[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope2 - ClassicDocumentClass.py: DocBookClass.py: DocumentClass.py: STDOM.py: __init__.py:

Brian Lloyd brian@digiciool.com
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 14:17:51 -0500 (EST)

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope2/lib/python/StructuredText
In directory korak:/home/brian/temp/zope-23-branch/lib/python/StructuredText

Modified Files:
      Tag: zope-2_3-branch
	ClassicDocumentClass.py DocBookClass.py DocumentClass.py 
	STDOM.py __init__.py 
Log Message:
Merged a bunch of changes not merged from trunk to branch

--- Updated File ClassicDocumentClass.py in package Zope2 --
--- ClassicDocumentClass.py	2001/01/05 22:10:15	1.3
+++ ClassicDocumentClass.py	2001/03/14 19:17:50
@@ -138,6 +138,12 @@
              (self, StructuredTextSectionTitle(src), subs),
+    def getColorizableTexts(self):
+        return self._src.getColorizableTexts()
+    def setColorizableTexts(self,src):
+        self._src.setColorizableTexts(src)
 # a StructuredTextTable holds StructuredTextRows
 class StructuredTextTable(ST.StructuredTextDocument):
@@ -563,9 +569,9 @@
     def doc_literal(
         self, s,
-          "(?:\s|^)'"                                                  # open
+          "(?:\s|^)'"                                               # open
           "([^ \t\n\r\f\v']|[^ \t\n\r\f\v'][^\n']*[^ \t\n\r\f\v'])" # contents
-          "'(?:\s|[,.;:!?]|$)"                                        # close
+          "'(?:\s|[,.;:!?]|$)"                                      # close
@@ -577,7 +583,7 @@
     def doc_emphasize(
         self, s,
-        expr = re.compile('\s*\*([ \na-zA-Z0-9.:/;,\'\"\?]+)\*(?!\*|-)').search
+        expr = re.compile('\s*\*([ \na-zA-Z0-9.:/;,\'\"\?\=\-\>\<\(\)]+)\*(?!\*|-)').search
@@ -650,8 +656,8 @@
     def doc_href(
         self, s,
-        expr1 = re.compile("(\"[ a-zA-Z0-9\n\-\.\,\;\(\)\/\:\/]+\")(:)([a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\.\~\-]+)([,]*\s*)").search,
-        expr2 = re.compile('(\"[ a-zA-Z0-9\n\-\.\:\;\(\)\/]+\")([,]+\s+)([a-zA-Z0-9\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\-\#]+)(\s*)').search):
+        expr1 = re.compile("(\"[ a-zA-Z0-9\n\-\.\,\;\(\)\/\:\/\*\']+\")(:)([a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\.\~\-]+)([,]*\s*)").search,
+        expr2 = re.compile('(\"[ a-zA-Z0-9\n\-\.\:\;\(\)\/\*\']+\")([,]+\s+)([a-zA-Z0-9\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\-\#]+)(\s*)').search):
         #expr1=re.compile('\"([ a-zA-Z0-9.:/;,\n\~\(\)\-]+)\"'
         #                  ':'

--- Updated File DocBookClass.py in package Zope2 --
--- DocBookClass.py	2001/01/04 15:01:59	1.2
+++ DocBookClass.py	2001/03/14 19:17:50
@@ -88,238 +88,245 @@
 class DocBookClass:
-    element_types={
-        '#text': '_text',
-        'StructuredTextDocument': 'document',
-        'StructuredTextParagraph': 'paragraph',
-        'StructuredTextExample': 'example',
-        'StructuredTextBullet': 'bullet',
-        'StructuredTextNumbered': 'numbered',
-        'StructuredTextDescription': 'description',
-        'StructuredTextDescriptionTitle': 'descriptionTitle',
-        'StructuredTextDescriptionBody': 'descriptionBody',
-        'StructuredTextSection': 'section',
-        'StructuredTextSectionTitle': 'sectionTitle',
-        'StructuredTextLiteral': 'literal',
-        'StructuredTextEmphasis': 'emphasis',
-        'StructuredTextStrong': 'strong',
-        'StructuredTextLink': 'link',
-        'StructuredTextXref': 'xref',
-        }        
-    def dispatch(self, doc, level, output):
-        getattr(self, self.element_types[doc.getNodeName()])(doc, level, output)
