[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope2 - async_mysql.py:1.3 recorder.py:1.3 syncsock.py:1.3
Tue, 1 May 2001 07:45:57 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope2/ZServer/medusa/misc
In directory serenade.digicool.com:/tmp/cvs-serv12359/misc
Modified Files:
async_mysql.py recorder.py syncsock.py
Log Message:
we *hate* tabs - lets get rid of them
--- Updated File async_mysql.py in package Zope2 --
--- async_mysql.py 2001/04/25 19:09:49 1.2
+++ async_mysql.py 2001/05/01 11:45:26 1.3
@@ -15,484 +15,484 @@
from fifo import fifo
class mysql_error (exceptions.Exception):
- pass
-# ===========================================================================
-# Authentication
-# ===========================================================================
-# Note: I've ignored the stuff to support an older version of the protocol.
-# The code is based on the file mysql-3.21.33/client/password.c
-# The auth scheme is challenge/response. Upon connection the server
-# sends an 8-byte challenge message. This is hashed with the password
-# to produce an 8-byte response. The server side performs an identical
-# hash to verify the password is correct.
+ pass
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # Authentication
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # Note: I've ignored the stuff to support an older version of the protocol.
+ #
+ # The code is based on the file mysql-3.21.33/client/password.c
+ #
+ # The auth scheme is challenge/response. Upon connection the server
+ # sends an 8-byte challenge message. This is hashed with the password
+ # to produce an 8-byte response. The server side performs an identical
+ # hash to verify the password is correct.
class random_state:
- def __init__ (self, seed, seed2):
- self.max_value = 0x3FFFFFFF
- self.seed = seed % self.max_value
- self.seed2 = seed2 % self.max_value
- def rnd (self):
- self.seed = (self.seed * 3 + self.seed2) % self.max_value
- self.seed2 = (self.seed + self.seed2 + 33) % self.max_value
- return float(self.seed)/ float(self.max_value)
+ def __init__ (self, seed, seed2):
+ self.max_value = 0x3FFFFFFF
+ self.seed = seed % self.max_value
+ self.seed2 = seed2 % self.max_value
+ def rnd (self):
+ self.seed = (self.seed * 3 + self.seed2) % self.max_value
+ self.seed2 = (self.seed + self.seed2 + 33) % self.max_value
+ return float(self.seed)/ float(self.max_value)
def hash_password (password):
- nr=1345345333L
- add=7
- nr2=0x12345671L
- for ch in password:
- if (ch == ' ') or (ch == '\t'):
- continue
- tmp = ord(ch)
- nr = nr ^ (((nr & 63) + add) * tmp) + (nr << 8)
- nr2 = nr2 + ((nr2 << 8) ^ nr)
- add = add + tmp
- return (
- nr & ((1L<<31)-1L),
- nr2 & ((1L<<31)-1L)
- )
+ nr=1345345333L
+ add=7
+ nr2=0x12345671L
+ for ch in password:
+ if (ch == ' ') or (ch == '\t'):
+ continue
+ tmp = ord(ch)
+ nr = nr ^ (((nr & 63) + add) * tmp) + (nr << 8)
+ nr2 = nr2 + ((nr2 << 8) ^ nr)
+ add = add + tmp
+ return (
+ nr & ((1L<<31)-1L),
+ nr2 & ((1L<<31)-1L)
+ )
def scramble (message, password):
- hash_pass = hash_password (password)
- hash_mess = hash_password (message)
- r = random_state (
- hash_pass[0] ^ hash_mess[0],
- hash_pass[1] ^ hash_mess[1]
- )
- to = []
- for ch in message:
- to.append (int (math.floor ((r.rnd() * 31) + 64)))
- extra = int (math.floor (r.rnd()*31))
- for i in range(len(to)):
- to[i] = to[i] ^ extra
- return to
-# ===========================================================================
-# Packet Protocol
-# ===========================================================================
+ hash_pass = hash_password (password)
+ hash_mess = hash_password (message)
+ r = random_state (
+ hash_pass[0] ^ hash_mess[0],
+ hash_pass[1] ^ hash_mess[1]
+ )
+ to = []
+ for ch in message:
+ to.append (int (math.floor ((r.rnd() * 31) + 64)))
