I think this strategy works: each block has a child
+        # designated as "next" which is returned as the last of the
+        # children.  because the nodes in a graph are emitted in
+        # reverse post order, the "next" block will always be emitted
+        # immediately after its parent.
+        # Worry: maintaining this invariant could be tricky
+        if block is None:
+            block = self.newBlock()

[-=- -=- -=- 726 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

+        'STORE_ATTR': -2,
+        'DELETE_ATTR': -1,
+        'STORE_GLOBAL': -1,
+        'BUILD_MAP': 1,
+        'COMPARE_OP': -1,
+        'STORE_FAST': -1,
+        'IMPORT_STAR': -1,
+        'IMPORT_NAME': 0,
+        'IMPORT_FROM': 1,
+        'LOAD_ATTR': 0, # unlike other loads
+        # close enough...
+        'SETUP_EXCEPT': 3,
+        'SETUP_FINALLY': 3,
+        'FOR_LOOP': 1,
+        }
+    # use pattern match
+    patterns = [
+        ('BINARY_', -1),
+        ('LOAD_', 1),
+        ]
+    def UNPACK_SEQUENCE(self, count):
+        return count-1
+    def BUILD_TUPLE(self, count):
+        return -count+1
+    def BUILD_LIST(self, count):
+        return -count+1
+    def CALL_FUNCTION(self, argc):
+        hi, lo = divmod(argc, 256)
+        return -(lo + hi * 2)
+    def CALL_FUNCTION_VAR(self, argc):
+        return self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc)-1
+    def CALL_FUNCTION_KW(self, argc):
+        return self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc)-1
+    def CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW(self, argc):
+        return self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc)-2
+    def MAKE_FUNCTION(self, argc):
+        return -argc
+    def MAKE_CLOSURE(self, argc):
+        # XXX need to account for free variables too!
+        return -argc
+    def BUILD_SLICE(self, argc):
+        if argc == 2:
+            return -1
+        elif argc == 3:
+            return -2
+    def DUP_TOPX(self, argc):
+        return argc
+findDepth = StackDepthTracker().findDepth

=== Zope/lib/python/RestrictedPython/compiler_2_1/pycodegen.py 1.1 => 1.2 === (1247/1347 lines abridged)
+import os
+import marshal
+import stat
+import string
+import struct
+import sys
+import types
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import ast
+from transformer import parse
+from visitor import walk
+import pyassem, misc, future, symbols
+from consts import SC_LOCAL, SC_GLOBAL, SC_FREE, SC_CELL
+from pyassem import TupleArg
+# Do we have Python 1.x or Python 2.x?
+    VERSION = sys.version_info[0]
+except AttributeError:
+    VERSION = 1
+callfunc_opcode_info = {
+    # (Have *args, Have **args) : opcode
+    (0,0) : "CALL_FUNCTION",
+    (1,0) : "CALL_FUNCTION_VAR",
+    (0,1) : "CALL_FUNCTION_KW",
+    (1,1) : "CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW",
+LOOP = 1
+def compile(filename, display=0):
+    f = open(filename)
+    buf = f.read()
+    f.close()
+    mod = Module(buf, filename)
+    try:
+        mod.compile(display)
+    except SyntaxError:
+        raise
+    else:
+        f = open(filename + "c", "wb")
+        mod.dump(f)
+        f.close()

[-=- -=- -=- 1247 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

+        elif self.op != node.flags:
+            raise ValueError, "mixed ops in stmt"
+    visitAssAttr = visitAssName
+    visitSubscript = visitAssName
+class Delegator:
+    """Base class to support delegation for augmented assignment nodes
+    To generator code for augmented assignments, we use the following
+    wrapper classes.  In visitAugAssign, the left-hand expression node
+    is visited twice.  The first time the visit uses the normal method
+    for that node .  The second time the visit uses a different method
+    that generates the appropriate code to perform the assignment.
