[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/I18n - I18nObject.stx:1.1
Stephan Richter
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 20:57:55 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/I18n
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv25811/Zope/I18n
Added Files:
Log Message:
Some early docs.
=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/I18n/I18nObject.stx ===
I18n Objects
I18n objects are used to interantionalize content that cannot be translated
via messages. The problem is three fold:
- Internationalize an object iteself. The best example an Image. Often
people put text into an image that needs to be localized, but since it
is a picture the text cannot be retrieved as a string. You therefore
will need a mechanism create a different version of the object for every
language. (Note: This behavior is the same as currently implemented in
the ZBabelObject.)
- Internationalize fractions of the content. Let's say for example you
wanted to internationalize the DublinCore information of your content
object. In order for this to work out you need to have an
I18n-supportive AttributeAnnotation. Solving this use case would be
similar to some of the work David Juan did with
InternationcalizedContent in Localizer.
- Formatting Objects. This problem involves converting basic or complex
types into a localized format. Good examples for this are decimal
numbers and date/time objects. In this case you would like to specify a
format via a templating expression and then pass the object to the
formatter to apply the parsed template. Initial steps for implementing
the template parser have been already taken, therefore we only need to
develop some interfaces and unittests here, so the parser developer
(which will use the ICU C/C++ libraries) will what parts of the parser
to wrap for Python.
The first two problems are very similar and can actually share the same
interface for the language negotiation and redirection of the content
request. I would therefore propose to have a II18nContent interface that
somehow specifies how to get the and then redirect the call to the correct
local content.
There will be an interface called II18nObject (which inherits I18nContent
of course), which is a cameleon-like container, as it adapts to the
properties of the contained object type. In order to accomplish all this,
you will have to implement your own traverser which looks up the correct
This object will basically provide an internationalized version of
Zope.App.OFS.AttributeAnnotations. which will be accomplished in a similar
manner as the I18nObject.
One issue left to solve is how to know the language when we need to make the
decision. These objects are **not** Views, therefore they do not know about
the request variable.
One way to solve the issue would be that I18nAttributeAnnotation, for
example, would not actually implement the IAnnotations interface, but that
there would be an Adapter converting the II18nAnnotations to
IAnnotations. Since adapters are short-lived (meaning they are initialized
for a particular call), we can safely store some language information in
them in order to make the language decision.