+ extra = int (math.floor (r.rnd()*31))
+ for i in range(len(to)):
+ to[i] = to[i] ^ extra
+ return to
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # Packet Protocol
+ # ===========================================================================
def unpacket (p):
- # 3-byte length, one-byte packet number, followed by packet data
- a,b,c,s = map (ord, p[:4])
- l = a | (b << 8) | (c << 16)
- # s is a sequence number
- return l, s
+ # 3-byte length, one-byte packet number, followed by packet data
+ a,b,c,s = map (ord, p[:4])
+ l = a | (b << 8) | (c << 16)
+ # s is a sequence number
+ return l, s
def packet (data, s=0):
- l = len(data)
- a, b, c = l & 0xff, (l>>8) & 0xff, (l>>16) & 0xff
- h = map (chr, [a,b,c,s])
- return string.join (h,'') + data
+ l = len(data)
+ a, b, c = l & 0xff, (l>>8) & 0xff, (l>>16) & 0xff
+ h = map (chr, [a,b,c,s])
+ return string.join (h,'') + data
def n_byte_num (data, n):
- result = 0
- for i in range(n):
- result = result | (ord(data[i])<<(8*i))
- return result
+ result = 0
+ for i in range(n):
+ result = result | (ord(data[i])<<(8*i))
+ return result
def net_field_length (data, pos=0):
- n = ord(data[pos])
- if n < 251:
- return n, 1
- elif n == 251:
- return None, 1
- elif n == 252:
- return n_byte_num (data, 2), 3
- elif n == 253:
- return n_byte_num (data, 3), 4
- else:
- # libmysql adds 6, why?
- return n_byte_num (data, 4), 5
-# used to generate the dumps below
+ n = ord(data[pos])
+ if n < 251:
+ return n, 1
+ elif n == 251:
+ return None, 1
+ elif n == 252:
+ return n_byte_num (data, 2), 3
+ elif n == 253:
+ return n_byte_num (data, 3), 4
+ else:
+ # libmysql adds 6, why?
+ return n_byte_num (data, 4), 5
+ # used to generate the dumps below
def dump_hex (s):
- r1 = []
- r2 = []
- for ch in s:
- r1.append (' %02x' % ord(ch))
- if (ch in string.letters) or (ch in string.digits):
- r2.append (' %c' % ch)
- else:
- r2.append (' ')
- return string.join (r1, ''), string.join (r2, '')
-# ===========================================================================
-# MySQL Client
-# ===========================================================================
+ r1 = []
+ r2 = []
+ for ch in s:
+ r1.append (' %02x' % ord(ch))
+ if (ch in string.letters) or (ch in string.digits):
+ r2.append (' %c' % ch)
+ else:
+ r2.append (' ')
+ return string.join (r1, ''), string.join (r2, '')
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # MySQL Client
+ # ===========================================================================
class mysql_client (asynchat.async_chat):
- # protocol state
- PS_DATA = 2
- # auth state
- AS_LOGIN = 1
- def __init__ (self, username, password, login_callback, address=('', 3306)):
- asynchat.async_chat.__init__ (self)
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- self.server_address = address
- self.login (login_callback)
- self.current_database = None
- def login (self, callback):
- self.login_callback = callback
- self.buffer = ''
- self.set_terminator (None)
- address = self.server_address
- if type(address) == type(''):
- self.create_socket (socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- else:
- self.create_socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- self._connected = 0
- self.connect (address)
- self.auth = self.AS_LOGIN
- self.state = self.PS_HEADER
- self.query_fifo = fifo()
- def handle_connect (self):
- self._connected = 1
- def close (self):
- asynchat.async_chat.close (self)
- self._connected = 0
- self.discard_buffers()
- # XXX: check query fifo for pending queries
- def collect_incoming_data (self, data):
- # packets come in with a four-byte head on them.
- # we need to stay sync'd with that. we use a
- # two-state machine.
- self.buffer = self.buffer + data
- while self.buffer:
- if self.state is self.PS_HEADER:
- # do we have a complete header?
