[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/Products/PageTemplates - ZopePageTemplate.py:1.40
Casey Duncan
Fri, 7 Jun 2002 16:16:09 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/Products/PageTemplates
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv3982
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fix wider/narrower buttons on pt managment screen. Now supports both relative (css) and absolute widths.
=== Zope/lib/python/Products/PageTemplates/ZopePageTemplate.py 1.39 => 1.40 ===
def pt_changePrefs(self, REQUEST, height=None, width=None,
- dtpref_cols='50', dtpref_rows='20'):
+ dtpref_cols='100%', dtpref_rows='20'):
"""Change editing preferences."""
- # The <textarea> can have dimensions expressed in percentages;
- # strip the percent sign so int() below won't fail
- if dtpref_cols[-1:] == "%":
- dtpref_cols = dtpref_cols[:-1] or '50'
- if dtpref_rows[-1:] == "%":
- dtpref_rows = dtpref_rows[:-1] or '20'
szchh = {'Taller': 1, 'Shorter': -1, None: 0}
szchw = {'Wider': 5, 'Narrower': -5, None: 0}
+ # The <textarea> can have dimensions expressed in percentages
+ if type(width) is StringType and width.endswith('%'):
+ cols = int(width[:-1])
+ cols = max(cols, 25) # Min width 25%
+ cols = max(cols, 100) # Max width 100%
+ cols = "%d%%" % cols # Add percent sign back on
+ elif type(width) is StringType and dtpref_cols[-1:] == "%":
+ cols = int(dtpref_cols[:-1])
+ cols = max(cols + szchw.get(width, 0), 25) # Min width 25%
+ cols = min(cols, 100) # Max width 100%
+ cols = "%d%%" % cols # Add percent sign back on
+ else: # Absolute width
+ try: cols = int(width)
+ except: cols = max(40, int(dtpref_cols) + szchw.get(width, 0))
try: rows = int(height)
except: rows = max(1, int(dtpref_rows) + szchh.get(height, 0))
- try: cols = int(width)
- except: cols = max(40, int(dtpref_cols) + szchw.get(width, 0))
e = (DateTime('GMT') + 365).rfc822()
setc = REQUEST['RESPONSE'].setCookie
setc('dtpref_rows', str(rows), path='/', expires=e)