[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope2 - html_quote.py:1.1
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 14:11:39 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope2/lib/python/DocumentTemplate
In directory serenade:/home/chrism/NewZopeOrg/SoftwareHome/lib/python/DocumentTemplate
Added Files:
Log Message:
New module that has an html_quote function that is imported into both DT_Var and DT_Utils to support older code that depends on the function to be in either place.
--- Added File html_quote.py in package Zope2 ---
# split off into its own module for aliasing without circrefs
from cgi import escape
def html_quote(v, name='(Unknown name)', md={}):
return escape(str(v), 1)