- if len(self.buffer) >= 4:
- l,s = unpacket (self.buffer)
- self.pinfo = l, s
- self.state = self.PS_DATA
- self.buffer = self.buffer[4:]
- else:
- break
- elif self.state is self.PS_DATA:
- l, s = self.pinfo
- if len(self.buffer) >= l:
- data, self.buffer = self.buffer[:l], self.buffer[l:]
- self.handle_packet (s, data)
- self.state = self.PS_HEADER
- else:
- break
- def handle_packet (self, seq, data):
- if self.auth is self.AS_LOGIN:
- # unpack the greeting
- protocol_version = ord(data[0])
- eos = string.find (data, '\000')
- mysql_version = data[1:eos]
- thread_id = n_byte_num (data[eos+1:eos+5], 4)
- challenge = data[eos+5:eos+13]
- self.auth = (
- protocol_version,
- mysql_version,
- thread_id,
- challenge
- )
- # print auth
- lp = self.build_login_packet (challenge)
- # print 'login packet:',repr(lp)
- self.auth = self.AS_CHALLENGE
- # seems to require a sequence number of one
- self.push (packet (lp, 1))
- elif self.auth is self.AS_CHALLENGE:
- if seq != 2:
- self.login_callback (self, 0)
- else:
- self.auth = self.AS_RESPONSE
- self.login_callback (self, 1)
- else:
- if seq == 1:
- callback = self.query_fifo.pop()
- if callback:
- self.current_callback = callback
- callback (seq, data)
- else:
- if self.current_callback:
- self.current_callback (seq, data)
- def build_login_packet (self, challenge):
- auth = string.join (map (chr, scramble (challenge, self.password)), '')
- # 2 bytes of client_capability
- # 3 bytes of max_allowed_packet
- # no idea what they are
- return '\005\000\000\000\020' + self.username + '\000' + auth
- def push_query (self, query, callback=None, sequence=0):
- if self._connected:
- self.push (packet (query, sequence))
- self.query_fifo.push (callback)
- else:
- self.login (
- continuation (self._relogin, (query, callback, sequence))
- )
- # ======================================================================
- # auto-reconnect support
- # ======================================================================
- def _relogin (self, (query, callback, sequence), ignore, result):
- if result:
- if self.current_database:
- self.cmd_use (
- self.current_database,
- continuation (self._relogin_use, (query, callback, sequence))
- )
- else:
- self.push_query (query, callback, sequence)
- else:
- # XXX all callbacks need an 'error' parameter.
- raise SystemError, "Couldn't reconnect to mysql server"
- def _relogin_use (self, (query, callback, sequence), nfields, data):
- # this should really be done by cmd_use... (i.e., use a continuation object)
- if (nfields > 0) and (data == '\000\000\000'):
- self.push_query (query, callback, sequence)
- else:
- # XXX all callbacks need an 'error' parameter.
- raise SystemError, "Couldn't reconnect to current database"
- # ======================================================================
- # Commands
- # ======================================================================
- # from mysql-3.21.33/include/mysql_com.h.in
- #
- cmds = [
- 'sleep', 'quit', 'init_db', 'query', 'field_list', 'create_db',
- 'drop_db', 'refresh', 'shutdown', 'statistics', 'process_info',
- 'connect', 'process_kill', 'debug'
- ]
- d = {}
- for i in range (len (cmds)):
- d[cmds[i]] = i
- cmds = d
- del d
- def command (self, command_type, command, callback):
- self.push_query (
- chr(self.cmds[command_type]) + command,
- callback
- )
- def cmd_use (self, database, callback=None):
- self.current_database = database
- self.command ('init_db', database, callback)
- def cmd_quit (self, callback=None):
- self.command ('quit', '', callback)
- def cmd_query (self, query, callback=None):
- self.command ('query', query, result_set (callback))
-# ===========================================================================
-# Result Set
-# ===========================================================================
+ # protocol state
+ PS_DATA = 2
+ # auth state
+ AS_LOGIN = 1
+ def __init__ (self, username, password, login_callback, address=('', 3306)):
+ asynchat.async_chat.__init__ (self)
+ self.username = username
+ self.password = password
+ self.server_address = address
+ self.login (login_callback)
+ self.current_database = None
+ def login (self, callback):
+ self.login_callback = callback
+ self.buffer = ''
+ self.set_terminator (None)
+ address = self.server_address
+ if type(address) == type(''):
+ self.create_socket (socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ else:
+ self.create_socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self._connected = 0
+ self.connect (address)
+ self.auth = self.AS_LOGIN
+ self.state = self.PS_HEADER
+ self.query_fifo = fifo()
+ def handle_connect (self):
+ self._connected = 1
+ def close (self):
+ asynchat.async_chat.close (self)
+ self._connected = 0
+ self.discard_buffers()
+ # XXX: check query fifo for pending queries
+ def collect_incoming_data (self, data):
+ # packets come in with a four-byte head on them.