+    These delegator classes wrap the original AST nodes in order to
+    support the variant visit methods.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, obj):
+        self.obj = obj
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        return getattr(self.obj, attr)
+class AugGetattr(Delegator):
+    pass
+class AugName(Delegator):
+    pass
+class AugSlice(Delegator):
+    pass
+class AugSubscript(Delegator):
+    pass
+wrapper = {
+    ast.Getattr: AugGetattr,
+    ast.Name: AugName,
+    ast.Slice: AugSlice,
+    ast.Subscript: AugSubscript,
+    }
+def wrap_aug(node):
+    return wrapper[node.__class__](node)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    for file in sys.argv[1:]:
+        compile(file)

=== Zope/lib/python/RestrictedPython/compiler_2_1/symbols.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+import ast
+from misc import mangle
+import types
+import sys
+class Scope:
+    # XXX how much information do I need about each name?
+    def __init__(self, name, module, klass=None):
+        self.name = name
+        self.module = module
+        self.defs = {}
+        self.uses = {}
+        self.globals = {}
+        self.params = {}
+        self.frees = {}
+        self.cells = {}
+        self.children = []
+        # nested is true if the class could contain free variables,
+        # i.e. if it is nested within another function.
+        self.nested = None
+        self.klass = None
+        if klass is not None:
+            for i in range(len(klass)):
+                if klass[i] != '_':
+                    self.klass = klass[i:]
+                    break
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
+    def mangle(self, name):
+        if self.klass is None:
+            return name
+        return mangle(name, self.klass)
+    def add_def(self, name):
+        self.defs[self.mangle(name)] = 1
+    def add_use(self, name):
+        self.uses[self.mangle(name)] = 1
+    def add_global(self, name):
+        name = self.mangle(name)
+        if self.uses.has_key(name) or self.defs.has_key(name):
+            pass # XXX warn about global following def/use
+        if self.params.has_key(name):
+            raise SyntaxError, "%s in %s is global and parameter" % \
+                  (name, self.name)
+        self.globals[name] = 1
+        self.module.add_def(name)
+    def add_param(self, name):
+        name = self.mangle(name)
+        self.defs[name] = 1
+        self.params[name] = 1
+    def get_names(self):
+        d = {}
+        d.update(self.defs)
+        d.update(self.uses)
+        d.update(self.globals)
+        return d.keys()
+    def add_child(self, child):
+        self.children.append(child)
+    def get_children(self):
+        return self.children
+    def DEBUG(self):
+        return
+        print >> sys.stderr, self.name, self.nested and "nested" or ""
+        print >> sys.stderr, "\tglobals: ", self.globals
+        print >> sys.stderr, "\tcells: ", self.cells
+        print >> sys.stderr, "\tdefs: ", self.defs
+        print >> sys.stderr, "\tuses: ", self.uses
+        print >> sys.stderr, "\tfrees:", self.frees
+    def check_name(self, name):
+        """Return scope of name.
+        The scope of a name could be LOCAL, GLOBAL, FREE, or CELL.
+        """
+        if self.globals.has_key(name):
+            return SC_GLOBAL
+        if self.cells.has_key(name):
+            return SC_CELL
+        if self.defs.has_key(name):
+            return SC_LOCAL
+        if self.nested and (self.frees.has_key(name) or
+                            self.uses.has_key(name)):
+            return SC_FREE
+        if self.nested:
+            return SC_UNKNOWN
+        else:
+            return SC_GLOBAL
+    def get_free_vars(self):
+        if not self.nested:
+            return ()
+        free = {}
+        free.update(self.frees)
+        for name in self.uses.keys():
+            if not (self.defs.has_key(name) or
+                    self.globals.has_key(name)):
+                free[name] = 1
+        return free.keys()
+    def handle_children(self):
+        for child in self.children:
+            frees = child.get_free_vars()
+            globals = self.add_frees(frees)
+            for name in globals:
+                child.force_global(name)
+    def force_global(self, name):
+        """Force name to be global in scope.
