[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Traversing - DefaultTraversable.py: ITraverser.py: Traverser.py: __init__.py:
Jim Fulton
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 14:23:18 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Traversing
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv26237/lib/python/Zope/App/Traversing
Modified Files:
Tag: SecurityProxy-branch
DefaultTraversable.py ITraverser.py Traverser.py __init__.py
Log Message:
Changed security code to use security proxies and name-based
security. This has pretty far-reaching implications:
- You now protect names/operations, *not* values. This means it's as
easy yo protect data attributes that have simple values as it is to
protect methods.
- There is no longer a __permissions__ attribute. :)
- There is no longer a validate method in either security managers or
- No more need to have a special compiler for restricted code.
In exchange, lots of objects are proxies and code sometimes needs to
be prepared to remove proxies.
In addition:
- Basic objects (None, strings, numbers, etc.) are not wrapped in
context wrappers.
- There is a test that fails unless Python 2.3 is used.
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Traversing/DefaultTraversable.py => ===
def traverse(self, name, furtherPath):
subject = self._subject
- if hasattr(subject, name):
- return getattr(subject, name)
+ r = getattr(subject, name, self) # self used as marker
+ if r is not self:
+ return r
+ if hasattr(subject, '__getitem__'):
+ # Let exceptions propagate.
+ return self._subject[name]
- if hasattr(subject, '__getitem__'):
- # Let exceptions propagate.
- return self._subject[name]
- else:
- raise NotFoundError, name
+ raise NotFoundError, name
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Traversing/ITraverser.py => ===
- def unrestrictedTraverse(path, default=_RAISE_KEYERROR):
+ def traverse(path, default=_RAISE_KEYERROR):
Return an object given a path.
@@ -50,15 +50,4 @@
is relative to the current context.
If the object is not found, return 'default' argument.
- """
- def restrictedTraverse(path, default=_RAISE_KEYERROR):
- """
- Return the object obtained by traversing the given path from the object
- on which the method was called, performing security checks along the
- way.
- The path argument is the same as for unrestrictedTraverse.
- If an object is not found then the 'default' argument will be returned.
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Traversing/Traverser.py => ===
from ITraversable import ITraversable
from Zope.ContextWrapper.IWrapper import IWrapper
-from Zope.ContextWrapper import wrapper
+from Zope.Proxy.ContextWrapper import getWrapperContext, getWrapperData
+from Zope.Proxy.ContextWrapper import ContextWrapper
from Zope.ComponentArchitecture import getAdapter
from Zope.Exceptions import NotFoundError, Unauthorized
from Zope.App.Security.SecurityManagement import getSecurityManager
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@
def WrapperChain(w):
while w is not None:
yield w
- w = wrapper.getcontext(w)
+ w = getWrapperContext(w)
_marker = object()
@@ -58,13 +59,13 @@
path = []
for w in WrapperChain(self._wrapper):
- d = wrapper.getdict(w)
+ d = getWrapperData(w)
if d:
path.insert(0, d['name'])
return tuple(path)
- def unrestrictedTraverse(self, path, default=_marker, restricted=0):
+ def traverse(self, path, default=_marker):
if not path:
return self._wrapper
@@ -79,16 +80,11 @@
pop = path.pop
- validate = restricted and getSecurityManager().validate
curr = self._wrapper
if not path[-1]:
# Start at the root
curr = self.getPhysicalRoot()
- if restricted:
- validate(None, curr)
while path:
name = pop()
@@ -97,9 +93,7 @@
if name == '..':
- curr = wrapper.getcontext(curr) or curr
- if restricted:
- validate(None, curr)
+ curr = getWrapperContext(curr) or curr
traversable = getAdapter(curr, ITraversable, None)
@@ -107,9 +101,7 @@
raise NotFoundError, 'No traversable adapter found'
next = traversable.traverse(name, path)
- curr = wrapper.Wrapper(next, curr, name=name)
- if restricted:
- validate(name, curr)
+ curr = ContextWrapper(next, curr, name=name)
return curr
@@ -117,7 +109,4 @@
if default == _marker:
return default
- def restrictedTraverse(self, path, default=_marker):
- return self.unrestrictedTraverse(path, default, restricted=1)
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Traversing/__init__.py => ===
Traversing the object tree.
-import Zope.ContextWrapper
-def ZopeWrapper(obj, context=None, **data):
- if obj is None or isinstance(obj,
- (int, long, float, complex, unicode, str)):
- return obj
- return Zope.ContextWrapper.Wrapper(obj, context, **data)