+ # we need to stay sync'd with that. we use a
+ # two-state machine.
+ self.buffer = self.buffer + data
+ while self.buffer:
+ if self.state is self.PS_HEADER:
+ # do we have a complete header?
+ if len(self.buffer) >= 4:
+ l,s = unpacket (self.buffer)
+ self.pinfo = l, s
+ self.state = self.PS_DATA
+ self.buffer = self.buffer[4:]
+ else:
+ break
+ elif self.state is self.PS_DATA:
+ l, s = self.pinfo
+ if len(self.buffer) >= l:
+ data, self.buffer = self.buffer[:l], self.buffer[l:]
+ self.handle_packet (s, data)
+ self.state = self.PS_HEADER
+ else:
+ break
+ def handle_packet (self, seq, data):
+ if self.auth is self.AS_LOGIN:
+ # unpack the greeting
+ protocol_version = ord(data[0])
+ eos = string.find (data, '\000')
+ mysql_version = data[1:eos]
+ thread_id = n_byte_num (data[eos+1:eos+5], 4)
+ challenge = data[eos+5:eos+13]
+ self.auth = (
+ protocol_version,
+ mysql_version,
+ thread_id,
+ challenge
+ )
+ # print auth
+ lp = self.build_login_packet (challenge)
+ # print 'login packet:',repr(lp)
+ self.auth = self.AS_CHALLENGE
+ # seems to require a sequence number of one
+ self.push (packet (lp, 1))
+ elif self.auth is self.AS_CHALLENGE:
+ if seq != 2:
+ self.login_callback (self, 0)
+ else:
+ self.auth = self.AS_RESPONSE
+ self.login_callback (self, 1)
+ else:
+ if seq == 1:
+ callback = self.query_fifo.pop()
+ if callback:
+ self.current_callback = callback
+ callback (seq, data)
+ else:
+ if self.current_callback:
+ self.current_callback (seq, data)
+ def build_login_packet (self, challenge):
+ auth = string.join (map (chr, scramble (challenge, self.password)), '')
+ # 2 bytes of client_capability
+ # 3 bytes of max_allowed_packet
+ # no idea what they are
+ return '\005\000\000\000\020' + self.username + '\000' + auth
+ def push_query (self, query, callback=None, sequence=0):
+ if self._connected:
+ self.push (packet (query, sequence))
+ self.query_fifo.push (callback)
+ else:
+ self.login (
+ continuation (self._relogin, (query, callback, sequence))
+ )
+ # ======================================================================
+ # auto-reconnect support
+ # ======================================================================
+ def _relogin (self, (query, callback, sequence), ignore, result):
+ if result:
+ if self.current_database:
+ self.cmd_use (
+ self.current_database,
+ continuation (self._relogin_use, (query, callback, sequence))
+ )
+ else:
+ self.push_query (query, callback, sequence)
+ else:
+ # XXX all callbacks need an 'error' parameter.
+ raise SystemError, "Couldn't reconnect to mysql server"
+ def _relogin_use (self, (query, callback, sequence), nfields, data):
+ # this should really be done by cmd_use... (i.e., use a continuation object)
+ if (nfields > 0) and (data == '\000\000\000'):
+ self.push_query (query, callback, sequence)
+ else:
+ # XXX all callbacks need an 'error' parameter.
