[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/tests - testField.py: testFieldRegistry.py: testIInstanceFactory.py: testPropertyFieldAdapter.py: testSimpleRegistry.py: testValidator.py: testValidatorRegistry.py:
Jeremy Hylton
Tue, 4 Jun 2002 12:27:50 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv4032/tests
Modified Files:
Tag: Zope-3x-branch
testField.py testFieldRegistry.py testIInstanceFactory.py
testPropertyFieldAdapter.py testSimpleRegistry.py
testValidator.py testValidatorRegistry.py
Log Message:
Fix line endings
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/tests/testField.py => ===
-This test suite tests all Field methods with exception tothe ones defined by
-IInstanceFactory, since they have their own test suite.
-import unittest
-from Zope.App.Formulator.Field import Field
-from Zope.App.Formulator.Validators.StringValidator import StringValidator
-class ContentObject:
- """Content Object stub that will provide the context fir the
- InstanceFactory"""
- pass
-class Test( unittest.TestCase ):
- def _makeField(self):
- """Make a field to test the functions with."""
- context = ContentObject()
- some_field = Field(context=context,
- id='some',
- title='Something',
- description='This is some field.',
- required=1,
- default='Empty',
- validator=StringValidator())
- return some_field
- def testInitWithoutContext(self):
- """Test __init__ without passing a context."""
- some_field = Field(id='some',
- title='Something',
- description='This is some field.',
- required=1,
- default='Empty',
- validator=None)
- self.assertEqual(some_field.context, None)
- self.assertEqual(some_field.id, 'some')
- self.assertEqual(some_field.title, 'Something')
- self.assertEqual(some_field.description, 'This is some field.')
- self.assertEqual(some_field.required, 1)
- self.assertEqual(some_field.default, 'Empty')
- self.assertEqual(some_field.validator, None)
- def testInitWithContext(self):
- """Test __init__ with passing a context."""
- context = ContentObject()
- some_field = Field(context=context,
- id='some',
- title='Something',
- description='This is some field.',
- required=1,
- default='Empty',
- validator=None)
- self.assertEqual(some_field.context, context)
- self.assertEqual(some_field.id, 'some')
- self.assertEqual(some_field.title, 'Something')
- self.assertEqual(some_field.description, 'This is some field.')
- self.assertEqual(some_field.required, 1)
- self.assertEqual(some_field.default, 'Empty')
- self.assertEqual(some_field.validator, None)
- def testGetValidator(self):
- """Test the getValidator method."""
- field = self._makeField()
- self.assertEqual(type(field.getValidator()), type(StringValidator()))
- def testHasValue(self):
- """Test the hasValue method."""
- field = self._makeField()
- self.assertEqual(field.hasValue('id'), 1)
- self.assertEqual(field.hasValue('foo'), 0)
- def testGetValue(self):
- """Test the getValue method."""
- field = self._makeField()
- self.assertEqual(field.getValue('id'), 'some')
- self.assertEqual(field.getValue('foo'), None)
- self.assertEqual(field.getValue('foo', 'bar'), 'bar')
- def testIsRequired(self):
- """Test the isRequired method."""
- field = self._makeField()
- self.assertEqual(field.isRequired(), 1)
- def testGetErrorNames(self):
- """Test the getErrorNames method."""
- field = self._makeField()
- self.assertEqual(field.getErrorNames(), ['externalValidatorFailed',
- 'requiredNotFound', 'tooLong'])
- def testGetErrorMessage(self):
- """Test the getErrorMessage method."""
- field = self._makeField()
- self.assertEqual(field.getErrorMessage('tooLong'), field.validator.tooLong)
- self.assertEqual(field.getErrorMessage('foo'), None)
-def test_suite():
- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
- return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase( Test )
-if __name__=='__main__':
- unittest.TextTestRunner().run( test_suite() )
+This test suite tests all Field methods with exception tothe ones defined by
+IInstanceFactory, since they have their own test suite.
+import unittest
+from Zope.App.Formulator.Field import Field
+from Zope.App.Formulator.Validators.StringValidator import StringValidator
+class ContentObject:
+ """Content Object stub that will provide the context fir the
+ InstanceFactory"""
+ pass
+class Test( unittest.TestCase ):
+ def _makeField(self):
+ """Make a field to test the functions with."""
+ context = ContentObject()
+ some_field = Field(context=context,
+ id='some',
+ title='Something',
+ description='This is some field.',
+ required=1,
+ default='Empty',
+ validator=StringValidator())
+ return some_field
+ def testInitWithoutContext(self):
+ """Test __init__ without passing a context."""
