[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Products/DCOracle2/DCOracle2 - DCOracle2.py:1.85

Matthew T. Kromer matt@zope.com
Tue, 23 Apr 2002 14:54:48 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/DCOracle2/DCOracle2
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv18581/DCOracle2

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Reprepare statments when named binds are used (Uwe Hoffman) 

=== Products/DCOracle2/DCOracle2/DCOracle2.py 1.84 => 1.85 ===
             #print "binding %s as %s" % (ck, kw[key])
             p = kw[key]
-            if p is None and self._nullmap is not _nonullmap:
-                self._nullmap[key] = 1
+            if self._nullmap is not _nonullmap: # dco2 flushes types after named
+                self._nullmap[key] = 1          # binds so always reprepare
             if isTypeCoercion(p):
                 self._cursor.bindbyname(ck, p.value, p.type)