[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators - BooleanValidator.py: DateTimeValidator.py: EmailValidator.py: FileValidator.py: FloatValidator.py: IntegerValidator.py: ListLinesValidator.py: MultiSelectionValidator.py: PatternValidator.py: SelectionValidator.py: StringBaseValidator.py: StringValidator.py: TextValidator.py:
Jeremy Hylton
Tue, 4 Jun 2002 12:28:19 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv4032/Validators
Modified Files:
Tag: Zope-3x-branch
BooleanValidator.py DateTimeValidator.py EmailValidator.py
FileValidator.py FloatValidator.py IntegerValidator.py
ListLinesValidator.py MultiSelectionValidator.py
PatternValidator.py SelectionValidator.py
StringBaseValidator.py StringValidator.py TextValidator.py
Log Message:
Fix line endings
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators/BooleanValidator.py => ===
-from Zope.App.Formulator.Validator import Validator
-class BooleanValidator(Validator):
- __implements__ = Validator.__implements__
- def validate(self, field, value):
- if value in ['t', 1]:
- return 1
- if value in ['f', 0, '', None]:
- return 0
- # XXX Should raise some sort of error
+from Zope.App.Formulator.Validator import Validator
+class BooleanValidator(Validator):
+ __implements__ = Validator.__implements__
+ def validate(self, field, value):
+ if value in ['t', 1]:
+ return 1
+ if value in ['f', 0, '', None]:
+ return 0
+ # XXX Should raise some sort of error
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators/DateTimeValidator.py => ===
-from StringValidator import StringValidator
-from Zope.Misc.DateTimeParse import parse
-class DateTimeValidator(StringValidator):
- propertyNames = StringValidator.propertyNames + \
- ['required', 'startDateTime', 'endDateTime']
- requiredNotFound = 'Input is required but no input given.'
- notDateTime = 'You did not enter a valid date and time.'
- datetimeOutOfRange = 'The date and time you entered were out of range.'
- def validate(self, field, key, REQUEST):
- try:
- year = field.validate_sub_field('year', REQUEST)
- month = field.validate_sub_field('month', REQUEST)
- day = field.validate_sub_field('day', REQUEST)
- if field.get_value('date_only'):
- hour = 0
- minute = 0
- else:
- hour = field.validate_sub_field('hour', REQUEST)
- minute = field.validate_sub_field('minute', REQUEST)
- except ValidationError:
- self.raiseError('not_datetime', field)
- # handling of completely empty sub fields
- if ((year == '' and month == '' and day == '') and
- (field.get_value('date_only') or (hour == '' and minute == ''))):
- if field.get_value('required'):
- self.raise_error('required_not_found', field)
- else:
- # field is not required, return None for no entry
- return None
- # handling of partially empty sub fields; invalid datetime
- if ((year == '' or month == '' or day == '') or
- (not field.get_value('date_only') and
- (hour == '' or minute == ''))):
- self.raise_error('not_datetime', field)
- try:
- result = parse('%s/%s/%s %s:%s' %(year, month, day, hour, minute))
- # ugh, a host of string based exceptions
- except ('DateTimeError', 'Invalid Date Components', 'TimeError'):
- self.raise_error('not_datetime', field)
- # check if things are within range
- start_datetime = field.get_value('start_datetime')
- if (start_datetime is not None and
- result < start_datetime):
- self.raise_error('datetime_out_of_range', field)
- end_datetime = field.get_value('end_datetime')
- if (end_datetime is not None and
- result >= end_datetime):
- self.raise_error('datetime_out_of_range', field)
- return result
+from StringValidator import StringValidator
+from Zope.Misc.DateTimeParse import parse
+class DateTimeValidator(StringValidator):
+ propertyNames = StringValidator.propertyNames + \
+ ['required', 'startDateTime', 'endDateTime']
+ requiredNotFound = 'Input is required but no input given.'
+ notDateTime = 'You did not enter a valid date and time.'
+ datetimeOutOfRange = 'The date and time you entered were out of range.'