+ some_field = Field(id='some',
+ title='Something',
+ description='This is some field.',
+ required=1,
+ default='Empty',
+ validator=None)
+ self.assertEqual(some_field.context, None)
+ self.assertEqual(some_field.id, 'some')
+ self.assertEqual(some_field.title, 'Something')
+ self.assertEqual(some_field.description, 'This is some field.')
+ self.assertEqual(some_field.required, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(some_field.default, 'Empty')
+ self.assertEqual(some_field.validator, None)
+ def testInitWithContext(self):
+ """Test __init__ with passing a context."""
+ context = ContentObject()
+ some_field = Field(context=context,
+ id='some',
+ title='Something',
+ description='This is some field.',
+ required=1,
+ default='Empty',
+ validator=None)
+ self.assertEqual(some_field.context, context)
+ self.assertEqual(some_field.id, 'some')
+ self.assertEqual(some_field.title, 'Something')
+ self.assertEqual(some_field.description, 'This is some field.')
+ self.assertEqual(some_field.required, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(some_field.default, 'Empty')
+ self.assertEqual(some_field.validator, None)
+ def testGetValidator(self):
+ """Test the getValidator method."""
+ field = self._makeField()
+ self.assertEqual(type(field.getValidator()), type(StringValidator()))
+ def testHasValue(self):
+ """Test the hasValue method."""
+ field = self._makeField()
+ self.assertEqual(field.hasValue('id'), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(field.hasValue('foo'), 0)
+ def testGetValue(self):
+ """Test the getValue method."""
+ field = self._makeField()
+ self.assertEqual(field.getValue('id'), 'some')
+ self.assertEqual(field.getValue('foo'), None)
+ self.assertEqual(field.getValue('foo', 'bar'), 'bar')
+ def testIsRequired(self):
+ """Test the isRequired method."""
+ field = self._makeField()
+ self.assertEqual(field.isRequired(), 1)
+ def testGetErrorNames(self):
+ """Test the getErrorNames method."""
+ field = self._makeField()
+ self.assertEqual(field.getErrorNames(), ['externalValidatorFailed',
+ 'requiredNotFound', 'tooLong'])
+ def testGetErrorMessage(self):
+ """Test the getErrorMessage method."""
+ field = self._makeField()
+ self.assertEqual(field.getErrorMessage('tooLong'), field.validator.tooLong)
+ self.assertEqual(field.getErrorMessage('foo'), None)
+def test_suite():
+ loader = unittest.TestLoader()
+ return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase( Test )
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ unittest.TextTestRunner().run( test_suite() )
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/tests/testFieldRegistry.py => ===
-I do not think it is necessary to do the entire SimpleRegistry tests again.
-Instead we will test whether the module in itself works.
-import unittest
-from Interface import Interface
-from Zope.App.Formulator.FieldRegistry import registerField, getField, IField
-class Field:
- """Field Stub."""
- __implements__ = IField
-class Test( unittest.TestCase ):
- def testRegistry(self):
- field = Field()
- registerField('field', field)
- self.assertEqual(getField('field'), field)
-def test_suite():
- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
- return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase( Test )
-if __name__=='__main__':
- unittest.TextTestRunner().run( test_suite() )
+I do not think it is necessary to do the entire SimpleRegistry tests again.
+Instead we will test whether the module in itself works.
+import unittest
+from Interface import Interface
+from Zope.App.Formulator.FieldRegistry import registerField, getField, IField
+class Field:
+ """Field Stub."""
+ __implements__ = IField
+class Test( unittest.TestCase ):
+ def testRegistry(self):
+ field = Field()
+ registerField('field', field)
+ self.assertEqual(getField('field'), field)
+def test_suite():
+ loader = unittest.TestLoader()
+ return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase( Test )
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ unittest.TextTestRunner().run( test_suite() )
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/tests/testIInstanceFactory.py => ===
-This suite will test whether the IInstanceFactory will work correctly. In
-order to save some dependencies, we will implement a stub for the test.
-import unittest
-from Zope.App.Formulator.IInstanceFactory import IInstanceFactory
-class ContentObject:
- """Content Object stub that will provide the context fir the
- InstanceFactory"""
- pass
-class Factory:
- """InstanceFactory stub."""
- __implements__ = IInstanceFactory
- context = None
- ############################################################
- # Implementation methods for interface
- # Zope.App.Formulator.IInstanceFactory.
