[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/KeywordIndex/tests - testKeywordIndex.py:1.3
Tres Seaver
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 21:51:43 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/KeywordIndex/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv13579/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/KeywordIndex/tests
Modified Files:
Log Message:
- Test "record-style" parameters (caught typo on 'range', which was
the built-in, rather than the parameter).
- Ensure that queries which mix 'range' and 'operator' for a given index
do the Right Thing (TM) (FieldIndexes ignore 'operator'; KeywordIndexes
ignore 'range').
=== Zope/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/KeywordIndex/tests/testKeywordIndex.py 1.2 => 1.3 ===
assert result[0] == 8
+ def testIntersectionWithRange(self):
+ """Test an 'and' search, ensuring that 'range' doesn't mess it up."""
+ self._populateIndex()
+ record = { 'foo' : { 'query' : [ 'e', 'f' ]
+ , 'operator' : 'and'
+ }
+ }
+ self._checkApply( record, self._values[6:7] )
+ #
+ # Make sure that 'and' tests with incompatible paramters
+ # don't return empty sets.
+ #
+ record[ 'foo' ][ 'range' ] = 'min:max'
+ self._checkApply( record, self._values[6:7] )
def test_suite():
return unittest.makeSuite( TestCase )