+ def validate(self, field, key, REQUEST):
+ try:
+ year = field.validate_sub_field('year', REQUEST)
+ month = field.validate_sub_field('month', REQUEST)
+ day = field.validate_sub_field('day', REQUEST)
+ if field.get_value('date_only'):
+ hour = 0
+ minute = 0
+ else:
+ hour = field.validate_sub_field('hour', REQUEST)
+ minute = field.validate_sub_field('minute', REQUEST)
+ except ValidationError:
+ self.raiseError('not_datetime', field)
+ # handling of completely empty sub fields
+ if ((year == '' and month == '' and day == '') and
+ (field.get_value('date_only') or (hour == '' and minute == ''))):
+ if field.get_value('required'):
+ self.raise_error('required_not_found', field)
+ else:
+ # field is not required, return None for no entry
+ return None
+ # handling of partially empty sub fields; invalid datetime
+ if ((year == '' or month == '' or day == '') or
+ (not field.get_value('date_only') and
+ (hour == '' or minute == ''))):
+ self.raise_error('not_datetime', field)
+ try:
+ result = parse('%s/%s/%s %s:%s' %(year, month, day, hour, minute))
+ # ugh, a host of string based exceptions
+ except ('DateTimeError', 'Invalid Date Components', 'TimeError'):
+ self.raise_error('not_datetime', field)
+ # check if things are within range
+ start_datetime = field.get_value('start_datetime')
+ if (start_datetime is not None and
+ result < start_datetime):
+ self.raise_error('datetime_out_of_range', field)
+ end_datetime = field.get_value('end_datetime')
+ if (end_datetime is not None and
+ result >= end_datetime):
+ self.raise_error('datetime_out_of_range', field)
+ return result
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators/EmailValidator.py => ===
-import re
-from StringValidator import StringValidator
-class EmailValidator(StringValidator):
- __implements__ = StringValidator.__implements__
- messageNames = StringValidator.messageNames + ['notEmail']
- notEmail = 'You did not enter an email address.'
- # contributed, I don't pretend to understand this..
- pattern = re.compile("^([0-9a-z_&.+-]+!)*[0-9a-z_&.+-]+"
- "@(([0-9a-z]([0-9a-z-]*[0-9a-z])?\.)+"
- "[a-z]{2,3}|([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})$")
- def validate(self, field, value):
- value = StringValidator.validate(self, field, value)
- if value == "" and not field.getValue('isRequired'):
- return value
- if self.pattern.search(value.lower()) == None:
- self.raiseError('notEmail', field)
- return value
+import re
+from StringValidator import StringValidator
+class EmailValidator(StringValidator):
+ __implements__ = StringValidator.__implements__
+ messageNames = StringValidator.messageNames + ['notEmail']
+ notEmail = 'You did not enter an email address.'
+ # contributed, I don't pretend to understand this..
+ pattern = re.compile("^([0-9a-z_&.+-]+!)*[0-9a-z_&.+-]+"
+ "@(([0-9a-z]([0-9a-z-]*[0-9a-z])?\.)+"
+ "[a-z]{2,3}|([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})$")
+ def validate(self, field, value):
+ value = StringValidator.validate(self, field, value)
+ if value == "" and not field.getValue('isRequired'):
+ return value
+ if self.pattern.search(value.lower()) == None:
+ self.raiseError('notEmail', field)
+ return value
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators/FileValidator.py => ===
-from Zope.App.Formulator.Validator import Validator
-class FileValidator(Validator):
- __implements__ = Validator.__implements__
- def validate(self, field, value):
- return value
+from Zope.App.Formulator.Validator import Validator
+class FileValidator(Validator):
+ __implements__ = Validator.__implements__
+ def validate(self, field, value):
+ return value
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators/FloatValidator.py => ===
-from StringBaseValidator import StringBaseValidator
-class FloatValidator(StringBaseValidator):
- __implements__ = StringBaseValidator.__implements__
- messageNames = StringBaseValidator.messageNames + ['notFloat']
- notFloat = "You did not enter a floating point number."
- def validate(self, field, value):
- value = StringBaseValidator.validate(self, field, value)
- if value == "" and not field.getValue('isRequired'):
- return value
- try:
- value = float(value)
- except ValueError:
- self.raiseError('notFloat', field)
- return value
+from StringBaseValidator import StringBaseValidator
+class FloatValidator(StringBaseValidator):
+ __implements__ = StringBaseValidator.__implements__
+ messageNames = StringBaseValidator.messageNames + ['notFloat']
+ notFloat = "You did not enter a floating point number."
