[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/ZopePublication/TraversalViews - AbsoluteURL.py:1.5

Jim Fulton jim@zope.com
Sat, 13 Jul 2002 10:19:07 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/ZopePublication/TraversalViews
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv1111/lib/python/Zope/App/ZopePublication/TraversalViews

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fixed bug in context management when uri segments that produce only
side effects (e.g. ++skin++ZopeTop) are used.

Fixed up absolute url bread crumbs to not show side-effect steps in
bread crumbs, while retaining them in the breadcrumb urls.

Refactored side-effect handling slightly (changed context data names)
in absolute url and physical path code.

Added tests for side effect handling for absolute url, physical path,
and namespace handling code.

=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/ZopePublication/TraversalViews/AbsoluteURL.py 1.4 => 1.5 ===
         if name is None or container is None:
             raise TypeError, 'Not enough context information to get a URL'
         if name == '.':
-            name = dict.get('uri_segment', name)
+            name = dict.get('side_effect_name', name)
         return "%s/%s" % (getView(container, 'absolute_url', self.request),
@@ -61,8 +61,21 @@
         container = getWrapperContainer(context)
         if name is None or container is None:
             raise TypeError, 'Not enough context information to get a URL'
         if name == '.':
-            name = dict.get('uri_segment', name)
+            # The name is meaningless. There is a side-efect name
+            # that we need to preserve in the urls (only)
+            name = dict.get('side_effect_name', name)
+            base = getView(container, 'absolute_url',
+                           self.request).breadcrumbs()
+            # replace the last step in base with a step with the same
+            # name ans an augmented url
+            base = base[:-1] + ({
+                'name': base[-1]['name'],
+                'url': ("%s/%s" % (base[-1]['url'], name)),
+                }, )
+            return base
         base = getView(container, 'absolute_url', self.request).breadcrumbs()
         base += ({'name': name, 'url': ("%s/%s" % (base[-1]['url'], name))}, )
@@ -78,7 +91,7 @@
         name = dict and dict.get('name') or None
         if name:
             if name == '.':
-                name = dict.get('uri_segment', name)
+                name = dict.get('side_effect_name', name)
             container = getWrapperContainer(context)
             return "%s/%s" % (getView(container, 'absolute_url', self.request),
@@ -92,15 +105,23 @@
         dict = getInnerWrapperData(context)
         name = dict and dict.get('name') or None
         if name:
+            # The name is meaningless. There is a side-efect name
+            # that we need to preserve in the urls (only)
             if name == '.':
-                name = dict.get('uri_segment', name)
+                name = dict.get('side_effect_name', name)
             container = getWrapperContainer(context)
             base = getView(container, 'absolute_url',
-            base += ({'name': name,
-                      'url': ("%s/%s" % (base[-1]['url'], name))}, )
+            # replace the last step in base with a step with the same
+            # name ans an augmented url
+            base = base[:-1] + (
+                {'name': base[-1]['name'],
+                 'url': ("%s/%s" % (base[-1]['url'], name))}, )
             return base
         return ({'name':'', 'url': self.request.getApplicationURL()}, )