-    def __call__(self, doc, level=1):
-        r=[]
-        self.dispatch(doc, level-1, r.append)
-        return join(r,'')
-    def _text(self, doc, level, output):
-        if doc.getNodeName() == 'StructuredTextLiteral':
-            output(doc.getNodeValue())
-        else:
-            output(lstrip(doc.getNodeValue()))            
-    def document(self, doc, level, output):
-        output('<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN">\n')
-        output('<book>\n')
-        children=doc.getChildNodes()
-        if (children and
-             children[0].getNodeName() == 'StructuredTextSection'):
-            output('<title>%s</title>' % children[0].getChildNodes()[0].getNodeValue())
-        for c in children:
-            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
-        output('</book>\n')
-    def section(self, doc, level, output):
-        output('\n<sect%s>\n' % (level + 1))
-        children=doc.getChildNodes()
-        for c in children:
-            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level+1, output)
-        output('\n</sect%s>\n' % (level + 1))
-    def sectionTitle(self, doc, level, output):
-        output('<title>')
-        for c in doc.getChildNodes():
-            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
-        output('</title>\n')
-    def description(self, doc, level, output):
-        p=doc.getPreviousSibling()
-        if p is None or  p.getNodeName() is not doc.getNodeName():            
-            output('<variablelist>\n')
-        for c in doc.getChildNodes():
-            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
-        n=doc.getNextSibling()
-        if n is None or n.getNodeName() is not doc.getNodeName():            
-            output('</variablelist>\n')
-    def descriptionTitle(self, doc, level, output):
-        output('<varlistentry><term>\n')
-        for c in doc.getChildNodes():
-            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
-        output('</term>\n')
-    def descriptionBody(self, doc, level, output):
-        output('<listitem><para>\n')
-        for c in doc.getChildNodes():
-            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
-        output('</para></listitem>\n')
-        output('</varlistentry>\n')
-    def bullet(self, doc, level, output):
-        p=doc.getPreviousSibling()
-        if p is None or p.getNodeName() is not doc.getNodeName():            
-            output('<itemizedlist>\n')
-        output('<listitem><para>\n')
-        for c in doc.getChildNodes():
-            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
-        n=doc.getNextSibling()
-        output('</para></listitem>\n')
-        if n is None or n.getNodeName() is not doc.getNodeName():            
-            output('</itemizedlist>\n')
-    def numbered(self, doc, level, output):
-        p=doc.getPreviousSibling()
-        if p is None or p.getNodeName() is not doc.getNodeName():            
-            output('<orderedlist>\n')
-        output('<listitem><para>\n')
-        for c in doc.getChildNodes():
-            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
-        n=doc.getNextSibling()
-        output('</para></listitem>\n')
-        if n is None or n.getNodeName() is not doc.getNodeName():            
-            output('</orderedlist>\n')
-    def example(self, doc, level, output):
-        i=0
-        for c in doc.getChildNodes():
-            if i==0:
-                output('<programlisting>\n<![CDATA[\n')
-                ##
-                ## eek.  A ']]>' in your body will break this...
