[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndexNG/queryparser - Makefile: queryparser.g: queryparser.py:
Andreas Jung
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 13:21:29 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndexNG/queryparser
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv12830/queryparser
Added Files:
Tag: ajung-textindexng-branch
Makefile queryparser.g queryparser.py
Log Message:
added prelim. new parser for TextIndex queries
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndexNG/queryparser/Makefile ===
all: queryparser.py test
queryparser.py: queryparser.g
python2.1 yapps2/yapps2.py queryparser.g
test: queryparser.py
python2.1 queryparser.py
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndexNG/queryparser/queryparser.g ===
# dumb parser for TextIndex queries
def quote(s,p):
return '%s("%s")' % (p,s)
OpDict = {
'&': 'difference',
'|': 'union',
'...': 'near'
res= ''
parser TextIndexQueryParser:
ignore: "[ \r\t\n]+"
token END: "$"
token NUM: "[0-9]+"
token VAR: "[a-zA-Z_]+"
token AND: "\\&"
token OR: "\\|"
token NEAR: "\\.\\.\\."
rule expr: "(\\(){0,1}" {{ words = []; op=[] }}
"(\\)){0,1}" {{ if res: words.append(res) }}
{{ global res;c = ("%s(%s)" % (op[0], ','.join(words))) }}
{{ res = c }}
{{ return words,op }}
rule subexpr<<words,op>>:
OR {{ op.append(OpDict[OR]) }}
| AND {{ op.append(OpDict[AND]) }}
| NEAR {{ op.append(OpDict[NEAR]) }}
| VAR {{ words.append(quote(VAR,'LL')) }}
| expr
def test():
global res
for s in ['(a | b | d)', '(a | (b | c))', '(a &(b|c)', '(zope...rocks) and mailman' ]:
print '-'*78
print s
res = ''
print parse('expr', s)
print "result=",res
if __name__=='__main__':
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndexNG/queryparser/queryparser.py ===
# dumb parser for TextIndex queries
def quote(s,p):
return '%s("%s")' % (p,s)
OpDict = {
'&': 'difference',
'|': 'union',
'...': 'near'
res= ''
from string import *
import re
from yappsrt import *
class TextIndexQueryParserScanner(Scanner):
patterns = [
('"(\\\\)){0,1}"', re.compile('(\\)){0,1}')),
('"(\\\\(){0,1}"', re.compile('(\\(){0,1}')),
('[ \r\t\n]+', re.compile('[ \r\t\n]+')),
('END', re.compile('$')),
('NUM', re.compile('[0-9]+')),
('VAR', re.compile('[a-zA-Z_]+')),
('AND', re.compile('\\&')),
('OR', re.compile('\\|')),
('NEAR', re.compile('\\.\\.\\.')),
def __init__(self, str):
Scanner.__init__(self,None,['[ \r\t\n]+'],str)
class TextIndexQueryParser(Parser):
def expr(self):
words = []; op=[]
while self._peek('"(\\\\)){0,1}"', 'OR', 'AND', 'NEAR', 'VAR', '"(\\\\(){0,1}"') != '"(\\\\)){0,1}"':
subexpr = self.subexpr(words,op)
if res: words.append(res)
global res;c = ("%s(%s)" % (op[0], ','.join(words)))
res = c
return words,op
def subexpr(self, words,op):
_token_ = self._peek('OR', 'AND', 'NEAR', 'VAR', '"(\\\\(){0,1}"')
if _token_ == 'OR':
OR = self._scan('OR')
elif _token_ == 'AND':
AND = self._scan('AND')
elif _token_ == 'NEAR':
NEAR = self._scan('NEAR')
elif _token_ == 'VAR':
VAR = self._scan('VAR')
else: # == '"(\\\\(){0,1}"'
expr = self.expr()
def parse(rule, text):
P = TextIndexQueryParser(TextIndexQueryParserScanner(text))
return wrap_error_reporter(P, rule)
def test():
global res
for s in ['(a | b | d)', '(a | (b | c))', '(a &(b|c)', '(zope...rocks) and mailman' ]:
print '-'*78
print s
res = ''
print parse('expr', s)
print "result=",res
if __name__=='__main__':