+ raise SystemError, "Couldn't reconnect to current database"
+ # ======================================================================
+ # Commands
+ # ======================================================================
+ # from mysql-3.21.33/include/mysql_com.h.in
+ #
+ cmds = [
+ 'sleep', 'quit', 'init_db', 'query', 'field_list', 'create_db',
+ 'drop_db', 'refresh', 'shutdown', 'statistics', 'process_info',
+ 'connect', 'process_kill', 'debug'
+ ]
+ d = {}
+ for i in range (len (cmds)):
+ d[cmds[i]] = i
+ cmds = d
+ del d
+ def command (self, command_type, command, callback):
+ self.push_query (
+ chr(self.cmds[command_type]) + command,
+ callback
+ )
+ def cmd_use (self, database, callback=None):
+ self.current_database = database
+ self.command ('init_db', database, callback)
+ def cmd_quit (self, callback=None):
+ self.command ('quit', '', callback)
+ def cmd_query (self, query, callback=None):
+ self.command ('query', query, result_set (callback))
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # Result Set
+ # ===========================================================================
class result_set:
- 'unpack a result set'
- ' If <data_callback> is specified, it will be called'
- ' for each element of the result set. Otherwise, the'
- ' results will be collected into a list made available'
- ' to <callback>'
- def __init__ (self, callback, data_callback=None):
- self.callback = callback
- self.packets = []
- self.nfields = None
- self.fields = []
- self.data = None
- self.data_callback = None
- def unpack_data (self, d):
- r = []
- i = 0
- while i < len(d):
- fl = ord(d[i])
- i = i + 1
- r.append (d[i:i+fl])
- i = i + fl
- return r
- def __call__ (self, seq, data):
- if self.nfields is None:
- # first packet is the number of fields (or an error)
- n = ord(data[0])
- if n == 0:
- self.callback ([], [])
- else:
- self.nfields = n
- elif self.data is None:
- if ord(data[0]) != 0xfe:
- # collect field info
- self.fields.append (self.unpack_data (data))
- else:
- self.data = []
- else:
- # collect data
- if ord(data[0]) != 0xfe:
- if self.data_callback:
- self.data_callback (self.unpack_data (data))
- else:
- self.data.append (self.unpack_data (data))
- else:
- self.callback (self.fields, self.data)
+ 'unpack a result set'
+ ' If <data_callback> is specified, it will be called'
+ ' for each element of the result set. Otherwise, the'
+ ' results will be collected into a list made available'
+ ' to <callback>'
+ def __init__ (self, callback, data_callback=None):
+ self.callback = callback
+ self.packets = []
+ self.nfields = None
+ self.fields = []
+ self.data = None
+ self.data_callback = None
+ def unpack_data (self, d):
+ r = []
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(d):
+ fl = ord(d[i])
+ i = i + 1
+ r.append (d[i:i+fl])
+ i = i + fl
+ return r
+ def __call__ (self, seq, data):
+ if self.nfields is None:
+ # first packet is the number of fields (or an error)
+ n = ord(data[0])
+ if n == 0:
+ self.callback ([], [])
+ else:
+ self.nfields = n
+ elif self.data is None:
+ if ord(data[0]) != 0xfe:
+ # collect field info
+ self.fields.append (self.unpack_data (data))
+ else:
+ self.data = []
+ else:
+ # collect data
+ if ord(data[0]) != 0xfe:
+ if self.data_callback:
+ self.data_callback (self.unpack_data (data))
+ else:
+ self.data.append (self.unpack_data (data))
+ else:
+ self.callback (self.fields, self.data)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- import random
- class test_mysql_client:
- def __init__ (self, client):
- self.client = client
- self.client.cmd_query ('create database test_async', self.callback_create)
- def callback_create (self, *info):
- print 'create database=>', info
- self.client.cmd_use ('test_async', self.callback_use)
- def callback_use (self, *info):
- print 'use=>', info
- self.client.cmd_query (
- 'create table users (name char(30), cool int)',
- self.callback_create_table
- )
- people = ['john', 'paul', 'george', 'ringo']
- def callback_create_table (self, *info):
- print 'create_table=>', info
- self.people_index = 0
- self.callback_insert ()
- def callback_insert (self, *info):
- print 'insert=>', info
- if self.people_index == len(self.people):
- self.client.cmd_query (
- 'select * from users',
- self.callback_query
- )
- else:
- self.client.cmd_query (
- 'insert into users values ("%s", %s)' % (
- self.people[self.people_index],
- random.randint (0,1)
- ),
- self.callback_insert
- )
- self.people_index = self.people_index + 1
- def callback_query (self, fields, data):
- print 'query=>'
- print ' fields:'
- for field in fields:
- print '\t%s' % repr(field)
- print ' data:'
- for d in data:
- print '\t%s' % repr(d)
- self.client.command (
- 'drop_db',
- 'test_async',
- self.callback_drop
- )
- def callback_drop (self, *info):
- print 'drop=>', info
- self.client.cmd_quit (self.callback_quit)
- def callback_quit (self, *info):
- print 'quit=>', info
- def go (client, yesno):
- if yesno:
- test_mysql_client (client)
- else:
- print 'Failed to log in'
- import sys
- if len(sys.argv) < 4:
- print 'Usage: %s <username> <password> <host>' % sys.argv[0]
- else:
- [username, password, host] = sys.argv[1:4]
- c = mysql_client (username, password, go, (host, 3306))
- asyncore.loop()
-# greeting:
-# * first byte is the protocol version (currently 10)
-# * null-terminated version string
-# * 4-byte thread id.
