[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope2 - Eval.py:1.3 RestrictionMutator.py:1.5

shane@digicool.com shane@digicool.com
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 13:45:47 -0400 (EDT)

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope2/lib/python/RestrictedPython
In directory korak.digicool.com:/tmp/cvs-serv24737/lib/python/RestrictedPython

Modified Files:
	Eval.py RestrictionMutator.py 
Log Message:
Based on some semi-formal performance tests, read guards turned out to be
slower than the old code.  With this change, we're using simple function
calls again to perform security checks.  But the calling sequence is
intended to be easier to comprehend than the old code.  Now instead of
DT_String.String subclasses having a validate() method attached to them, they
subclass AccessControl.DTML.RestrictedDTML, which provides a guarded_getattr()
method and a guarded_getitem() method.

Note that the functionality of guarded_getattr() used to be implemented
both in C and Python (in cDocumentTemplate and DT_Util), but now it's in
one place, ZopeGuards.py.  Thus it's not only reusable but easy to

I ran all the tests and ran the new code through the profiler again.  The
change sped up restricted code a little more than expected, which is
definitely a good thing, but that may indicate that nested scopes
have a hidden speed penalty.

Also, RestrictedPython is now restrictive about printing to targets and
two forms of augmented assignment had to be forbidden.

--- Updated File Eval.py in package Zope2 --
--- Eval.py	2001/04/27 20:27:51	1.2
+++ Eval.py	2001/06/21 17:45:13	1.3
@@ -93,9 +93,11 @@
 nltosp = string.maketrans('\r\n','  ')
-def default_read_guard(ob):
+default_guarded_getattr = getattr # No restrictions.
+def default_guarded_getitem(ob, index):
     # No restrictions.
-    return ob
+    return ob[index]
@@ -172,7 +174,8 @@
         # This is meant to be overridden.
         code = self.rcode
-        d = {'_read_': default_read_guard}
+        d = {'_getattr_': default_guarded_getattr,
+             '_getitem_': default_guarded_getitem}
         has_key = d.has_key
         for name in self.used:

--- Updated File RestrictionMutator.py in package Zope2 --
--- RestrictionMutator.py	2001/05/17 21:41:58	1.4
+++ RestrictionMutator.py	2001/06/21 17:45:13	1.5
@@ -114,22 +114,27 @@
     '''Make a "clean" expression node'''
     return stmtNode(txt).expr
-# There should be three objects in the global namespace.
+# There should be up to four objects in the global namespace.
 # If a wrapper function or print target is needed in a particular
 # module or function, it is obtained from one of these objects.
 # It is stored in a variable with the same name as the global
 # object, but without a single trailing underscore.  This variable is
 # local, and therefore efficient to access, in function scopes.
 _print_target_name = ast.Name('_print')
-_read_guard_name = ast.Name('_read')
+_getattr_name = ast.Name('_getattr')
+_getitem_name = ast.Name('_getitem')
 _write_guard_name = ast.Name('_write')
+# Constants.
+_None_const = ast.Const(None)
+_write_const = ast.Const('write')
 # Example prep code:
-# global _read_
-# _read = _read_
+# global _getattr_
+# _getattr = _getattr_
 _prep_code = {}
-for _n in ('read', 'write', 'print'):
+for _n in ('getattr', 'getitem', 'write', 'print'):
     _prep_code[_n] = [ast.Global(['_%s_' % _n]),
                       stmtNode('_%s = _%s_' % (_n, _n))]
 # Call the global _print instead of copying it.
@@ -142,7 +147,8 @@
 class FuncInfo:
     _print_used = 0
     _printed_used = 0
-    _read_used = 0
+    _getattr_used = 0
+    _getitem_used = 0
     _write_used = 0
@@ -189,8 +195,10 @@
             elif not info._print_used:
                     "Doesn't print, but reads 'printed' variable.")
-        if info._read_used:
-            body[0:0] = _prep_code['read']
+        if info._getattr_used:
+            body[0:0] = _prep_code['getattr']
+        if info._getitem_used:
+            body[0:0] = _prep_code['getitem']
         if info._write_used:
             body[0:0] = _prep_code['write']
@@ -217,7 +225,13 @@
         if node.dest is None:
             node.dest = _print_target_name
-            node.dest = ast.Or([node.dest, _print_target_name])
+            self.funcinfo._getattr_used = 1
+            # Pre-validate access to the "write" attribute.
+            # "print >> ob, x" becomes
+            # "print >> (_getattr(ob, 'write') and ob), x"
+            node.dest = ast.And([
+                ast.CallFunc(_getattr_name, [node.dest, _write_const]),
+                node.dest])
         return node
     visitPrintnl = visitPrint
@@ -238,26 +252,49 @@
     def visitGetattr(self, node, walker):
         node = walker.defaultVisitNode(node)
-        expr = [node.expr]
-        if getattr(node, 'use_dual_guard', 0):
+        if getattr(node, 'in_aug_assign', 0):
             # We're in an augmented assignment
-            expr.append(_write_guard_name)
-            self.funcinfo._write_used = 1
-        node.expr = ast.CallFunc(_read_guard_name, expr)
-        self.funcinfo._read_used = 1
-        return node
+            # We might support this later...
+            self.error(node, 'Augmented assignment of '
+                       'attributes is not allowed.')
+            #expr.append(_write_guard_name)
+            #self.funcinfo._write_used = 1
+        self.funcinfo._getattr_used = 1
+        return ast.CallFunc(_getattr_name,
+                            [node.expr, ast.Const(node.attrname)])
     def visitSubscript(self, node, walker):
         node = walker.defaultVisitNode(node)
         if node.flags == OP_APPLY:
             # get subscript or slice
-            expr = [node.expr]
-            if getattr(node, 'use_dual_guard', 0):
+            if getattr(node, 'in_aug_assign', 0):
                 # We're in an augmented assignment
-                expr.append(_write_guard_name)
-                self.funcinfo._write_used = 1
-            node.expr = ast.CallFunc(_read_guard_name, expr)
-            self.funcinfo._read_used = 1
+                # We might support this later...
+                self.error(node, 'Augmented assignment of '
+                           'object items and slices is not allowed.')
+                #expr.append(_write_guard_name)
+                #self.funcinfo._write_used = 1
+            self.funcinfo._getitem_used = 1
+            if hasattr(node, 'subs'):
+                # Subscript.
+                subs = node.subs
+                if len(subs) > 1:
+                    # example: ob[1,2]
+                    subs = ast.Tuple(subs)
+                else:
+                    # example: ob[1]
+                    subs = subs[0]
+            else:
+                # Slice.
+                # example: obj[0:2]
+                lower = node.lower
+                if lower is None:
+                    lower = _None_const
+                upper = node.upper
+                if upper is None:
+                    upper = _None_const
+                subs = ast.Sliceobj([lower, upper])
+            return ast.CallFunc(_getitem_name, [node.expr, subs])
         elif node.flags in (OP_DELETE, OP_ASSIGN):
             # set or remove subscript or slice
             node.expr = ast.CallFunc(_write_guard_name, [node.expr])
@@ -287,75 +324,6 @@
         return node
     def visitAugAssign(self, node, walker):
-        node.node.use_dual_guard = 1
+        node.node.in_aug_assign = 1
         return walker.defaultVisitNode(node)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    # A minimal test.
-    from compiler import visitor, pycodegen
-    class Noisy:
-        '''Test guard class that babbles about accesses'''
-        def __init__(self, _ob):
-            self.__dict__['_ob'] = _ob
-        # Read guard methods
-        def __len__(self):
-            # This is called by the interpreter before __getslice__().
-            _ob = self.__dict__['_ob']
-            print '__len__', `_ob`
-            return len(_ob)
-        def __getattr__(self, name):
-            _ob = self.__dict__['_ob']
-            print '__getattr__', `_ob`, name
-            return getattr(_ob, name)
-        def __getitem__(self, index):
-            # Can receive an Ellipsis or "slice" instance.
-            _ob = self.__dict__['_ob']
-            print '__getitem__', `_ob`, index
-            return _ob[index]
-        def __getslice__(self, lo, hi):
-            _ob = self.__dict__['_ob']
-            print '__getslice__', `_ob`, lo, hi
-            return _ob[lo:hi]
-        # Write guard methods
-        def __setattr__(self, name, value):
-            _ob = self.__dict__['_ob']
-            print '__setattr__', `_ob`, name, value
-            setattr(_ob, name, value)
-        def __setitem__(self, index, value):
-            _ob = self.__dict__['_ob']
-            print '__setitem__', `_ob`, index, value
-            _ob[index] = value
-        def __setslice__(self, lo, hi, value):
-            _ob = self.__dict__['_ob']
-            print '__setslice__', `_ob`, lo, hi, value
-            _ob[lo:hi] = value
-    tree = parse('''
-def f():
- print "Hello",
- print "... wOrLd!".lower()
- x = {}
- x['p'] = printed[1:-1]
- x['p'] += (lambda ob: ob * 2)(printed)
- return x['p']
-    MutatingWalker.walk(tree, RestrictionMutator())
-    print tree
-    gen = pycodegen.NestedScopeModuleCodeGenerator('some_python_script')
-    visitor.walk(tree, gen, verbose=1)
-    code = gen.getCode()
-    dict = {'__builtins__': None}
-    exec code in dict
-    from PrintCollector import PrintCollector
-    f = dict['f']
-    f.func_globals.update({
-        '_print_target_class': PrintCollector,
-        '_read_guard_': Noisy,
-        '_write_guard_': Noisy,
-        })
-    print f()
-    #import dis
-    #dis.dis(f.func_code)