- def __call__(self, context):
- '''See interface IInstanceFactory'''
- self.realize(context)
- def getContext(self):
- '''See interface IInstanceFactory'''
- return self.context
- def realize(self, context):
- '''See interface IInstanceFactory'''
- self.context = context
- #
- ############################################################
-class Test(unittest.TestCase):
- def testRealize(self):
- context = ContentObject()
- factory = Factory()
- factory.realize(context)
- self.assertEqual(factory.context, context)
- def testCall(self):
- context = ContentObject()
- factory = Factory()
- factory(context)
- self.assertEqual(factory.context, context)
- def testGetContext(self):
- context = ContentObject()
- factory = Factory()
- factory.context = context
- self.assertEqual(factory.getContext(), context)
-def test_suite():
- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
- return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Test)
-if __name__=='__main__':
- unittest.TextTestRunner().run(test_suite())
+This suite will test whether the IInstanceFactory will work correctly. In
+order to save some dependencies, we will implement a stub for the test.
+import unittest
+from Zope.App.Formulator.IInstanceFactory import IInstanceFactory
+class ContentObject:
+ """Content Object stub that will provide the context fir the
+ InstanceFactory"""
+ pass
+class Factory:
+ """InstanceFactory stub."""
+ __implements__ = IInstanceFactory
+ context = None
+ ############################################################
+ # Implementation methods for interface
+ # Zope.App.Formulator.IInstanceFactory.
+ def __call__(self, context):
+ '''See interface IInstanceFactory'''
+ self.realize(context)
+ def getContext(self):
+ '''See interface IInstanceFactory'''
+ return self.context
+ def realize(self, context):
+ '''See interface IInstanceFactory'''
+ self.context = context
+ #
+ ############################################################
+class Test(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testRealize(self):
+ context = ContentObject()
+ factory = Factory()
+ factory.realize(context)
+ self.assertEqual(factory.context, context)
+ def testCall(self):
+ context = ContentObject()
+ factory = Factory()
+ factory(context)
+ self.assertEqual(factory.context, context)
+ def testGetContext(self):
+ context = ContentObject()
+ factory = Factory()
+ factory.context = context
+ self.assertEqual(factory.getContext(), context)
+def test_suite():
+ loader = unittest.TestLoader()
+ return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Test)
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ unittest.TextTestRunner().run(test_suite())
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/tests/testPropertyFieldAdapter.py => ===
-This test suite tests the functionality of the PropertyFieldAdapter. This test
-will actually depend on the Field class, but the required ContentObject is
-implemented as a stub.
-import unittest
-from Zope.App.Formulator.PropertyFieldAdapter import PropertyFieldAdapter
-from Zope.App.Formulator.Fields.Generic.StringField import StringField
-DataField = StringField(id='data',
- title='Data of Content Object',
- description='This field represents the data...',
- default='')
-class ContentObject:
- """Content Obejct stub."""
- data = ''
- def setData(self, data):
- """Set the data property."""
- self.data = data
- def getData(self):
- """Get the data property."""
- return self.data
-class Test(unittest.TestCase):
- def testAdapterRegistry(self):
- """Test somehow whether the PropertyFieldAdapter was correclty
- registered"""
- # XXX I do not know how to do these tests yet.
- def testSetData(self):
- """Test setting the data in the ContentObejct."""
- content = ContentObject()
- field = DataField(content)
- adapter = PropertyFieldAdapter(field)
- adapter.setPropertyInContext('Some Data')
- self.assertEqual(content.data, 'Some Data')
- def testGetData(self):
- """Test getting the data from the ContentObejct."""
- content = ContentObject()
- content.data = 'Some Data'
- field = DataField(content)
- adapter = PropertyFieldAdapter(field)
- self.assertEqual(adapter.getPropertyInContext(), 'Some Data')
-def test_suite():
- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
- return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Test)
-if __name__=='__main__':
- unittest.TextTestRunner().run(test_suite())
+This test suite tests the functionality of the PropertyFieldAdapter. This test
+will actually depend on the Field class, but the required ContentObject is
+implemented as a stub.
+import unittest
+from Zope.App.Formulator.PropertyFieldAdapter import PropertyFieldAdapter
+from Zope.App.Formulator.Fields.Generic.StringField import StringField
+DataField = StringField(id='data',
+ title='Data of Content Object',
+ description='This field represents the data...',
+ default='')
+class ContentObject:
+ """Content Obejct stub."""
+ data = ''
+ def setData(self, data):
+ """Set the data property."""
+ self.data = data
+ def getData(self):
+ """Get the data property."""
+ return self.data
+class Test(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testAdapterRegistry(self):
+ """Test somehow whether the PropertyFieldAdapter was correclty
+ registered"""
+ # XXX I do not know how to do these tests yet.
+ def testSetData(self):
+ """Test setting the data in the ContentObejct."""
