[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/App - Hotfixes.py:1.2 version_txt.py:1.5

Shane Hathaway shane@digicool.com
Mon, 1 Oct 2001 11:09:36 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/App
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv17251

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
Merged hotfix registry branch.

=== Zope/lib/python/App/Hotfixes.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+from version_txt import getZopeVersion
+from zLOG import LOG, INFO, WARNING
+merged_hotfixes = {
+    }
+def isMerged(name):
+    return merged_hotfixes.get(name, 0)
+def logHotfix(id, apply_hotfix):
+    if apply_hotfix > 0:
+        LOG('Hotfixes', INFO, 'Applying %s' % id)
+    elif apply_hotfix < 0:
+        LOG('Hotfixes', WARNING, 'Not applying %s.  It is not designed for '
+            'this version of Zope.  Please uninstall the hotfix product.'
+            % id)
+    else:
+        LOG('Hotfixes', WARNING, 'Not applying %s.  The fix has already been '
+            'merged into Zope.  Please uninstall the hotfix product.'
+            % id)
+def beforeApplyHotfix(id, req_major, req_minor, req_micro):
+    apply_hotfix = 0
+    major, minor, micro = getZopeVersion()[:3]
+    if major > 0 and (
+        (major * 10000 + minor * 100 + micro) <
+        (req_major * 10000 + req_minor * 100 + req_micro)):
+        # The version of Zope is too old for this hotfix.
+        apply_hotfix = -1
+    elif not isMerged(id):
+        apply_hotfix = 1
+    logHotfix(id, apply_hotfix)
+    return apply_hotfix

=== Zope/lib/python/App/version_txt.py 1.4 => 1.5 ===
-def version_txt():
+_version_string = None
+_zope_version = None
+def intval(dict, key):
+    v = dict.get(key, None)
+    if v is None:
+        return 0
+    else:
+        return int(v)
+def strval(dict, key):
+    v = dict.get(key, None)
+    if v is None:
+        return ''
+    else:
+        return str(v)
-    try: 
-        s = open(os.path.join(SOFTWARE_HOME,'version.txt')).read()
-        s = re.sub("\(.*?\)\?","",s)
-        s= '(%s, python %d.%d.%d, %s)' % (s,v[0],v[1],v[2],sys.platform)
-        return s
-    except: 
-        return '(unreleased version, python %d.%d.%d, %s)' % (v[0],v[1],v[2],sys.platform)
+def _prep_version_data():
+    global _version_string, _zope_version
+    if _version_string is None:
+        try: 
+            s = open(os.path.join(SOFTWARE_HOME,'version.txt')).read()
+            ss = re.sub("\(.*?\)\?","",s)
+            ss = '%s, python %d.%d.%d, %s' % (ss,v[0],v[1],v[2],sys.platform)
+            _version_string = ss
+            expr = re.compile(
+                r'(?P<product>[A-Za-z0-9]+) +(?P<major>[0-9]+)'
+                '\.(?P<minor>[0-9]+)\.(?P<micro>[0-9]+)'
+                '(?P<status>[A-Za-z]+)?(?P<release>[0-9]+)?')
+            dict = expr.match(s).groupdict()
+            _zope_version = (
+                intval(dict, 'major'),
+                intval(dict, 'minor'),
+                intval(dict, 'micro'),
+                strval(dict, 'status'),
+                intval(dict, 'release'))
+        except:
+            ss = 'unreleased version, python %d.%d.%d, %s' % (
+                v[0],v[1],v[2],sys.platform)
+            _version_string = ss
+            _zope_version = (-1, -1, -1, '', -1)
+def version_txt():
+    _prep_version_data()
+    return '(%s)' % _version_string
+def getZopeVersion():
+    """
+    Format of zope_version tuple:
+    (major <int>, minor <int>, micro <int>, status <string>, release <int>)
+    If unreleased, integers may be -1.
+    """
+    _prep_version_data()
+    return _zope_version