-# * 8-byte challenge
-# * 2-byte server capabilities?
-# message = [0x00, 0x39, 0x4d, 0x59, 0x59, 0x31, 0x29, 0x79, 0x47]
-# password = [0x66, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x64]
-# Handshake:
-#<== 000 0a 33 2e 32 32 2e 31 30 2d 62 65 74 61 00 1b 00 00 00 39 4d 59 59 31 29 79 47 00 0c 00
-# 3 2 2 1 0 b e t a 9 M Y Y 1 y G
-#==> 1
-# 05 00 00 00 10 72 75 73 68 69 6e 67 00 48 51 42 50 5d 4a 54 57
-# r u s h i n g H Q B P J T W
-#<== 002 00 00 00
-# Insertion/Query (no result set)
-#==> 0
-# 03 69 6e 73 65 72 74 20 69 6e 74 6f 20 75 73 65 72 73 20 76 61 6c 75 65 73 20 28 22 61 73 64 66 40 61 73 64 66 2e 61 73 64 66 22 2c 20 22 6e 22 29
-# i n s e r t i n t o u s e r s v a l u e s a s d f a s d f a s d f n
-#<== 001 00 01 00
-# Query (with result set)
-#==> 0
-# 03 73 65 6c 65 63 74 20 2a 20 66 72 6f 6d 20 75 73 65 72 73
-# s e l e c t f r o m u s e r s
-#<== 001 02
-#<== 002 05 75 73 65 72 73 04 6e 61 6d 65 03 80 00 00 01 fe 03 00 00 00
-# u s e r s n a m e
-#<== 003 05 75 73 65 72 73 0a 69 73 62 6f 75 6e 63 69 6e 67 03 01 00 00 01 fe 03 00 00 00
-# u s e r s i s b o u n c i n g
-#<== 004 fe
-#<== 005 15 72 75 73 68 69 6e 67 40 6e 69 67 68 74 6d 61 72 65 2e 63 6f 6d 01 6e
-# r u s h i n g n i g h t m a r e c o m n
-#<== 006 0e 61 73 64 66 40 61 73 64 66 2e 61 73 64 66 01 6e
-# a s d f a s d f a s d f n
-#<== 007 fe
-# "use bouncer_test"
-#==> 0
-# 02 62 6f 75 6e 63 65 72 5f 74 65 73 74
-# b o u n c e r t e s t
-#<== 001 00 00 00
+ import random
+ class test_mysql_client:
+ def __init__ (self, client):
+ self.client = client
+ self.client.cmd_query ('create database test_async', self.callback_create)
+ def callback_create (self, *info):
+ print 'create database=>', info
+ self.client.cmd_use ('test_async', self.callback_use)
+ def callback_use (self, *info):
+ print 'use=>', info
+ self.client.cmd_query (
+ 'create table users (name char(30), cool int)',
+ self.callback_create_table
+ )
+ people = ['john', 'paul', 'george', 'ringo']
+ def callback_create_table (self, *info):
+ print 'create_table=>', info
+ self.people_index = 0
+ self.callback_insert ()
+ def callback_insert (self, *info):
+ print 'insert=>', info
+ if self.people_index == len(self.people):
+ self.client.cmd_query (
+ 'select * from users',
+ self.callback_query
+ )
+ else:
+ self.client.cmd_query (
+ 'insert into users values ("%s", %s)' % (
+ self.people[self.people_index],
+ random.randint (0,1)
+ ),
+ self.callback_insert
+ )
+ self.people_index = self.people_index + 1
+ def callback_query (self, fields, data):
+ print 'query=>'
+ print ' fields:'
+ for field in fields:
+ print '\t%s' % repr(field)
+ print ' data:'
+ for d in data:
+ print '\t%s' % repr(d)
+ self.client.command (
+ 'drop_db',
+ 'test_async',
+ self.callback_drop
+ )
+ def callback_drop (self, *info):
+ print 'drop=>', info
+ self.client.cmd_quit (self.callback_quit)
+ def callback_quit (self, *info):
+ print 'quit=>', info
+ def go (client, yesno):
+ if yesno:
+ test_mysql_client (client)
+ else:
+ print 'Failed to log in'
+ import sys
+ if len(sys.argv) < 4:
+ print 'Usage: %s <username> <password> <host>' % sys.argv[0]
+ else:
+ [username, password, host] = sys.argv[1:4]
+ c = mysql_client (username, password, go, (host, 3306))
+ asyncore.loop()
+ # greeting:
+ # * first byte is the protocol version (currently 10)
+ # * null-terminated version string
+ # * 4-byte thread id.
