[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/Server/FTP/tests - testFTPServer.py:

Shane Hathaway shane@cvs.zope.org
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 16:33:12 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/Server/FTP/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv18622/tests

Modified Files:
      Tag: Zope3-Server-Branch
Log Message:
- Used new readfile(), writefile(), and check_writable() methods.
  This involved some new complexity, since we can't send the 150 response
  until the VFS confirms the file is accessible, but it's better to have
  this complexity in the FTP server than in the VFS implementation, which
  open() would have required.

- Improved some status messages.

- Redid the LIST test, added a STOR test, and re-enabled the socket leak

=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/Server/FTP/tests/testFTPServer.py => ===
 import socket
 from types import StringType
+from StringIO import StringIO
 from threading import Thread
 from Zope.Server.TaskThreads import ThreadedTaskDispatcher
@@ -50,6 +51,12 @@
 my_adj.inbuf_overflow = 10000
+def retrlines(ftpconn, cmd):
+    res = []
+    ftpconn.retrlines(cmd, res.append)
+    return ''.join(res)
 class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
@@ -81,15 +88,14 @@
         # Make sure all sockets get closed by asyncore normally.
         timeout = time() + 5
-        #while 1:
-        #    if len(socket_map) == self.orig_map_size:
-        #        # Clean!
-        #        break
-        #    if time() >= timeout:
-        #        print 'Leaked a socket: %s' % `socket_map`
-        #        break
-        #        #self.fail('Leaked a socket: %s' % `socket_map`)
-        #    poll(0.1, socket_map)
+        while 1:
+            if len(socket_map) == self.orig_map_size:
+                # Clean!
+                break
+            if time() >= timeout:
+                self.fail('Leaked a socket: %s' % `socket_map`)
+                break
+            poll(0.1, socket_map)
     def loop(self):
@@ -119,16 +125,18 @@
     def execute(self, commands, login=1):
         ftp = self.getFTPConnection(login)
-        if type(commands) is StringType:
-            commands = (commands,)
-        for command in commands:
-            ftp.send('%s\r\n' %command)
-            result = ftp.recv(10000)
-            #print result[:-2]
-        self.failUnless(result.endswith('\r\n'))
-        ftp.close()
+        try:
+            if type(commands) is StringType:
+                commands = (commands,)
+            for command in commands:
+                ftp.send('%s\r\n' %command)
+                result = ftp.recv(10000)
+                #print result[:-2]
+            self.failUnless(result.endswith('\r\n'))
+        finally:
+            ftp.close()
         return result[:-2]
@@ -155,10 +163,10 @@
         open(os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'foo'), 'w').write('blah')
         self.assertEqual(self.execute('DELE foo', 1),
                          status_msgs['SUCCESS_250'] %'DELE')
-        self.assertEqual(self.execute('DELE bar', 1),
-                         status_msgs['ERR_DELETE_FILE'])
+        res = self.execute('DELE bar', 1).split()[0]
+        self.assertEqual(res, '550')
         self.assertEqual(self.execute('DELE', 1),
-                         status_msgs['CMD_UNKNOWN'] %'DELE')
+                         status_msgs['ERR_ARGS'])
     def testHELP(self):
@@ -169,14 +177,18 @@
         self.assertEqual(self.execute('HELP', 1), result)
-    # def testLIST(self):
-    #     path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'foo')
-    #     result = "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '%s'" %path
-    # 
-    #     self.assertEqual(self.execute('LIST /foo', 1),
-    #                      status_msgs['ERR_NO_LIST'] %result)
-    #     self.assertEqual(self.execute('LIST', 1),
-    #                      status_msgs['SUCCESS_200'] %'NOOP')
+    def testLIST(self):
+        conn = ftplib.FTP()
+        try:
+            conn.connect(LOCALHOST, self.port)
+            conn.login('foo', 'bar')
+            self.assertRaises(ftplib.Error, retrlines, conn, 'LIST /foo')
+            listing = retrlines(conn, 'LIST')
+            self.assert_(len(listing) > 0)
+        finally:
+            conn.close()
+        # Make sure no garbage was left behind.
+        self.testNOOP()
     def testNOOP(self):
@@ -200,11 +212,29 @@
+    def testSTOR(self):
+        conn = ftplib.FTP()
+        try:
+            conn.connect(LOCALHOST, self.port)
+            conn.login('foo', 'bar')
+            fp = StringIO('Speak softly')
+            # Can't overwrite directory
+            self.assertRaises(
+                ftplib.error_perm, conn.storbinary, 'STOR /test', fp)
+            fp = StringIO('Charity never faileth')
+            # Successful write
+            conn.storbinary('STOR /stuff', fp)
+        finally:
+            conn.close()
+        # Make sure no garbage was left behind.
+        self.testNOOP()
     def testUSER(self):
         self.assertEqual(self.execute('USER foo', 0),
         self.assertEqual(self.execute('USER', 0),
-                         status_msgs['CMD_UNKNOWN'] %'USER')
+                         status_msgs['ERR_ARGS'])