[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/doc - CHANGES.txt:1.406.2.62
Martijn Pieters
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 14:19:07 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/doc
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv636/doc
Modified Files:
Tag: Zope-2_5-branch
Log Message:
Merge from trunk: Allow switching tainting off. AT YOUR OWN RISK, you can
now set ZOPE_DTML_REQUEST_AUTOQUOTE to one of 'no', '0', or 'disabled' and
no tainting will take place.
=== Zope/doc/CHANGES.txt 1.406.2.61 => 1.406.2.62 ===
- <dtml-var name> and &dtml.-name; will now automatically HTML-quote
unsafe data taken implictly from the REQUEST object. Data taken
explicitly from the REQUEST object is not affected, as well as any
- other data not originating from REQUEST.
+ other data not originating from REQUEST. This can be disabled (at
+ your own risk!) by setting the environment variable
+ ZOPE_DTML_REQUEST_AUTOQUOTE to one of 'no', '0', or 'disabled'.
Bugs Fixed