+ def validate(self, field, value):
+ value = StringBaseValidator.validate(self, field, value)
+ if value == "" and not field.getValue('isRequired'):
+ return value
+ try:
+ value = float(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ self.raiseError('notFloat', field)
+ return value
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators/IntegerValidator.py => ===
-from StringBaseValidator import StringBaseValidator
-class IntegerValidator(StringBaseValidator):
- """ """
- __implements__ = StringBaseValidator.__implements__
- propertyNames = StringBaseValidator.propertyNames +\
- ['start', 'end']
- start = ""
- end = ""
- messageNames = StringBaseValidator.messageNames +\
- ['notInteger', 'integerOutOfRange']
- notInteger = 'You did not enter an integer.'
- integerOutOfRange = 'The integer you entered was out of range.'
- def validate(self, field, value):
- value = StringBaseValidator.validate(self, field, value)
- # we need to add this check again
- if value == "" and not field.getValue('isRequired'):
- return value
- try:
- value = int(value)
- except ValueError:
- self.raiseError('notInteger', field)
- if self.start != "" and value < self.start:
- self.raiseError('integerOutOfRange', field)
- if self.end != "" and value >= self.end:
- self.raiseError('integerOutOfRange', field)
- return value
+from StringBaseValidator import StringBaseValidator
+class IntegerValidator(StringBaseValidator):
+ """ """
+ __implements__ = StringBaseValidator.__implements__
+ propertyNames = StringBaseValidator.propertyNames +\
+ ['start', 'end']
+ start = ""
+ end = ""
+ messageNames = StringBaseValidator.messageNames +\
+ ['notInteger', 'integerOutOfRange']
+ notInteger = 'You did not enter an integer.'
+ integerOutOfRange = 'The integer you entered was out of range.'
+ def validate(self, field, value):
+ value = StringBaseValidator.validate(self, field, value)
+ # we need to add this check again
+ if value == "" and not field.getValue('isRequired'):
+ return value
+ try:
+ value = int(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ self.raiseError('notInteger', field)
+ if self.start != "" and value < self.start:
+ self.raiseError('integerOutOfRange', field)
+ if self.end != "" and value >= self.end:
+ self.raiseError('integerOutOfRange', field)
+ return value
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators/ListLinesValidator.py => ===
-from LinesValidator import LinesValidator
-class ListLinesValidator(LinesValidator):
- """A validator that can deal with lines that have a | separator
- in them to split between text and value of list items.
- """
- __implements__ = LinesValidator.__implements__
- def validate(self, value):
- value = Validator.LinesValidator.validate(value)
- result = []
- for line in value:
- elements = string.split(line, "|")
- if len(elements) >= 2:
- text, value = elements[:2]
- else:
- text = line
- value = line
- text = string.strip(text)
- value = string.strip(value)
- result.append((text, value))
- return result
+from LinesValidator import LinesValidator
+class ListLinesValidator(LinesValidator):
+ """A validator that can deal with lines that have a | separator
+ in them to split between text and value of list items.
+ """
+ __implements__ = LinesValidator.__implements__
+ def validate(self, value):
+ value = Validator.LinesValidator.validate(value)
+ result = []
+ for line in value:
+ elements = string.split(line, "|")
+ if len(elements) >= 2:
+ text, value = elements[:2]
+ else:
+ text = line
+ value = line
+ text = string.strip(text)
+ value = string.strip(value)
+ result.append((text, value))
+ return result
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators/MultiSelectionValidator.py => ===
-from Zope.App.Formulator.Validator import Validator
-from types import ListType
-class MultiSelectionValidator(Validator):
- """ """
- __implements__ = Validator.__implements__
- propertyNames = Validator.propertyNames + ['required']
- required = 1
- messageNames = Validator.messageNames + ['requiredNotFound',
- 'unknownSelection']
- requiredNotFound = 'Input is required but no input given.'
- unknownSelection = 'You selected an item that was not in the list.'
- def validate(self, field, value):
- values = value
- # NOTE: a hack to deal with single item selections
- if not isinstance(values, ListType):
- # put whatever we got in a list
- values = [values]
- # if we selected nothing and entry is required, give error, otherwise
- # give entry list
- if len(values) == 0:
- if field.get_value('isRequired'):
- self.raise_error('requiredNotFound', field)
- else:
- return values
- # create a dictionary of possible values
- value_dict = {}
- for item in field.get_value('items'):
- try:
- item_text, item_value = item
- except ValueError:
- item_text = item
- item_value = item
- value_dict[item_value] = 0
- # check whether all values are in dictionary
- result = []
- for value in values:
- # FIXME: hack to accept int values as well
- try:
- int_value = int(value)
- except ValueError:
- int_value = None
- if int_value is not None and value_dict.has_key(int_value):
- result.append(int_value)
- continue
- if value_dict.has_key(value):
- result.append(value)
- continue
- self.raise_error('unknownSelection', field)
- # everything checks out
- return result
+from Zope.App.Formulator.Validator import Validator
+from types import ListType
+class MultiSelectionValidator(Validator):
+ """ """
+ __implements__ = Validator.__implements__
+ propertyNames = Validator.propertyNames + ['required']
+ required = 1
+ messageNames = Validator.messageNames + ['requiredNotFound',
+ 'unknownSelection']
+ requiredNotFound = 'Input is required but no input given.'
