[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/ZopePublication - ZopePublication.py:

Shane Hathaway shane@digicool.com
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 14:09:51 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/ZopePublication
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv12078

Modified Files:
      Tag: Zope-3x-branch
Log Message:
Made ZopePublication work without ZODB

=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/ZopePublication/ZopePublication.py => ===
 import sys
-from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
+#from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
 from zLOG import LOG, ERROR, INFO
 from Zope.Publisher.DefaultPublication import DefaultPublication
@@ -17,6 +17,19 @@
         self.REQUEST = request
+class Cleanup:
+    def __init__(self, f):
+        self.__del__ = f
+try: get_transaction
+except NameError:
+    class get_transaction:
+        def abort(self): pass
+        def begin(self): pass
+        def commit(self): pass
 class ZopePublication (DefaultPublication):
     Zope publication specification.
@@ -38,16 +51,21 @@
     def getApplication(self, request):
-        version = request.get(self.version_cookie, '')
-        conn = self.db.open(version)
+        if 0:
+            # Open the database.
+            version = request.get(self.version_cookie, '')
+            conn = self.db.open(version)
-        cleanup = Cleanup(conn.close)
-        request._hold(cleanup)  # Close the connection on request.close()
+            cleanup = Cleanup(conn.close)
+            request._hold(cleanup)  # Close the connection on request.close()
-        self.openedConnection(conn)
-        conn.setDebugInfo(getattr(request, 'environ', None), request.other)
+            self.openedConnection(conn)
+            conn.setDebugInfo(getattr(request, 'environ', None), request.other)
-        app = conn.root()[self.root_name]
+            app = conn.root()[self.root_name]
+        else:
+            # shortcut: db is the app.
+            app = self.db
         if hasattr(app, '__of__'):
             app = app.__of__(RequestContainer(request))
@@ -97,22 +115,23 @@
         traversed = request.traversed
         if traversed:
             context = traversed[-1]
-            handler = getExceptionHandler(context, t, request.ptype)
+            #handler = getExceptionHandler(context, t, request.ptype)
+            handler = None  # no getExceptionHandler() exists yet.
             if handler is not None:
                 handler(request, exc_info)
                 return request.response
         # Handle special exception types.
-        if isinstance(t, ClassType):
-            if retry_allowed and issubclass(t, ConflictError):
-                LOG('Zope Publication', INFO,
-                    'Competing writes at %s' % request.get('PATH_INFO', '???'),
-                    error=sys.exc_info())
-                raise Retry
+##        if isinstance(t, ClassType):
+##            if retry_allowed and issubclass(t, ConflictError):
+##                LOG('Zope Publication', INFO,
+##                    'Competing writes at %s' % request.get('PATH_INFO', '???'),
+##                    error=sys.exc_info())
+##                raise Retry
         # Let the response handle it as best it can.
         response = request.response
-        response.handleException(exc)
+        response.handleException(exc_info)
         return response