[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope2 - TextIndex.py:1.27
Jim Fulton
Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:08:33 -0500 (EST)
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope2/lib/python/SearchIndex
In directory korak:/tmp/cvs-serv14422
Modified Files:
Log Message:
This module is broken. It's been broken at least since before Zope
2.2. Unfortunately, there are old products (Confera) that depend on
it. One brokenness is that this module depends on 'query' from
Lexicon that isn't there anymore. Worse, the new 'query' in
UnTextIndex is not compatible. I've copied the old 'query' from an old
version of Lexicon here to try to make things better.
--- Updated File TextIndex.py in package Zope2 --
--- TextIndex.py 2001/03/15 13:16:24 1.26
+++ TextIndex.py 2001/03/21 22:08:32 1.27
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
from string import strip
import string, ts_regex, regex
-from Lexicon import Lexicon, query, stop_word_dict
+from Lexicon import Lexicon, stop_word_dict
from ResultList import ResultList
class TextIndex(Persistent):
@@ -453,3 +453,181 @@
if r is not None: return r, (id,)
return IISet(), (id,)
+AndNot = 'andnot'
+And = 'and'
+Or = 'or'
+Near = '...'
+def query(s, index, default_operator = Or,
+ ws = (string.whitespace,)):
+ # First replace any occurences of " and not " with " andnot "
+ s = ts_regex.gsub('[%s]+and[%s]*not[%s]+' % (ws * 3), ' andnot ', s)
+ q = parse(s)
+ q = parse2(q, default_operator)
+ return evaluate(q, index)
+def parse(s):
+ '''Parse parentheses and quotes'''
+ l = []
+ tmp = string.lower(s)
+ while (1):
+ p = parens(tmp)
+ if (p is None):
+ # No parentheses found. Look for quotes then exit.
+ l = l + quotes(tmp)
+ break
+ else:
+ # Look for quotes in the section of the string before
+ # the parentheses, then parse the string inside the parens
+ l = l + quotes(tmp[:(p[0] - 1)])
+ l.append(parse(tmp[p[0] : p[1]]))
+ # continue looking through the rest of the string
+ tmp = tmp[(p[1] + 1):]
+ return l
+def parse2(q, default_operator,
+ operator_dict = {AndNot: AndNot, And: And, Or: Or, Near: Near},
+ ListType=type([]),
+ ):
+ '''Find operators and operands'''
+ i = 0
+ isop=operator_dict.has_key
+ while (i < len(q)):
+ if (type(q[i]) is ListType): q[i] = parse2(q[i], default_operator)
+ # every other item, starting with the first, should be an operand
+ if ((i % 2) != 0):
+ # This word should be an operator; if it is not, splice in
+ # the default operator.
+ if type(q[i]) is not ListType and isop(q[i]):
+ q[i] = operator_dict[q[i]]
+ else: q[i : i] = [ default_operator ]
+ i = i + 1
+ return q
+def parens(s, parens_re = regex.compile('(\|)').search):
+ index=open_index=paren_count = 0
+ while 1:
+ index = parens_re(s, index)
+ if index < 0 : break
+ if s[index] == '(':
+ paren_count = paren_count + 1
+ if open_index == 0 : open_index = index + 1
+ else:
+ paren_count = paren_count - 1
+ if paren_count == 0:
+ return open_index, index
+ else:
+ index = index + 1
+ if paren_count == 0: # No parentheses Found
+ return None
+ else:
+ raise QueryError, "Mismatched parentheses"
+def quotes(s, ws = (string.whitespace,)):
+ # split up quoted regions
+ splitted = ts_regex.split(s, '[%s]*\"[%s]*' % (ws * 2))
+ split=string.split
+ if (len(splitted) > 1):
+ if ((len(splitted) % 2) == 0): raise QueryError, "Mismatched quotes"
+ for i in range(1,len(splitted),2):
+ # split the quoted region into words
+ splitted[i] = filter(None, split(splitted[i]))
+ # put the Proxmity operator in between quoted words
+ for j in range(1, len(splitted[i])):
+ splitted[i][j : j] = [ Near ]
+ for i in range(len(splitted)-1,-1,-2):
+ # split the non-quoted region into words
+ splitted[i:i+1] = filter(None, split(splitted[i]))
+ splitted = filter(None, splitted)
+ else:
+ # No quotes, so just split the string into words
+ splitted = filter(None, split(s))
+ return splitted
+def get_operands(q, i, index, ListType=type([]), StringType=type('')):
+ '''Evaluate and return the left and right operands for an operator'''
+ try:
+ left = q[i - 1]
+ right = q[i + 1]
+ except IndexError: raise QueryError, "Malformed query"
+ t=type(left)
+ if t is ListType: left = evaluate(left, index)
+ elif t is StringType: left=index[left]
+ t=type(right)
+ if t is ListType: right = evaluate(right, index)
+ elif t is StringType: right=index[right]
+ return (left, right)
+def evaluate(q, index, ListType=type([])):
+ '''Evaluate a parsed query'''
+## import pdb
+## pdb.set_trace()
+ if (len(q) == 1):
+ if (type(q[0]) is ListType):
+ return evaluate(q[0], index)
+ return index[q[0]]
+ i = 0
+ while (i < len(q)):
+ if q[i] is AndNot:
+ left, right = get_operands(q, i, index)
+ val = left.and_not(right)
+ q[(i - 1) : (i + 2)] = [ val ]
+ else: i = i + 1
+ i = 0
+ while (i < len(q)):
+ if q[i] is And:
+ left, right = get_operands(q, i, index)
+ val = left & right
+ q[(i - 1) : (i + 2)] = [ val ]
+ else: i = i + 1
+ i = 0
+ while (i < len(q)):
+ if q[i] is Or:
+ left, right = get_operands(q, i, index)
+ val = left | right
+ q[(i - 1) : (i + 2)] = [ val ]
+ else: i = i + 1
+ i = 0
+ while (i < len(q)):
+ if q[i] is Near:
+ left, right = get_operands(q, i, index)
+ val = left.near(right)
+ q[(i - 1) : (i + 2)] = [ val ]
+ else: i = i + 1
+ if (len(q) != 1): raise QueryError, "Malformed query"
+ return q[0]