-                ##
-                output(prestrip(c.getNodeValue()))
-                output('\n]]></programlisting>\n')
-            else:
-                getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(
-                    c, level, output)
-    def paragraph(self, doc, level, output):
-        output('<para>\n\n')        
-        for c in doc.getChildNodes():
+   element_types={
+      '#text': '_text',
+      'StructuredTextDocument': 'document',
+      'StructuredTextParagraph': 'paragraph',
+      'StructuredTextExample': 'example',
+      'StructuredTextBullet': 'bullet',
+      'StructuredTextNumbered': 'numbered',
+      'StructuredTextDescription': 'description',
+      'StructuredTextDescriptionTitle': 'descriptionTitle',
+      'StructuredTextDescriptionBody': 'descriptionBody',
+      'StructuredTextSection': 'section',
+      'StructuredTextSectionTitle': 'sectionTitle',
+      'StructuredTextLiteral': 'literal',
+      'StructuredTextEmphasis': 'emphasis',
+      'StructuredTextStrong': 'strong',
+      'StructuredTextLink': 'link',
+      'StructuredTextXref': 'xref',
+      'StructuredTextSGML': 'sgml',
+      }      
+   def dispatch(self, doc, level, output):
+      getattr(self, self.element_types[doc.getNodeName()])(doc, level, output)
+   def __call__(self, doc, level=1):
+      r=[]
+      self.dispatch(doc, level-1, r.append)
+      return join(r,'')
+   def _text(self, doc, level, output):
+      if doc.getNodeName() == 'StructuredTextLiteral':
+         output(doc.getNodeValue())
+      else:
+         output(lstrip(doc.getNodeValue()))         
+   def document(self, doc, level, output):
+      output('<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN">\n')
+      output('<book>\n')
+      children=doc.getChildNodes()
+      if (children and
+          children[0].getNodeName() == 'StructuredTextSection'):
+         output('<title>%s</title>' % children[0].getChildNodes()[0].getNodeValue())
+      for c in children:
+         getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
+      output('</book>\n')
+   def section(self, doc, level, output):
+      output('\n<section>\n')
+      children=doc.getChildNodes()
+      for c in children:
+         getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level+1, output)
+      output('\n</section>\n')
+   def sectionTitle(self, doc, level, output):
+      output('<title>')
+      for c in doc.getChildNodes():
+         try:
+            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
+         except:
+            print "failed", c.getNodeName(), c
+      output('</title>\n')
+   def description(self, doc, level, output):
+      p=doc.getPreviousSibling()
+      if p is None or  p.getNodeName() is not doc.getNodeName():         
+         output('<variablelist>\n')
+      for c in doc.getChildNodes():
+         getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
+      n=doc.getNextSibling()
+      if n is None or n.getNodeName() is not doc.getNodeName():         
+         output('</variablelist>\n')
+   def descriptionTitle(self, doc, level, output):
+      output('<varlistentry><term>\n')
+      for c in doc.getChildNodes():
+         getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
+      output('</term>\n')
+   def descriptionBody(self, doc, level, output):
+      output('<listitem><para>\n')
+      for c in doc.getChildNodes():
+         getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
+      output('</para></listitem>\n')
+      output('</varlistentry>\n')
+   def bullet(self, doc, level, output):
+      p=doc.getPreviousSibling()
+      if p is None or p.getNodeName() is not doc.getNodeName():         
+         output('<itemizedlist>\n')
+      output('<listitem><para>\n')
+      for c in doc.getChildNodes():
+         getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
+      n=doc.getNextSibling()
+      output('</para></listitem>\n')
+      if n is None or n.getNodeName() is not doc.getNodeName():         
+         output('</itemizedlist>\n')
+   def numbered(self, doc, level, output):
+      p=doc.getPreviousSibling()
+      if p is None or p.getNodeName() is not doc.getNodeName():         
+         output('<orderedlist>\n')
+      output('<listitem><para>\n')
+      for c in doc.getChildNodes():
+         getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
+      n=doc.getNextSibling()
+      output('</para></listitem>\n')
+      if n is None or n.getNodeName() is not doc.getNodeName():         
+         output('</orderedlist>\n')
+   def example(self, doc, level, output):
+      i=0
+      for c in doc.getChildNodes():
+         if i==0:
+            output('<programlisting>\n<![CDATA[\n')
+            ##
+            ## eek.  A ']]>' in your body will break this...
