[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/Products/ZCatalog - Catalog.py:1.88 ZCatalog.py:1.110

Casey Duncan casey@zope.com
Tue, 11 Jun 2002 16:20:43 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/Products/ZCatalog
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv28876/lib/python/Products/ZCatalog

Modified Files:
	Catalog.py ZCatalog.py 
Log Message:
Removed vocabulary management from catalog/ZCatalog. They now have no awareness of vocabularies.
The only API change was the removal of the getVocabulary method from ZCatalog.
Old-style TextIndexes can now acquire a Vocabulary from anywhere.
No Indexes, metadata or vocabulary objects are created automatically by ZCatalog.

=== Zope/lib/python/Products/ZCatalog/Catalog.py 1.87 => 1.88 ===
     def __init__(self, vocabulary=None, brains=None):
+        # Catalogs no longer care about vocabularies and lexicons
+        # so the vocabulary argument is ignored. (Casey)
         self.schema = {}    # mapping from attribute name to column number
         self.names = ()     # sequence of column names
@@ -63,15 +65,6 @@
-        # indexes can share a lexicon or have a private copy.  Here,
-        # we instantiate a lexicon to be shared by all text indexes.
-        # This may change.
-        if isinstance(vocabulary, types.StringType):
-            self.lexicon = vocabulary
-        else:
-            self.lexicon = Lexicon()
         if brains is not None:
             self._v_brains = brains
@@ -115,11 +108,6 @@
             if hasattr(index, '__of__'): index=index.__of__(self)
-        lexicon=self.lexicon
-        if isistance(lexicon, types.StringType):
-           lexicon=getattr(self, lexicon).lexicon
-        lexicon._convertBTrees(threshold)
     def __len__(self):
         # NOTE, this is never called for new catalogs, since
         # each instance overrides this.
@@ -153,8 +141,6 @@
         catalog is first activated (from the persistent storage) """
         Persistent.__setstate__(self, state)
-        if not hasattr(self, 'lexicon'):
-            self.lexicon = Lexicon()
     def useBrains(self, brains):
         """ Sets up the Catalog to return an object (ala ZTables) that

=== Zope/lib/python/Products/ZCatalog/ZCatalog.py 1.109 => 1.110 ===
 def manage_addZCatalog(self, id, title,
-                       vocab_id='create_default_catalog_',
+                       vocab_id=None, # Deprecated
     """Add a ZCatalog object
-    title=str(title)
-    vocab_id=str(vocab_id)
-    if vocab_id == 'create_default_catalog_':
-        vocab_id = None
+    title=str(title)        
     c=ZCatalog(id, title, vocab_id, self)
     self._setObject(id, c)
     if REQUEST is not None:
@@ -156,52 +152,32 @@
     _v_transaction = None
     def __init__(self, id, title='', vocab_id=None, container=None):
-        if vocab_id is not None and container is None:
-            raise CatalogError, ("You cannot specify a vocab_id without "
-                                     "also specifying a container.")
+        # ZCatalog no longer cares about vocabularies
+        # so the vocab_id argument is ignored (Casey)
         if container is not None:
+        # vocabulary and vocab_id are left for backwards 
+        # compatibility only, they are not used anymore
         self.vocabulary = None
+        self.vocab_id = ''        
         self.threshold = 10000
         self._v_total = 0
-        if vocab_id is None:
-            v = Vocabulary('Vocabulary', 'Vocabulary', globbing=1)
-            self._setObject('Vocabulary', v)
-            self.vocabulary = v
-            self.vocab_id = 'Vocabulary'
-        else:
-            self.vocab_id = vocab_id
-        self._catalog = Catalog(vocabulary=self.vocab_id)
-        self.addColumn('id')
-        self.addIndex('id', 'FieldIndex')
-        self.addColumn('title')
-        self.addIndex('title', 'TextIndex')
+        self._catalog = Catalog()
-        self.addColumn('meta_type')
-        self.addIndex('meta_type', 'FieldIndex')
-        self.addColumn('bobobase_modification_time')
-        self.addIndex('bobobase_modification_time', 'FieldIndex')
-        self.addColumn('summary')
-        self.addIndex('PrincipiaSearchSource', 'TextIndex')
-        self.addIndex('path','PathIndex')
-    def __len__(self): return len(self._catalog)
-    def getVocabulary(self):
-        """ more ack! """
-        return getattr(self, self.vocab_id)
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self._catalog)
+    # getVocabulary method is no longer supported
+    # def getVocabulary(self):
+    #   """ more ack! """
+    #   return getattr(self, self.vocab_id)
     def manage_edit(self, RESPONSE, URL1, threshold=1000, REQUEST=None):