[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/Zope - __init__.py: ClassFactory.py:NONE
Jim Fulton
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 17:15:36 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/Zope
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv7961/lib/python/Zope
Modified Files:
Tag: Zope-2_7-development-branch
Removed Files:
Tag: Zope-2_7-development-branch
Log Message:
Changed the Zope package to be a pure (well almost pure) container
package, in preparation for making some Zope 3 packages available in
Zope 2.7.
Now importing Zope has no side effects (other than adding an entry to
To initialize the Zope application server, you need to call the
startup function in the Zope package:
import Zope # does nothing
Zope.startup() # initializes the application
Zope.startup populates the Zope package with the traditional
attributes, like DB and debug.
Note that calling startup additional times has no effect.
=== Zope/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py 1.30 => ===
-# Copyright (c) 2001 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
@@ -10,234 +11,15 @@
-"""Initialize the Zope Package and provide a published module
-# We need to get the right BTree extensions loaded
-import sys, os, App.FindHomes
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(SOFTWARE_HOME, 'ZopeZODB3'))
-import ZODB, ZODB.ZApplication, imp
-import Globals, OFS.Application, sys
-import AccessControl.SecurityManagement, AccessControl.User
+def startup():
+ """Initialize the Zope Package and provide a published module
+ """
+ from Zope.App.startup import startup as _startup
+ _startup()
+ # We want to make calls after the first noops
+ global startup
+ startup = lambda: None
-Globals.BobobaseName = os.path.join(Globals.data_dir, 'Data.fs')
-# Import products
-# Open the database
- # Try to use custom storage
- m=imp.find_module('custom_zodb',[INSTANCE_HOME])
- import ZODB.FileStorage
- DB=ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage(Globals.BobobaseName)
- m=imp.load_module('Zope.custom_zodb', m[0], m[1], m[2])
- if hasattr(m,'DB'):
- DB=m.DB
- else:
- DB=m.Storage
- Globals.BobobaseName = DB.getName()
- sys.modules['Zope.custom_zodb']=m
-if DB.getActivityMonitor() is None:
- from ZODB.ActivityMonitor import ActivityMonitor
- DB.setActivityMonitor(ActivityMonitor())
-Globals.DB=DB # Ick, this is temporary until we come up with some registry
-# Hook for providing multiple transaction object manager undo support:
-import ClassFactory
-# "Log on" as system user
- None, AccessControl.User.system)
-# Set up the "application" object that automagically opens
-# connections
- DB, 'Application', OFS.Application.Application, (),
- Globals.VersionNameName)
-# Initialize products:
-if Globals.DevelopmentMode:
- # Set up auto-refresh.
- from App.RefreshFuncs import setupAutoRefresh
- setupAutoRefresh(c._p_jar)
-del c
-# "Log off" as system user
-# This is sneaky, but we don't want to play with Main:
-import ZODB.POSException, ZPublisher, ZPublisher
-import ExtensionClass
-from zLOG import LOG, WARNING, INFO, BLATHER, log_time
-conflict_errors = 0
-startup_time = log_time()
-def debug(*args, **kw):
- return apply(ZPublisher.test,('Zope',)+args, kw)
-class RequestContainer(ExtensionClass.Base):
- def __init__(self,r): self.REQUEST=r
-def zpublisher_exception_hook(
- published, REQUEST, t, v, traceback,
- # static
- StringType=type(''),
- ConflictError=ZODB.POSException.ConflictError,
- ListType=type([]),
- ):
- try:
- if isinstance(t, StringType):
- if t.lower() in ('unauthorized', 'redirect'):
- raise
- else:
- if t is SystemExit:
- raise
- if issubclass(t, ConflictError):
- # First, we need to close the current connection. We'll
- # do this by releasing the hold on it. There should be
- # some sane protocol for this, but for now we'll use
- # brute force:
- global conflict_errors
- conflict_errors = conflict_errors + 1
- method_name = REQUEST.get('PATH_INFO', '')
- err = ('ZODB conflict error at %s '
- '(%s conflicts since startup at %s)')
- LOG(err % (method_name, conflict_errors, startup_time),
- INFO, '')
- LOG('Conflict traceback', BLATHER, '', error=sys.exc_info())
- raise ZPublisher.Retry(t, v, traceback)
- if t is ZPublisher.Retry: v.reraise()
- if (getattr(REQUEST.get('RESPONSE', None), '_error_format', '')
- !='text/html'): raise
- if (published is None or published is app or
- type(published) is ListType):
- # At least get the top-level object
- published=app.__bobo_traverse__(REQUEST).__of__(
- RequestContainer(REQUEST))
- get_transaction().begin() # Just to be sure.
- published=getattr(published, 'im_self', published)
- while 1:
- f=getattr(published, 'raise_standardErrorMessage', None)
- if f is None:
- published=getattr(published, 'aq_parent', None)
- if published is None: raise
- else:
- break
- client=published
- while 1:
- if getattr(client, 'standard_error_message', None) is not None:
- break
- client=getattr(client, 'aq_parent', None)
- if client is None: raise
- if REQUEST.get('AUTHENTICATED_USER', None) is None:
- REQUEST['AUTHENTICATED_USER']=AccessControl.User.nobody
- f(client, REQUEST, t, v, traceback)
- finally: traceback=None
-class TransactionsManager:
- def begin(self,
- # Optimize global var lookups:
- get_transaction=get_transaction):
- get_transaction().begin()
- def commit(self,
- # Optimize global var lookups:
- get_transaction=get_transaction):
- get_transaction().commit()
- def abort(self,
- # Optimize global var lookups:
- get_transaction=get_transaction):
- get_transaction().abort()
- def recordMetaData(self, object, request,
- # Optimize global var lookups:
- hasattr=hasattr, getattr=getattr,
- get_transaction=get_transaction,
- ):
- request_get = request.get
- if hasattr(object, 'getPhysicalPath'):
- path = '/'.join(object.getPhysicalPath())
- else:
- # Try hard to get the physical path of the object,
- # but there are many circumstances where that's not possible.
- to_append = ()
- if hasattr(object, 'im_self') and hasattr(object, '__name__'):
- # object is a Python method.
- to_append = (object.__name__,)
- object = object.im_self
- while object is not None and \
- not hasattr(object, 'getPhysicalPath'):
- if not hasattr(object, '__name__'):
- object = None
- break
- to_append = (object.__name__,) + to_append
- object = getattr(object, 'aq_inner', object)
- object = getattr(object, 'aq_parent', None)
- if object is not None:
- path = '/'.join(object.getPhysicalPath() + to_append)
- else:
- # As Jim would say, "Waaaaaaaa!"
- # This may cause problems with virtual hosts
- # since the physical path is different from the path
- # used to retrieve the object.
- path = request_get('PATH_INFO')
- T=get_transaction()
- T.note(path)
- auth_user=request_get('AUTHENTICATED_USER',None)
- if auth_user is not None:
- try:
- auth_folder = auth_user.aq_parent
- except AttributeError:
- # Most likely some product forgot to call __of__()
- # on the user object.
- LOG('AccessControl', WARNING,
- 'A user object of type %s has no aq_parent.'
- % str(type(auth_user)))
- auth_path = request_get('AUTHENTICATION_PATH')
- else:
- auth_path = '/'.join(auth_folder.getPhysicalPath()[1:-1])
- T.setUser(auth_user, auth_path)
-zpublisher_transactions_manager = TransactionsManager()
=== Removed File Zope/lib/python/Zope/ClassFactory.py ===