[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python - Lifetime.py:

Toby Dickenson tdickenson@geminidataloggers.com
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 07:10:08 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv18908/lib/python

Added Files:
      Tag: Zope-2_6-branch
Log Message:
implemented Brians proposal for a getClientAddr method

=== Zope/lib/python/Lifetime.py => ===
--- /dev/null	Tue Dec 31 07:10:08 2002
+++ Zope/lib/python/Lifetime.py	Tue Dec 31 07:09:37 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import sys, asyncore, time
+_shutdown_phase = 0
+_shutdown_timeout = 30 # seconds per phase
+# The shutdown phase counts up from 0 to 4.
+# 0  Not yet terminating. running in main loop
+# 1  Loss of service is imminent. Prepare any front-end proxies for this happening
+#    by stopping any ICP servers, so that they can choose to send requests to other
+#    Zope servers in the cluster.
+# 2  Stop accepting any new requests.
+# 3  Wait for all old requests to have been processed
+# 4  Already terminated
+# It is up to individual socket handlers to implement these actions, by providing the
+# 'clean_shutdown_control' method. This is called intermittantly during shutdown with
+# two parameters; the current phase number, and the amount of time that it has currently
+# been in that phase. This method should return true if it does not yet want shutdown to
+# proceed to the next phase.
+def shutdown(exit_code,fast = 0):
+    global _shutdown_phase
+    global _shutdown_timeout
+    if _shutdown_phase == 0:
+        # Thread safety? proably no need to care
+        sys.ZServerExitCode = exit_code
+        _shutdown_phase = 1
+    if fast:
+        # Someone wants us to shutdown fast. This is hooked into SIGTERM - so possibly
+        # the system is going down and we can expect a SIGKILL within a few seconds.
+        # Limit each shutdown phase to one second. This is fast enough, but still clean.
+        _shutdown_timeout = 1.0
+def loop():
+    # Run the main loop until someone calls shutdown()
+    lifetime_loop()
+    # Gradually close sockets in the right order, while running a select
+    # loop to allow remaining requests to trickle away.
+    graceful_shutdown_loop()
+def lifetime_loop():
+    # The main loop. Stay in here until we need to shutdown
+    map = asyncore.socket_map
+    timeout = 30.0
+    while map and _shutdown_phase == 0:
+        asyncore.poll(timeout, map)
+def graceful_shutdown_loop():
+    # The shutdown loop. Allow various services to shutdown gradually.
+    global _shutdown_phase
+    timestamp = time.time()
+    timeout = 1.0
+    map = asyncore.socket_map
+    while map and _shutdown_phase < 4:
+        time_in_this_phase = time.time()-timestamp 
+        veto = 0
+        for fd,obj in map.items():
+            try:
+                fn = getattr(obj,'clean_shutdown_control')
+            except AttributeError:
+                pass
+            else:
+                try:
+                    veto = veto or fn(_shutdown_phase,time_in_this_phase)
+                except:
+                    obj.handle_error()
+        if veto and time_in_this_phase<_shutdown_timeout:
+            # Any open socket handler can veto moving on to the next shutdown phase.
+            # (but not forever)
+            asyncore.poll(timeout, map)
+        else:
+            # No vetos? That is one step closer to shutting down
+            _shutdown_phase += 1
+            timestamp = time.time()
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