+ # * 8-byte challenge
+ # * 2-byte server capabilities?
+ # message = [0x00, 0x39, 0x4d, 0x59, 0x59, 0x31, 0x29, 0x79, 0x47]
+ # password = [0x66, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x64]
+ # Handshake:
+ #----------------------------------------
+ #<== 000 0a 33 2e 32 32 2e 31 30 2d 62 65 74 61 00 1b 00 00 00 39 4d 59 59 31 29 79 47 00 0c 00
+ # 3 2 2 1 0 b e t a 9 M Y Y 1 y G
+ #----------------------------------------
+ #==> 1
+ # 05 00 00 00 10 72 75 73 68 69 6e 67 00 48 51 42 50 5d 4a 54 57
+ # r u s h i n g H Q B P J T W
+ #----------------------------------------
+ #<== 002 00 00 00
+ # Insertion/Query (no result set)
+ #----------------------------------------
+ #==> 0
+ # 03 69 6e 73 65 72 74 20 69 6e 74 6f 20 75 73 65 72 73 20 76 61 6c 75 65 73 20 28 22 61 73 64 66 40 61 73 64 66 2e 61 73 64 66 22 2c 20 22 6e 22 29
+ # i n s e r t i n t o u s e r s v a l u e s a s d f a s d f a s d f n
+ #----------------------------------------
+ #<== 001 00 01 00
+ # Query (with result set)
+ #----------------------------------------
+ #==> 0
+ # 03 73 65 6c 65 63 74 20 2a 20 66 72 6f 6d 20 75 73 65 72 73
+ # s e l e c t f r o m u s e r s
+ #----------------------------------------
+ #<== 001 02
+ #
+ #<== 002 05 75 73 65 72 73 04 6e 61 6d 65 03 80 00 00 01 fe 03 00 00 00
+ # u s e r s n a m e
+ #<== 003 05 75 73 65 72 73 0a 69 73 62 6f 75 6e 63 69 6e 67 03 01 00 00 01 fe 03 00 00 00
+ # u s e r s i s b o u n c i n g
+ #<== 004 fe
+ #
+ #<== 005 15 72 75 73 68 69 6e 67 40 6e 69 67 68 74 6d 61 72 65 2e 63 6f 6d 01 6e
+ # r u s h i n g n i g h t m a r e c o m n
+ #<== 006 0e 61 73 64 66 40 61 73 64 66 2e 61 73 64 66 01 6e
+ # a s d f a s d f a s d f n
+ #<== 007 fe
+ # "use bouncer_test"
+ #==> 0
+ # 02 62 6f 75 6e 63 65 72 5f 74 65 73 74
+ # b o u n c e r t e s t
+ #----------------------------------------
+ #<== 001 00 00 00
--- Updated File recorder.py in package Zope2 --
--- recorder.py 2001/04/25 19:09:49 1.2
+++ recorder.py 2001/05/01 11:45:26 1.3
@@ -7,60 +7,60 @@
import asynchat
class recorder_channel (asyncore.dispatcher):
- def __init__ (self, sock, addr):
- asyncore.dispatcher.__init__ (self, sock)
- self.fd = open ('%s:%d' % addr, 'wb')
- def handle_read (self):
- data = self.recv (1024)
- if not data:
- self.fd.close()
- self.close()
- else:
- self.fd.write (data)
- self.fd.flush()
+ def __init__ (self, sock, addr):
+ asyncore.dispatcher.__init__ (self, sock)
+ self.fd = open ('%s:%d' % addr, 'wb')
+ def handle_read (self):
+ data = self.recv (1024)
+ if not data:
+ self.fd.close()
+ self.close()
+ else:
+ self.fd.write (data)
+ self.fd.flush()
class recorder_server (asyncore.dispatcher):
- SERVER_IDENT = 'Recorder'
- def __init__ (self, port=8989):
- self.create_socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- self.bind (('', port))
- print '%s started on port %d' % (self.SERVER_IDENT, port)
- self.listen (5)
- def handle_accept (self):