+            ##
+            output(prestrip(c.getNodeValue()))
+            output('\n]]></programlisting>\n')
+         else:
             getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(
-                c, level, output)
-        output('</para>\n\n')
-    def link(self, doc, level, output):
-#        output('<link linkend="%s">' % doc.href)
-        for c in doc.getChildNodes():
-            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
-#        output('</link>')
+               c, level, output)
-    def emphasis(self, doc, level, output):
-        output('<emphasis>')
-        for c in doc.getChildNodes():
-            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
-        output('</emphasis> ')
+   def paragraph(self, doc, level, output):
+      output('<para>\n\n')      
+      for c in doc.getChildNodes():
+         getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(
+            c, level, output)
+      output('</para>\n\n')
+   def link(self, doc, level, output):
+      output('<ulink url="%s">' % doc.href)
+      for c in doc.getChildNodes():
+         getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
+      output('</ulink>')
+   def emphasis(self, doc, level, output):
+      output('<emphasis>')
+      for c in doc.getChildNodes():
+         getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
+      output('</emphasis> ')
+   def literal(self, doc, level, output):
+      output('<literal>')
+      for c in doc.getChildNodes():
+         output(c.getNodeValue())
+      output('</literal>')
+   def strong(self, doc, level, output):
+      output('<emphasis>')
+      for c in doc.getChildNodes():
+         getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
+      output('</emphasis>')
-    def literal(self, doc, level, output):
-        output('<literal>')
-        for c in doc.getChildNodes():
-            output(c.getNodeValue())
-        output('</literal>')
-    def strong(self, doc, level, output):
-        output('<emphasis>')
-        for c in doc.getChildNodes():
-            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
-        output('</emphasis>')
+   def xref(self, doc, level, output):
+      output('<xref linkend="%s"/>' % doc.getNodeValue())
+   def sgml(self, doc, level, output):
+      output(doc.getNodeValue())
-    def xref(self, doc, level, output):
-        output('<xref linkend="%s">' % doc.getNodeValue())
 def prestrip(v):
-    v=string.replace(v, '\r\n', '\n')
-    v=string.replace(v, '\r', '\n')
-    v=string.replace(v, '\t', '          ')
-    lines=string.split(v, '\n')
-    indent=len(lines[0])
-    for line in lines:
-        if not len(line): continue
-        i=len(line)-len(string.lstrip(line))
-        if i < indent:
-            indent=i
-    nlines=[]
-    for line in lines:
-        nlines.append(line[indent:])
-    return string.join(nlines, '\r\n')
+   v=string.replace(v, '\r\n', '\n')
+   v=string.replace(v, '\r', '\n')
+   v=string.replace(v, '\t', '        ')
+   lines=string.split(v, '\n')
+   indent=len(lines[0])
+   for line in lines:
+      if not len(line): continue
+      i=len(line)-len(string.lstrip(line))
+      if i < indent:
+         indent=i
+   nlines=[]
+   for line in lines:
+      nlines.append(line[indent:])
+   return string.join(nlines, '\n')
 class DocBookChapter(DocBookClass):
-    def document(self, doc, level, output):
-        output('<chapter>\n')
-        children=doc.getChildNodes()
-        if (children and
-             children[0].getNodeName() == 'StructuredTextSection'):
-            output('<title>%s</title>' % children[0].getChildNodes()[0].getNodeValue())
-        for c in children[0].getChildNodes()[1:]:
-            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
-        output('</chapter>\n')
+   def document(self, doc, level, output):
+      output('<chapter>\n')
+      children=doc.getChildNodes()
+      if (children and
+          children[0].getNodeName() == 'StructuredTextSection'):
+         output('<title>%s</title>' % children[0].getChildNodes()[0].getNodeValue())
+      for c in children[0].getChildNodes()[1:]:
+         getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
+      output('</chapter>\n')
 ets = DocBookClass.element_types
-ets.update({'StructuredTextImage': 'image'})        
+ets.update({'StructuredTextImage': 'image'})      
 class DocBookChapterWithFigures(DocBookChapter):
-     element_types = ets
+    element_types = ets
-     def image(self, doc, level, output):
-         if hasattr(doc, 'key'):
-             output('<figure id="%s"><title>%s</title>\n' % (doc.key, doc.getNodeValue()) )
-         else:
-             output('<figure><title>%s</title>\n' % doc.getNodeValue())
-##          for c in doc.getChildNodes():
-##                getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
-         output('<graphic fileref="%s"></graphic>\n</figure>\n' % doc.href)     
+    def image(self, doc, level, output):
+       if hasattr(doc, 'key'):
+          output('<figure id="%s"><title>%s</title>\n' % (doc.key, doc.getNodeValue()) )
+       else:
