[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Products/TemporaryFolder/help - TemporaryFolder.stx:1.2

Matthew T. Kromer matt@zope.com
Tue, 13 Nov 2001 16:56:26 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/TemporaryFolder/help
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv23009

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Updated help to remove mention of automatic population of temporary folders

=== Products/TemporaryFolder/help/TemporaryFolder.stx 1.1 => 1.2 ===
     Temporary Folders are Folders which are created out of memory, in such
     the same way as a RAM disk, for example, which have their contents
-    lost upon shutdown.  To facilitate use of Temporary Folders, they have a
-    mechanism whereby they automatically populate themselves upon startup.
+    lost upon shutdown.  
+    By default, Zope will create a temporary folder named "temp_folder" in
+    the root of the Zope installation.
@@ -19,23 +21,6 @@
     Once created and mounted, Temporary Folders are regular Folder objects.
     Mounting of the Temporary Folder happens automatically the first time
     it is accessed.
-  Populating
-    Temporary Folders will populate themselves with exported objects based
-    on a directory in Zope's var directory.  A directory named from the object
-    with 'Imports' appended to it is examined for files ending with the
-    extension '.zexp'.  Thus, a Temporary Folder named 'tempFolder' would
-    have the directory 'var/tempFolderImports' scanned for .zexp files.
-    The Zope administrator may copy exported files from Zope's var directory
-    into the Temporary Folder's Imports directory to have those items added
-    to the Temporary Folder then the Folder is mounted.
-    *N.B.* Because only the name (the ID) of the Temporary Folder is considered
-    for importing objects, two Temporary Folders with the same name will
-    be automatically populated with the same items, although each will receive
-    a private copy of those items.
   Interaction with ZEO