+        Some child of the current node had a free reference to name.
+        When the child was processed, it was labelled a free
+        variable.  Now that all its enclosing scope have been
+        processed, the name is known to be a global or builtin.  So
+        walk back down the child chain and set the name to be global
+        rather than free.
+        Be careful to stop if a child does not think the name is
+        free. 
+        """
+        self.globals[name] = 1
+        if self.frees.has_key(name):
+            del self.frees[name]
+        for child in self.children:
+            if child.check_name(name) == SC_FREE:
+                child.force_global(name)
+    def add_frees(self, names):
+        """Process list of free vars from nested scope.
+        Returns a list of names that are either 1) declared global in the
+        parent or 2) undefined in a top-level parent.  In either case,
+        the nested scope should treat them as globals.
+        """
+        child_globals = []
+        for name in names:
+            sc = self.check_name(name)
+            if self.nested:
+                if sc == SC_UNKNOWN or sc == SC_FREE \
+                   or isinstance(self, ClassScope):
+                    self.frees[name] = 1
+                elif sc == SC_GLOBAL:
+                    child_globals.append(name)
+                elif isinstance(self, FunctionScope) and sc == SC_LOCAL:
+                    self.cells[name] = 1
+                elif sc != SC_CELL:
+                    child_globals.append(name)
+            else:
+                if sc == SC_LOCAL:
+                    self.cells[name] = 1
+                elif sc != SC_CELL:
+                    child_globals.append(name)
+        return child_globals
+    def get_cell_vars(self):
+        return self.cells.keys()
+class ModuleScope(Scope):
+    __super_init = Scope.__init__
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__super_init("global", self)
+class FunctionScope(Scope):
+    pass
+class LambdaScope(FunctionScope):
+    __super_init = Scope.__init__
+    __counter = 1
+    def __init__(self, module, klass=None):
+        i = self.__counter
+        self.__counter += 1
+        self.__super_init("lambda.%d" % i, module, klass)
+class ClassScope(Scope):
+    __super_init = Scope.__init__
+    def __init__(self, name, module):
+        self.__super_init(name, module, name)
+class SymbolVisitor:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.scopes = {}
+        self.klass = None
+    # node that define new scopes
+    def visitModule(self, node):
+        scope = self.module = self.scopes[node] = ModuleScope()
+        self.visit(node.node, scope)
+    def visitFunction(self, node, parent):
+        parent.add_def(node.name)
+        for n in node.defaults:
+            self.visit(n, parent)
+        scope = FunctionScope(node.name, self.module, self.klass)
+        if parent.nested or isinstance(parent, FunctionScope):
+            scope.nested = 1
+        self.scopes[node] = scope
+        self._do_args(scope, node.argnames)
+        self.visit(node.code, scope)
+        self.handle_free_vars(scope, parent)
+        scope.DEBUG()
+    def visitLambda(self, node, parent):
+        for n in node.defaults:
+            self.visit(n, parent)
+        scope = LambdaScope(self.module, self.klass)
+        if parent.nested or isinstance(parent, FunctionScope):
+            scope.nested = 1
+        self.scopes[node] = scope
+        self._do_args(scope, node.argnames)
+        self.visit(node.code, scope)
+        self.handle_free_vars(scope, parent)
+    def _do_args(self, scope, args):
+        for name in args:
+            if type(name) == types.TupleType:
+                self._do_args(scope, name)
+            else:
+                scope.add_param(name)
+    def handle_free_vars(self, scope, parent):
+        parent.add_child(scope)
+        if scope.children:
+            scope.DEBUG()
+        scope.handle_children()
+    def visitClass(self, node, parent):
+        parent.add_def(node.name)
+        for n in node.bases:
+            self.visit(n, parent)
+        scope = ClassScope(node.name, self.module)
+        if parent.nested or isinstance(parent, FunctionScope):
+            scope.nested = 1
+        self.scopes[node] = scope
+        prev = self.klass
+        self.klass = node.name
+        self.visit(node.code, scope)
+        self.klass = prev
+        self.handle_free_vars(scope, parent)
+    # name can be a def or a use
+    # XXX a few calls and nodes expect a third "assign" arg that is
+    # true if the name is being used as an assignment.  only
+    # expressions contained within statements may have the assign arg.