+          output('<figure><title>%s</title>\n' % doc.getNodeValue())
+##        for c in doc.getChildNodes():
+##            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
+       output('<graphic fileref="%s"></graphic>\n</figure>\n' % doc.href)    
 class DocBookArticle(DocBookClass):
-    def document(self, doc, level, output):
-        output('<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN">\n')
-        output('<article>\n')
-        children=doc.getChildNodes()
-        if (children and
-             children[0].getNodeName() == 'StructuredTextSection'):
-            output('<artheader>\n<title>%s</title>\n</artheader>\n' %
-                     children[0].getChildNodes()[0].getNodeValue())
-        for c in children:
-            getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
-        output('</article>\n')
+   def document(self, doc, level, output):
+      output('<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN">\n')
+      output('<article>\n')
+      children=doc.getChildNodes()
+      if (children and
+          children[0].getNodeName() == 'StructuredTextSection'):
+         output('<articleinfo>\n<title>%s</title>\n</articleinfo>\n' %
+                children[0].getChildNodes()[0].getNodeValue())
+      for c in children:
+         getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
+      output('</article>\n')
 class DocBookBook:
-    def __init__(self, title=''):
-        self.title = title
-        self.chapters = []
-    def addChapter(self, chapter):
-        self.chapters.append(chapter)
-    def read(self):
-        out = '<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN">\n<book>\n'
-        out = out + '<title>%s</title>\n' % self.title
-        for chapter in self.chapters:
-            out = out + chapter + '\n</book>\n'
-        return out
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.read()
+   def __init__(self, title=''):
+      self.title = title
+      self.chapters = []
+   def addChapter(self, chapter):
+      self.chapters.append(chapter)
+   def read(self):
+      out = '<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN">\n<book>\n'
+      out = out + '<title>%s</title>\n' % self.title
+      for chapter in self.chapters:
+         out = out + chapter + '\n</book>\n'
+      return out
+   def __str__(self):
+      return self.read()

--- Updated File DocumentClass.py in package Zope2 --
--- DocumentClass.py	2001/03/07 21:32:04
+++ DocumentClass.py	2001/03/14 19:17:50
@@ -89,15 +89,25 @@
+def flatten(obj, append):
+   if obj.getNodeType()==STDOM.TEXT_NODE:
+      append(obj.getNodeValue())
+   else:
+      for child in obj.getChildNodes():
+         flatten(child, append)
 class StructuredTextExample(ST.StructuredTextParagraph):
     """Represents a section of document with literal text, as for examples"""
     def __init__(self, subs, **kw):
-       t=[]; a=t.append
-       for s in subs: a(s.getNodeValue())
-       apply(ST.StructuredTextParagraph.__init__,
-             (self, join(t,'\n\n'), ()),
-             kw)
+        t=[]
+        a=t.append
+        for s in subs:
+            flatten(s, a)
+        apply(ST.StructuredTextParagraph.__init__,
+              (self, join(t,'\n\n'), ()),
+              kw)
     def getColorizableTexts(self): return ()
     def setColorizableTexts(self, src): pass # never color examples
@@ -137,7 +147,13 @@
              (self, StructuredTextSectionTitle(src), subs),
+    def getColorizableTexts(self):
+        return self._src.getColorizableTexts()
+    def setColorizableTexts(self,src):
+        self._src.setColorizableTexts(src)
 # a StructuredTextTable holds StructuredTextRows
 class StructuredTextTable(ST.StructuredTextParagraph):
@@ -846,7 +862,7 @@
     def doc_emphasize(
         self, s,
-        expr = re.compile(r'\s*\*([ \na-zA-Z0-9.:/;,\'\"\?\-\_\/\=]+)\*(?!\*|-)').search
+        expr = re.compile(r'\s*\*([ \na-zA-Z0-9.:/;,\'\"\?\-\_\/\=\-\>\<\(\)]+)\*(?!\*|-)').search
@@ -916,7 +932,7 @@
            return None
     ## Some constants to make the doc_href() regex easier to read.
-    _DQUOTEDTEXT = r'("[ a-zA-Z0-9\n\-\.\,\;\(\)\/\:\/]+")' ## double quoted text
+    _DQUOTEDTEXT = r'("[ a-zA-Z0-9\n\-\.\,\;\(\)\/\:\/\*\']+")' ## double quoted text
     _URL_AND_PUNC = r'([a-zA-Z0-9\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\-\#\~]+)'
     _SPACES = r'(\s*)'

--- Updated File STDOM.py in package Zope2 --
--- STDOM.py	2001/01/04 15:01:59	1.2
+++ STDOM.py	2001/03/14 19:17:50
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
       if not children:
          return None
-      n=chidren[0]
+      n=children[0]
       if type(n) is st:
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@
       return self.getNodeType()
    def _get_NodeValue(self, type=type, st=type('')):
-      return self.GetNodeValue(type,st)
+      return self.getNodeValue(type,st)
    def _get_ParentNode(self):
       return self.getParentNode()

--- Updated File __init__.py in package Zope2 --
--- __init__.py	2001/01/04 15:01:59	1.4
+++ __init__.py	2001/03/14 19:17:50
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@