+ unknownSelection = 'You selected an item that was not in the list.'
+ def validate(self, field, value):
+ values = value
+ # NOTE: a hack to deal with single item selections
+ if not isinstance(values, ListType):
+ # put whatever we got in a list
+ values = [values]
+ # if we selected nothing and entry is required, give error, otherwise
+ # give entry list
+ if len(values) == 0:
+ if field.get_value('isRequired'):
+ self.raise_error('requiredNotFound', field)
+ else:
+ return values
+ # create a dictionary of possible values
+ value_dict = {}
+ for item in field.get_value('items'):
+ try:
+ item_text, item_value = item
+ except ValueError:
+ item_text = item
+ item_value = item
+ value_dict[item_value] = 0
+ # check whether all values are in dictionary
+ result = []
+ for value in values:
+ # FIXME: hack to accept int values as well
+ try:
+ int_value = int(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ int_value = None
+ if int_value is not None and value_dict.has_key(int_value):
+ result.append(int_value)
+ continue
+ if value_dict.has_key(value):
+ result.append(value)
+ continue
+ self.raise_error('unknownSelection', field)
+ # everything checks out
+ return result
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators/PatternValidator.py => ===
-from StringValidator import StringValidator
-import PatternChecker
-class PatternValidator(StringValidator):
- __implements__ = StringValidator.__implements__
- # does the real work
- checker = PatternChecker.PatternChecker()
- propertyNames = StringValidator.propertyNames +\
- ['pattern']
- pattern = ""
- messageNames = StringValidator.messageNames +\
- ['patternNotMatched']
- patternNotMatched = "The entered value did not match the pattern."
- def validate(self, field, value):
- value = StringValidator.validate(self, field, value)
- if value == "" and not field.get_value('required'):
- return value
- value = self.checker.validate_value([field.get_value('pattern')],
- value)
- if value is None:
- self.raise_error('patternNotMatched', field)
- return value
+from StringValidator import StringValidator
+import PatternChecker
+class PatternValidator(StringValidator):
+ __implements__ = StringValidator.__implements__
+ # does the real work
+ checker = PatternChecker.PatternChecker()
+ propertyNames = StringValidator.propertyNames +\
+ ['pattern']
+ pattern = ""
+ messageNames = StringValidator.messageNames +\
+ ['patternNotMatched']
+ patternNotMatched = "The entered value did not match the pattern."
+ def validate(self, field, value):
+ value = StringValidator.validate(self, field, value)
+ if value == "" and not field.get_value('required'):
+ return value
+ value = self.checker.validate_value([field.get_value('pattern')],
+ value)
+ if value is None:
+ self.raise_error('patternNotMatched', field)
+ return value
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators/SelectionValidator.py => ===
-from StringBaseValidator import StringBaseValidator
-class SelectionValidator(StringBaseValidator):
- __implements__ = StringBaseValidator.__implements__
- messageNames = StringBaseValidator.messageNames +\
- ['unknownSelection']
- unknownSelection = 'You selected an item that was not in the list.'
- def validate(self, field, value):
- value = StringBaseValidator.validate(self, field, value)
- if value == "" and not field.get_value('required'):
- return value
- # get the text and the value from the list of items
- for item in field.get_value('items'):
- try:
- item_text, item_value = item
- except ValueError:
- item_text = item
- item_value = item
- # check if the value is equal to the *string* version of
- # item_value; if that's the case, we can return the *original*
- # value in the list (not the submitted value). This way, integers
- # will remain integers.
- if str(item_value) == value:
- return item_value
- # if we didn't find the value, return error
- self.raise_error('unknownSelection', field)
+from StringBaseValidator import StringBaseValidator
+class SelectionValidator(StringBaseValidator):
+ __implements__ = StringBaseValidator.__implements__
+ messageNames = StringBaseValidator.messageNames +\
+ ['unknownSelection']
+ unknownSelection = 'You selected an item that was not in the list.'
