[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndexNG/queryparser - queryparser.py:
Andreas Jung
Sat, 16 Feb 2002 08:35:51 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndexNG/queryparser
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv14698
Modified Files:
Tag: ajung-textindexng-branch
Log Message:
- integrated grammar and terminals definition.
- code cleanup
=== Zope/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndexNG/queryparser/queryparser.py => ===
QueryParser class
+This module defines the grammar for TextIndexNG queries. It uses the
+kwParsing module. To rebuild the grammer, start this script using the
+'-g' option.
__version__ = '$Id$'
-import TextIndexG
+import os
from Collector import Collector
+if not '__file__' in dir(): # HACK !
+ __file__ = os.getcwd()
+COMPILEDFILENAME = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "TextIndexG.py")
+MARSHALLEDFILENAME = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "TextIndexG.mar")
+ expr ::
+ @R R1 :: expr >> factor
+ @R R2 :: expr >> factor or factor
+ @R R3 :: expr >> factor factor
+ @R R4 :: factor >> term
+ @R R5a :: factor >> term and term
+ @R R5b :: factor >> term near term
+ @R R5c :: factor >> term quote term
+ @R R6a :: term >> prox_str
+ @R R6b :: term >> str
+ @R R7 :: term >> openp expr closep
+Terminals = (
+ ('openp', '\(', 'addOpenParens'),
+ ('closep', '\)', 'addCloseParens'),
+ ('and', 'and', 'addOp'),
+ ('near', 'near', 'addOp'),
+ ('quote', 'quote', 'addOp'),
+ ('or', 'or', 'addOp'),
+ ('str', '[\w\*\?]*', 'addWord'),
+ ('prox_str', '#[\w\*\?]*', 'addProximityWord'),
+def DeclareTerminals(Grammar):
+ for term, reg, f in Terminals:
+ Grammar.Addterm(term, reg, '')
+def GrammarBuild():
+ """ generatesthe grammar and dump it to a file"""
+ import kjParseBuild
+ TextIndexG = kjParseBuild.NullCGrammar()
+ TextIndexG.SetCaseSensitivity(0) # grammar is not case sensitive for keywords
+ DeclareTerminals(TextIndexG)
+ TextIndexG.Nonterms("expr term factor ")
+ TextIndexG.Declarerules(GRAMMARSTRING)
+ TextIndexG.Compile()
+ print "dumping as python to "+COMPILEDFILENAME
+ outfile = open(COMPILEDFILENAME, "w")
+ TextIndexG.Reconstruct("TextIndexG",outfile,"GRAMMAR")
+ outfile.close()
+ print "dumping as binary to "+MARSHALLEDFILENAME
+ outfile = open(MARSHALLEDFILENAME, "w")
+ TextIndexG.MarshalDump(outfile)
+ outfile.close()
+ return TextIndexG
+ import TextIndexG
+ GrammarBuild()
+ import TextIndexG
class QueryParser(Collector):
"""Query parser takes a TextIndexNG query strings and transforms it
into a Python expression to be evaluated.
- QUOTEREGEX = 'quote'
- NEARREGEX = 'near'
- ANDREGEX = 'and'
- ORREGEX = 'or'
- STRREGEX = '[\w\*\?]*'
def __init__(self):
@@ -48,13 +115,8 @@
def DeclareTerminals(self):
- self.TextIndexG.Addterm("openp", self.OPENPREGEX, self.addOpenParens)
- self.TextIndexG.Addterm("closep", self.CLOSEPREGEX, self.addCloseParens)
- self.TextIndexG.Addterm("and", self.ANDREGEX, self.addOp)
- self.TextIndexG.Addterm("near", self.NEARREGEX, self.addOp)
- self.TextIndexG.Addterm("quote", self.QUOTEREGEX, self.addOp)
- self.TextIndexG.Addterm("or", self.ORREGEX, self.addOp)
- self.TextIndexG.Addterm("str", self.STRREGEX, self.addWord)
+ for term, reg, f in Terminals:
+ self.TextIndexG.Addterm(term, reg, getattr(self,f) )
def BindRules(self): pass
@@ -70,33 +132,42 @@
def test():
import os, sys, re,traceback, atexit
- import readline
histfile = os.path.expanduser('~/.pyhist')
+ import readline
- except IOError: pass
- atexit.register(readline.write_history_file,histfile)
- print "loading grammar as python"
+ atexit.register(readline.write_history_file,histfile)
+ except: pass
Context = { }
+ print "entering interactive query mode:"
while 1:
s = raw_input('> ')
print s
P = QueryParser()
res = P(s)
print 'res:',res
if __name__ == '__main__':
- test()
+ import sys
+ if len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1]=='-g':
+ print "(re)generating the TextIndexG grammar in file TextIndexG.py"
+ Dummy = GrammarBuild()
+ print "(re)generation done."
+ else:
+ test()