+ content = ContentObject()
+ field = DataField(content)
+ adapter = PropertyFieldAdapter(field)
+ adapter.setPropertyInContext('Some Data')
+ self.assertEqual(content.data, 'Some Data')
+ def testGetData(self):
+ """Test getting the data from the ContentObejct."""
+ content = ContentObject()
+ content.data = 'Some Data'
+ field = DataField(content)
+ adapter = PropertyFieldAdapter(field)
+ self.assertEqual(adapter.getPropertyInContext(), 'Some Data')
+def test_suite():
+ loader = unittest.TestLoader()
+ return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Test)
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ unittest.TextTestRunner().run(test_suite())
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/tests/testSimpleRegistry.py => ===
-import unittest
-from Interface import Interface
-from Zope.App.Formulator.SimpleRegistry import SimpleRegistry, \
- ZopeDuplicateRegistryEntryError, ZopeIllegalInterfaceError
-class I1(Interface):
- pass
-class I2(Interface):
- pass
-class Object1:
- __implements__ = I1
-class Object2:
- __implements__ = I2
-class Test( unittest.TestCase ):
- def testRegister(self):
- registry = SimpleRegistry(I1)
- obj1 = Object1()
- self.assertEqual(registry.objects, {})
- registry.register('obj1', obj1)
- self.assertEqual(registry.objects, {'obj1': obj1})
- registry.register('obj2', obj1)
- self.assertEqual(registry.objects, {'obj1': obj1, 'obj2': obj1})
- def testIllegalInterfaceError(self):
- registry = SimpleRegistry(I1)
- obj2 = Object2()
- self.failUnlessRaises(ZopeIllegalInterfaceError,
- registry.register, 'obj2', obj2)
- def testDuplicateEntry(self):
- registry = SimpleRegistry(I1)
- obj1 = Object1()
- registry.register('obj1', obj1)
- self.failUnlessRaises(ZopeDuplicateRegistryEntryError,
- registry.register, 'obj1', obj1)
- def testGet(self):
- registry = SimpleRegistry(I1)
- obj1 = Object1()
- obj2 = Object1()
- registry.objects = {'obj1': obj1, 'obj2': obj2}
- self.assertEqual(registry.get('obj1'), obj1)
- self.assertEqual(registry.get('obj2'), obj2)
- # Requesting an object that does not exist
- self.assertEqual(registry.get('obj3'), None)
-def test_suite():
- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
- return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase( Test )
-if __name__=='__main__':
- unittest.TextTestRunner().run( test_suite() )
+import unittest
+from Interface import Interface
+from Zope.App.Formulator.SimpleRegistry import SimpleRegistry, \
+ ZopeDuplicateRegistryEntryError, ZopeIllegalInterfaceError
+class I1(Interface):
+ pass
+class I2(Interface):
+ pass
+class Object1:
+ __implements__ = I1
+class Object2:
+ __implements__ = I2
+class Test( unittest.TestCase ):
+ def testRegister(self):
+ registry = SimpleRegistry(I1)
+ obj1 = Object1()
+ self.assertEqual(registry.objects, {})
+ registry.register('obj1', obj1)
+ self.assertEqual(registry.objects, {'obj1': obj1})
+ registry.register('obj2', obj1)
+ self.assertEqual(registry.objects, {'obj1': obj1, 'obj2': obj1})
+ def testIllegalInterfaceError(self):
+ registry = SimpleRegistry(I1)
+ obj2 = Object2()
+ self.failUnlessRaises(ZopeIllegalInterfaceError,
+ registry.register, 'obj2', obj2)
+ def testDuplicateEntry(self):
+ registry = SimpleRegistry(I1)
+ obj1 = Object1()
+ registry.register('obj1', obj1)
+ self.failUnlessRaises(ZopeDuplicateRegistryEntryError,
+ registry.register, 'obj1', obj1)
+ def testGet(self):
+ registry = SimpleRegistry(I1)
+ obj1 = Object1()
+ obj2 = Object1()
+ registry.objects = {'obj1': obj1, 'obj2': obj2}
+ self.assertEqual(registry.get('obj1'), obj1)
+ self.assertEqual(registry.get('obj2'), obj2)
+ # Requesting an object that does not exist
+ self.assertEqual(registry.get('obj3'), None)
+def test_suite():
+ loader = unittest.TestLoader()
+ return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase( Test )
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ unittest.TextTestRunner().run( test_suite() )
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/tests/testValidator.py => ===
-This test suite tests all Validator methods with exception tothe ones defined
-by IInstanceFactory, since they have their own test suite.