+    def visitName(self, node, scope, assign=0):
+        if assign:
+            scope.add_def(node.name)
+        else:
+            scope.add_use(node.name)
+    # operations that bind new names
+    def visitFor(self, node, scope):
+        self.visit(node.assign, scope, 1)
+        self.visit(node.list, scope)
+        self.visit(node.body, scope)
+        if node.else_:
+            self.visit(node.else_, scope)
+    def visitFrom(self, node, scope):
+        for name, asname in node.names:
+            if name == "*":
+                continue
+            scope.add_def(asname or name)
+    def visitImport(self, node, scope):
+        for name, asname in node.names:
+            i = name.find(".")
+            if i > -1:
+                name = name[:i]
+            scope.add_def(asname or name)
+    def visitGlobal(self, node, scope):
+        for name in node.names:
+            scope.add_global(name)
+    def visitAssign(self, node, scope):
+        """Propagate assignment flag down to child nodes.
+        The Assign node doesn't itself contains the variables being
+        assigned to.  Instead, the children in node.nodes are visited
+        with the assign flag set to true.  When the names occur in
+        those nodes, they are marked as defs.
+        Some names that occur in an assignment target are not bound by
+        the assignment, e.g. a name occurring inside a slice.  The
+        visitor handles these nodes specially; they do not propagate
+        the assign flag to their children.
+        """
+        for n in node.nodes:
+            self.visit(n, scope, 1)
+        self.visit(node.expr, scope)
+    def visitAssName(self, node, scope, assign=1):
+        scope.add_def(node.name)
+    def visitAssAttr(self, node, scope, assign=0):
+        self.visit(node.expr, scope, 0)
+    def visitSubscript(self, node, scope, assign=0):
+        self.visit(node.expr, scope, 0)
+        for n in node.subs:
+            self.visit(n, scope, 0)
+    def visitSlice(self, node, scope, assign=0):
+        self.visit(node.expr, scope, 0)
+        if node.lower:
+            self.visit(node.lower, scope, 0)
+        if node.upper:
+            self.visit(node.upper, scope, 0)
+    def visitAugAssign(self, node, scope):
+        # If the LHS is a name, then this counts as assignment.
+        # Otherwise, it's just use.
+        self.visit(node.node, scope)
+        if isinstance(node.node, ast.Name):
+            self.visit(node.node, scope, 1) # XXX worry about this
+        self.visit(node.expr, scope)
+    # prune if statements if tests are false
+    _const_types = types.StringType, types.IntType, types.FloatType
+    def visitIf(self, node, scope):
+        for test, body in node.tests:
+            if isinstance(test, ast.Const):
+                if type(test.value) in self._const_types:
+                    if not test.value:
+                        continue
+            self.visit(test, scope)
+            self.visit(body, scope)
+        if node.else_:
+            self.visit(node.else_, scope)
+def sort(l):
+    l = l[:]
+    l.sort()
+    return l
+def list_eq(l1, l2):
+    return sort(l1) == sort(l2)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    from transformer import parseFile
+    from visitor import walk
+    import symtable
+    def get_names(syms):
+        return [s for s in [s.get_name() for s in syms.get_symbols()]
+                if not (s.startswith('_[') or s.startswith('.'))]        