+ def validate(self, field, value):
+ value = StringBaseValidator.validate(self, field, value)
+ if value == "" and not field.get_value('required'):
+ return value
+ # get the text and the value from the list of items
+ for item in field.get_value('items'):
+ try:
+ item_text, item_value = item
+ except ValueError:
+ item_text = item
+ item_value = item
+ # check if the value is equal to the *string* version of
+ # item_value; if that's the case, we can return the *original*
+ # value in the list (not the submitted value). This way, integers
+ # will remain integers.
+ if str(item_value) == value:
+ return item_value
+ # if we didn't find the value, return error
+ self.raise_error('unknownSelection', field)
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators/StringBaseValidator.py => ===
-from Zope.App.Formulator.Validator import Validator
-from types import StringType
-class StringBaseValidator(Validator):
- """Simple string validator.
- """
- __implements__ = Validator.__implements__
- propertyNames = Validator.propertyNames + ['required']
- messageNames = Validator.messageNames + ['requiredNotFound']
- requiredNotFound = 'Input is required but no input given.'
- illegalValue = 'The value is not a string.'
- def validate(self, field, value):
- """ """
- if not isinstance(value, StringType):
- self.raiseError('illegalValue', field)
- value = value.strip()
- if field.getValue('isRequired') and value == "":
- self.raiseError('requiredNotFound', field)
- return value
+from Zope.App.Formulator.Validator import Validator
+from types import StringType
+class StringBaseValidator(Validator):
+ """Simple string validator.
+ """
+ __implements__ = Validator.__implements__
+ propertyNames = Validator.propertyNames + ['required']
+ messageNames = Validator.messageNames + ['requiredNotFound']
+ requiredNotFound = 'Input is required but no input given.'
+ illegalValue = 'The value is not a string.'
+ def validate(self, field, value):
+ """ """
+ if not isinstance(value, StringType):
+ self.raiseError('illegalValue', field)
+ value = value.strip()
+ if field.getValue('isRequired') and value == "":
+ self.raiseError('requiredNotFound', field)
+ return value
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators/StringValidator.py => ===
-from StringBaseValidator import StringBaseValidator
-class StringValidator(StringBaseValidator):
- """ """
- __implements__ = StringBaseValidator.__implements__
- propertyNames = StringBaseValidator.propertyNames + \
- ['maxLength', 'truncate']
- maxLength = 0
- truncate = 0
- messageNames = StringBaseValidator.messageNames + \
- ['tooLong']
- tooLong = 'Too much input was given.'
- def validate(self, field, value):
- value = StringBaseValidator.validate(self, field, value)
- maxLength = self.maxLength or 0
- if maxLength > 0 and len(value) > maxLength:
- if self.truncate:
- value = value[:maxLength]
- else:
- self.raiseError('tooLong', field)
- return value
+from StringBaseValidator import StringBaseValidator
+class StringValidator(StringBaseValidator):
+ """ """
+ __implements__ = StringBaseValidator.__implements__
+ propertyNames = StringBaseValidator.propertyNames + \
+ ['maxLength', 'truncate']
+ maxLength = 0
+ truncate = 0
+ messageNames = StringBaseValidator.messageNames + \
+ ['tooLong']
+ tooLong = 'Too much input was given.'
+ def validate(self, field, value):
+ value = StringBaseValidator.validate(self, field, value)
+ maxLength = self.maxLength or 0
+ if maxLength > 0 and len(value) > maxLength:
+ if self.truncate:
+ value = value[:maxLength]
+ else:
+ self.raiseError('tooLong', field)
+ return value
=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Formulator/Validators/TextValidator.py => ===
-from LinesValidator import LinesValidator
-class TextValidator(LinesValidator):
- """ """
- def validate(self, field, value):
- value = LinesValidator.validate(self, field, value)
- # we need to add this check again
- if value == [] and not field.get_value('isRequired'):
- return ""
- # join everything into string again with \n and return
- return "\n".join(value)
+from LinesValidator import LinesValidator
+class TextValidator(LinesValidator):
+ """ """
+ def validate(self, field, value):
+ value = LinesValidator.validate(self, field, value)
+ # we need to add this check again
+ if value == [] and not field.get_value('isRequired'):
+ return ""
+ # join everything into string again with \n and return
+ return "\n".join(value)