-These tests are actually pretty boring, since almost nothing is implemented.
-The action can be found in the Validators/ subdirectory/
-import unittest
-from Zope.App.Formulator.Validator import Validator
-from Zope.App.Formulator.Errors import ValidationError
-class Field:
- """Field stub"""
- id = 'id'
- def getErrorMessage(self, name):
- return "Unknown error: %s" % name
-def extValidator(self, value):
- """External Validator stub."""
- return value
-class Test( unittest.TestCase ):
- def _makeValidator(self):
- """Make a validator to test the functions with."""
- some_validator = Validator()
- return some_validator
- def testInit(self):
- """Test __init__ without passing a context."""
- some_validator = Validator(externalValidator=extValidator)
- self.assertEqual(some_validator.externalValidator, extValidator)
- def testValidate(self):
- """Test the validate method."""
- validator = self._makeValidator()
- self.assertEqual(validator.validate(Field(), 'data'), None)
- def testRaiseError(self):
- """Test the raiseError method."""
- validator = self._makeValidator()
- self.failUnlessRaises(ValidationError, validator.raiseError, 'Key', Field())
- def testGetMessage(self):
- """Test the getMessage method."""
- validator = self._makeValidator()
- self.assertEqual(validator.getMessage('externalValidatorFailed'),
- validator.externalValidatorFailed)
- self.assertEqual(validator.getMessage('foo'), None)
-def test_suite():
- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
- return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase( Test )
-if __name__=='__main__':
- unittest.TextTestRunner().run( test_suite() )
+This test suite tests all Validator methods with exception tothe ones defined
+by IInstanceFactory, since they have their own test suite.
+These tests are actually pretty boring, since almost nothing is implemented.
+The action can be found in the Validators/ subdirectory/
+import unittest
+from Zope.App.Formulator.Validator import Validator
+from Zope.App.Formulator.Errors import ValidationError
+class Field:
+ """Field stub"""
+ id = 'id'
+ def getErrorMessage(self, name):
+ return "Unknown error: %s" % name
+def extValidator(self, value):
+ """External Validator stub."""
+ return value
+class Test( unittest.TestCase ):
+ def _makeValidator(self):
+ """Make a validator to test the functions with."""
+ some_validator = Validator()
+ return some_validator
+ def testInit(self):
+ """Test __init__ without passing a context."""
+ some_validator = Validator(externalValidator=extValidator)
+ self.assertEqual(some_validator.externalValidator, extValidator)
+ def testValidate(self):
+ """Test the validate method."""
+ validator = self._makeValidator()
+ self.assertEqual(validator.validate(Field(), 'data'), None)
+ def testRaiseError(self):
+ """Test the raiseError method."""
+ validator = self._makeValidator()
+ self.failUnlessRaises(ValidationError, validator.raiseError, 'Key', Field())
+ def testGetMessage(self):
+ """Test the getMessage method."""
+ validator = self._makeValidator()
+ self.assertEqual(validator.getMessage('externalValidatorFailed'),
+ validator.externalValidatorFailed)
+ self.assertEqual(validator.getMessage('foo'), None)
+def test_suite():
+ loader = unittest.TestLoader()
+ return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase( Test )
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ unittest.TextTestRunner().run( test_suite() )
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/tests/testValidatorRegistry.py => ===
-I do not think it is necessary to do the entire SimpleRegistry tests again.
-Instead we will test whether the module in itself works.
-import unittest
-from Interface import Interface
-from Zope.App.Formulator.ValidatorRegistry import registerValidator, \
- getValidator, IValidator
-class Validator:
- """Validator Stub."""
- __implements__ = IValidator
-class Test( unittest.TestCase ):
- def testRegistry(self):
- validator = Validator()
- registerValidator('validator', validator)
- self.assertEqual(getValidator('validator'), validator)
-def test_suite():
- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
- return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase( Test )
-if __name__=='__main__':
- unittest.TextTestRunner().run( test_suite() )
+I do not think it is necessary to do the entire SimpleRegistry tests again.
+Instead we will test whether the module in itself works.
+import unittest
+from Interface import Interface
+from Zope.App.Formulator.ValidatorRegistry import registerValidator, \
+ getValidator, IValidator
+class Validator:
+ """Validator Stub."""
+ __implements__ = IValidator
+class Test( unittest.TestCase ):
+ def testRegistry(self):
+ validator = Validator()
+ registerValidator('validator', validator)
+ self.assertEqual(getValidator('validator'), validator)
+def test_suite():
+ loader = unittest.TestLoader()
+ return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase( Test )
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ unittest.TextTestRunner().run( test_suite() )