+    for file in sys.argv[1:]:
+        print file
+        f = open(file)
+        buf = f.read()
+        f.close()
+        syms = symtable.symtable(buf, file, "exec")
+        mod_names = get_names(syms)
+        tree = parseFile(file)
+        s = SymbolVisitor()
+        walk(tree, s)
+        # compare module-level symbols
+        names2 = s.scopes[tree].get_names()
+        if not list_eq(mod_names, names2):
+            print
+            print "oops", file
+            print sort(mod_names)
+            print sort(names2)
+            sys.exit(-1)
+        d = {}
+        d.update(s.scopes)
+        del d[tree]
+        scopes = d.values()
+        del d
+        for s in syms.get_symbols():
+            if s.is_namespace():
+                l = [sc for sc in scopes
+                     if sc.name == s.get_name()]
+                if len(l) > 1:
+                    print "skipping", s.get_name()
+                else:
+                    if not list_eq(get_names(s.get_namespace()),
+                                   l[0].get_names()):
+                        print s.get_name()
+                        print sort(get_names(s.get_namespace()))
+                        print sort(l[0].get_names())
+                        sys.exit(-1)

=== Zope/lib/python/RestrictedPython/compiler_2_1/transformer.py 1.1 => 1.2 === (1203/1303 lines abridged)
+Transforms Python source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST)
+defined in the ast module.
+The simplest ways to invoke this module are via parse and parseFile.
+parse(buf) -> AST
+parseFile(path) -> AST
+# Original version written by Greg Stein (gstein@lyra.org)
+#                         and Bill Tutt (rassilon@lima.mudlib.org)
+# February 1997.
+# Modifications and improvements for Python 2.0 by Jeremy Hylton and
+# Mark Hammond
+# Portions of this file are:
+# Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Greg Stein. All Rights Reserved.
+# This module is provided under a BSD-ish license. See
+#   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+# and replace OWNER, ORGANIZATION, and YEAR as appropriate.
+from ast import *
+import parser
+# Care must be taken to use only symbols and tokens defined in Python
+# 1.5.2 for code branches executed in 1.5.2
+import symbol
+import token
+import string
+import sys
+error = 'walker.error'
+from consts import CO_VARARGS, CO_VARKEYWORDS
+from consts import OP_ASSIGN, OP_DELETE, OP_APPLY
+def parseFile(path):
+    f = open(path)
+    src = f.read()
+    f.close()
+    return parse(src)
+def parse(buf):
+    return Transformer().parsesuite(buf)
+def asList(nodes):
+    l = []
+    for item in nodes:
+        if hasattr(item, "asList"):

[-=- -=- -=- 1203 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

+    symbol.try_stmt,
+    symbol.suite,
+    symbol.testlist,
+    symbol.test,
+    symbol.and_test,
+    symbol.not_test,
+    symbol.comparison,
+    symbol.exprlist,
+    symbol.expr,
+    symbol.xor_expr,
+    symbol.and_expr,
+    symbol.shift_expr,
+    symbol.arith_expr,
+    symbol.term,
+    symbol.factor,
+    symbol.power,
+    symbol.atom,
+    ]
+_assign_types = [
+    symbol.test,
+    symbol.and_test,
+    symbol.not_test,
+    symbol.comparison,
+    symbol.expr,
+    symbol.xor_expr,
+    symbol.and_expr,
+    symbol.shift_expr,
+    symbol.arith_expr,
+    symbol.term,
+    symbol.factor,
+    ]
+import types
+_names = {}
+for k, v in symbol.sym_name.items():
+    _names[k] = v
+for k, v in token.tok_name.items():
+    _names[k] = v
+def debug_tree(tree):
+    l = []
+    for elt in tree:
+        if type(elt) == types.IntType:
+            l.append(_names.get(elt, elt))
+        elif type(elt) == types.StringType:
+            l.append(elt)
+        else:
+            l.append(debug_tree(elt))
+    return l

=== Zope/lib/python/RestrictedPython/compiler_2_1/visitor.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+import ast
+class ASTVisitor:
+    """Performs a depth-first walk of the AST
+    The ASTVisitor will walk the AST, performing either a preorder or
+    postorder traversal depending on which method is called.