- conn, addr = self.accept()
- print 'incoming connection',addr
- recorder_channel (conn, addr)
-# force a clean shutdown
+ SERVER_IDENT = 'Recorder'
+ def __init__ (self, port=8989):
+ self.create_socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.bind (('', port))
+ print '%s started on port %d' % (self.SERVER_IDENT, port)
+ self.listen (5)
+ def handle_accept (self):
+ conn, addr = self.accept()
+ print 'incoming connection',addr
+ recorder_channel (conn, addr)
+ # force a clean shutdown
def shutdown():
- sm = asyncore.socket_map
- asyncore.socket_map = {}
- for s in sm.values():
- try:
- s.close()
- except:
- pass
- print 'Done.'
+ sm = asyncore.socket_map
+ asyncore.socket_map = {}
+ for s in sm.values():
+ try:
+ s.close()
+ except:
+ pass
+ print 'Done.'
if __name__ == '__main__':
- import string
- import sys
- if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- port = string.atoi (sys.argv[1])
- else:
- port = 8989
- s = recorder_server (port)
- try:
- asyncore.loop()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- import sys
- import tb
- print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
- tb.printtb (sys.exc_traceback)
- print 'Shutting down due to unhandled exception...'
- shutdown()
+ import string
+ import sys
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ port = string.atoi (sys.argv[1])
+ else:
+ port = 8989
+ s = recorder_server (port)
+ try:
+ asyncore.loop()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ import sys
+ import tb
+ print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
+ tb.printtb (sys.exc_traceback)
+ print 'Shutting down due to unhandled exception...'
+ shutdown()
--- Updated File syncsock.py in package Zope2 --
--- syncsock.py 2001/04/25 19:09:49 1.2
+++ syncsock.py 2001/05/01 11:45:26 1.3
@@ -26,39 +26,39 @@
def set_sync_option (on=1):
- result = wsock32.getsockopt (
- option,
- option_len
- )
- if result:
- raise SystemError, "getsockopt: (%d)" % (
- wsock32.WSAGetLastError()
- )
- else:
- old = struct.unpack ('l', option.read())[0]
- if on:
- else:
- new = old & (~SO_SYNCHRONOUS_ALERT)
- option.write (struct.pack ('l', new))
- result = wsock32.setsockopt (
- option,
- option_len
- )
- if result:
- raise SystemError, "getsockopt: (%d)" % (
- wsock32.WSAGetLastError()
- )
- return old
+ result = wsock32.getsockopt (
+ option,
+ option_len
+ )
+ if result:
+ raise SystemError, "getsockopt: (%d)" % (
+ wsock32.WSAGetLastError()
+ )
+ else:
+ old = struct.unpack ('l', option.read())[0]
+ if on:
+ else:
+ new = old & (~SO_SYNCHRONOUS_ALERT)
+ option.write (struct.pack ('l', new))
+ result = wsock32.setsockopt (
+ option,
+ option_len
+ )
+ if result:
+ raise SystemError, "getsockopt: (%d)" % (
+ wsock32.WSAGetLastError()
+ )
+ return old
def sync_on():
- return set_sync_option (1)
+ return set_sync_option (1)
def sync_off():
- return set_sync_option (0)
+ return set_sync_option (0)