[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Security - metaConfigure.py: protectClass.py: publicClass.py:

Jim Fulton jim@zope.com
Thu, 3 Jan 2002 14:29:54 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Security
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv16747/App/Security

Modified Files:
      Tag: Zope-3x-branch
	metaConfigure.py protectClass.py publicClass.py 
Log Message:
Refactored configuration framework:

- Configuration directives must be written to a 
  a different framework. See

- Configuration directives now don't take actions immediately.
  Instead, they return a sequence of discriminators and callables
  objects with arguments.  This allows configuration to be defered to
  allow overriding and conflct detection.

- Can now detect conflicting directives

- Can override directives. Directives in including configuration files
  override directives in included files. Conflicting directives are
  decided based on discriminators.

- Added new directives for defining directives. All directives, except
  for a few bootstrap irectives, are now configurable in the
  configuration file. This makes directives a little more discoverable
  and facilitates extension of directives.

=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Security/metaConfigure.py => ===
 """ Register security related configuration directives """
-from Zope.Configuration import namespace
-from Zope.Configuration.meta import register
 from Zope.Configuration.name import resolve
 from protectClass import protectClass
 from publicClass import publicClass
@@ -24,46 +22,55 @@
 from PrincipalPermissionManager import principalPermissionManager as principal_perm_mgr
 from PrincipalRoleManager import principalRoleManager as principal_role_mgr
-def setSecurityPolicy_directive( name ):
-    """
-    """
+def defaultPolicy(name):
     policy = resolve( name )
     if callable( policy ):
         policy = policy()
-    setSecurityPolicy( policy )
+    return [('defaultPolicy', setSecurityPolicy, (policy,))]
-# We need a wrapper to throw away the return value, otherwise the machinery
-# requres that the returned things is a callable.
-def throw_away_return_value(func):
-    def callfunc(func=func, **kw):
-        func(**kw)
-    return callfunc
-def metaConfigure():
-    register(namespace('security'),
-             'definePermission',
-             throw_away_return_value(perm_reg.definePermission))
-    register(namespace('security'),
-             'defineRole',
-             throw_away_return_value(role_reg.defineRole))
-    register(namespace('security'), 'protectClass', protectClass)
-    register(namespace('security'), 'publicClass', publicClass)
-    register(namespace('security'), 'defaultPolicy',
-             setSecurityPolicy_directive)
-    register(namespace('security'), 'principal',
-             principalRegistry.definePrincipal)
-    register(namespace('security'), 'defaultPrincipal',
-             principalRegistry.defineDefaultPrincipal)
-    register(namespace('security'), 'grantPermissionToRole',
-             role_perm_mgr.grantPermissionToRole)
-    register(namespace('security'), 'grantPermissionToPrincipal',
-             principal_perm_mgr.grantPermissionToPrincipal)
-    register(namespace('security'), 'assignRoleToPrincipal',
-             principal_role_mgr.assignRoleToPrincipal)
+def definePermission(permission, title, description=''):
+    action = (('definePermission', permission),
+              perm_reg.definePermission, (permission, title, description))
+    return (action,)
+def defineRole(role, title, description=''):
+    action = (('defineRole', role),
+              role_reg.defineRole, (role, title, description))
+    return (action,)
+def principal(principal, title, login, password, description=''):
+    return [(
+        ('principal', principal),
+        principalRegistry.definePrincipal,
+        (principal, title, description, login, password)
+        )]
+def defaultPrincipal(principal, title, description=''):
+    return [(
+        'defaultPrincipal',
+        principalRegistry.defineDefaultPrincipal,
+        (principal, title, description)
+        )]
+def grantPermissionToRole(permission, role):
+    return [(
+        ('grantPermissionToRole', permission, role),
+        role_perm_mgr.grantPermissionToRole,
+        (permission, role)
+        )]
+def grantPermissionToPrincipal(permission, principal):
+    return [(
+        ('grantPermissionToPrincipal', permission, principal),
+        principal_perm_mgr.grantPermissionToPrincipal,
+        (permission, principal)
+        )]
+def assignRoleToPrincipal(role, principal):
+    return [(
+        ('assignRoleToPrincipal', role, principal),
+        principal_role_mgr.assignRoleToPrincipal,
+        (role, principal)
+        )]

=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Security/protectClass.py => ===
 from Interface.Method import Method
+from Zope.Configuration.ConfigurationDirectiveInterfaces \
+     import INonEmptyDirective
 class ProtectionDeclarationException(Exception):
     """Security-protection-specific exceptions."""
 class protectClass:
+    __class_implements__ = INonEmptyDirective    
     def __init__(self, name, permission=None, interface=None,
                  method=None, methods=None):
         self.__class = resolve(name)
-        self.__name=name
-        self.__permission=permission
-        self.protect(permission, interface, method, methods)
+        self.__name = name
+        self.__permission = permission
+        self.__r = self.protect(permission, interface, method, methods)
         # So subsequent simple-declaration-style self() calls process instances
         self.__empty = 1
@@ -62,24 +68,46 @@
         self.__empty = 0
         if not (interface or method or methods):
-            return
+            return []
         permission = self._getPermission(permission)
+        r = []
         if interface:
-            self.__protectByInterface(interface, permission)
+            self.__protectByInterface(interface, permission, r)
         if method:
-            self.__protectMethod(method, permission)
+            self.__protectMethod(method, permission, r)
         if methods:
-            self.__protectMethods(methods, permission)
+            self.__protectMethods(methods, permission, r)
+        return r
     def instances(self, permission=None):
         "Protect instances of the class, as opposed to methods"
         self.__empty = 0
         permission = self._getPermission(permission)
+        r=[]
+        self.__instances(permission, r)
+        return r
+    def __inst(self, permission):
         self.__class.__permission__ = permission
-    def __protectMethod(self, method, permission):
+    def __instances(self, permission, r):
+        "Protect instances of the class, as opposed to methods"
+        permission = self._getPermission(permission)
+        r.append((
+            ('protectInstances', self.__class),
+            self.__inst, (permission,)))
+    def __protectMethod(self, method, permission, r):
+        "Set a permission on a particular method."
+        r.append((
+            ('protectMethod', self.__class, method),
+            self.__method, (method, permission)))
+    def __method(self, method, permission):
         "Set a permission on a particular method."
         m = getattr(self.__class, method)
@@ -92,20 +120,22 @@
                     "Couldn't assign permission to method %s of class %s"
                     % (m, self.__class.__name__))
-    def __protectMethods(self, methods, permission):
+    def __protectMethods(self, methods, permission, r):
         "Set a permission on a bunch of methods."
         for method in methods.split(","):
-            self.__protectMethod(method.strip(), permission)
+            self.__protectMethod(method.strip(), permission, r)
-    def __protectByInterface(self, interface, permission):
+    def __protectByInterface(self, interface, permission, r):
         "Set a permission on methods in an interface."
         interface = resolve(interface)
         for n, d in interface.namesAndDescriptions():
             if isinstance(d, Method):
-                self.__protectMethod(n, permission)
+                self.__protectMethod(n, permission, r)
     def __call__(self):
         "Handle empty/simple declaration."
+        r = self.__r
         if self.__empty:
-            self.instances(self.__permission)
+            self.__instances(self.__permission, r)
+        return r

=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Security/publicClass.py => ===
 from protectClass import protectClass
+from Zope.Configuration.ConfigurationDirectiveInterfaces \
+     import INonEmptyDirective
 class PublicDeclarationException(Exception):
     """Security-protection-specific exception."""
@@ -42,4 +45,4 @@
     def __call__(self):
-        protectClass.__call__(self)
+        return protectClass.__call__(self)