+    methods:
+    preorder(tree, visitor)
+    postorder(tree, visitor)
+        tree: an instance of ast.Node
+        visitor: an instance with visitXXX methods
+    The ASTVisitor is responsible for walking over the tree in the
+    correct order.  For each node, it checks the visitor argument for
+    a method named 'visitNodeType' where NodeType is the name of the
+    node's class, e.g. Class.  If the method exists, it is called
+    with the node as its sole argument.
+    The visitor method for a particular node type can control how
+    child nodes are visited during a preorder walk.  (It can't control
+    the order during a postorder walk, because it is called _after_
+    the walk has occurred.)  The ASTVisitor modifies the visitor
+    argument by adding a visit method to the visitor; this method can
+    be used to visit a particular child node.  If the visitor method
+    returns a true value, the ASTVisitor will not traverse the child
+    nodes.
+    XXX The interface for controlling the preorder walk needs to be
+    re-considered.  The current interface is convenient for visitors
+    that mostly let the ASTVisitor do everything.  For something like
+    a code generator, where you want to walk to occur in a specific
+    order, it's a pain to add "return 1" to the end of each method.
+    """
+    VERBOSE = 0
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.node = None
+        self._cache = {}
+    def default(self, node, *args):
+        for child in node.getChildren():
+            if isinstance(child, ast.Node):
+                apply(self._preorder, (child,) + args)
+    def dispatch(self, node, *args):
+        self.node = node
+        klass = node.__class__
+        meth = self._cache.get(klass, None)
+        if meth is None:
+            className = klass.__name__
+            meth = getattr(self.visitor, 'visit' + className, self.default)
+            self._cache[klass] = meth
+        if self.VERBOSE > 0:
+            className = klass.__name__
+            if self.VERBOSE == 1:
+                if meth == 0:
+                    print "dispatch", className
+            else:
+                print "dispatch", className, (meth and meth.__name__ or '')
+        return meth(node, *args)
+    def preorder(self, tree, visitor, *args):
+        """Do preorder walk of tree using visitor"""
+        self.visitor = visitor
+        visitor.visit = self._preorder
+        self._preorder(tree, *args) # XXX *args make sense?
+    _preorder = dispatch
+class ExampleASTVisitor(ASTVisitor):
+    """Prints examples of the nodes that aren't visited
+    This visitor-driver is only useful for development, when it's
+    helpful to develop a visitor incremently, and get feedback on what
+    you still have to do.
+    """
+    examples = {}
+    def dispatch(self, node, *args):
+        self.node = node
+        meth = self._cache.get(node.__class__, None)
+        className = node.__class__.__name__
+        if meth is None:
+            meth = getattr(self.visitor, 'visit' + className, 0)
+            self._cache[node.__class__] = meth
+        if self.VERBOSE > 1:
+            print "dispatch", className, (meth and meth.__name__ or '')
+        if meth:
+            return apply(meth, (node,) + args)
+        elif self.VERBOSE > 0:
+            klass = node.__class__
+            if not self.examples.has_key(klass):
+                self.examples[klass] = klass
+                print
+                print self.visitor
+                print klass
+                for attr in dir(node):
+                    if attr[0] != '_':
+                        print "\t", "%-12.12s" % attr, getattr(node, attr)
+                print
+            return apply(self.default, (node,) + args)
+_walker = ASTVisitor
+def walk(tree, visitor, verbose=None):
+    w = _walker()
+    if verbose is not None:
+        w.VERBOSE = verbose
+    w.preorder(tree, visitor)
+    return w.visitor
+def dumpNode(node):
+    print node.__class__
+    for attr in dir(node):
+        if attr[0] != '_':
+            print "\t", "%-10.10s" % attr, getattr(node, attr)