[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/doc - CHANGES.txt:1.488 HISTORY.txt:1.7

Brian Lloyd brian@zope.com
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 09:44:58 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/doc
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv9749

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Reconciled CHANGES and HISTORY from 2.5 branch.

=== Zope/doc/CHANGES.txt 1.487 => 1.488 ===
   file HISTORY.txt.
-  after Zope 2.5.1
+  Zope 2.6.0 alpha 1
-    new Features:
+    Features Added
+      - Set the default sys checkinterval to a higher value (500) to 
+        take better advantage of faster processors. Since there is no 
+        way to scientifically determine a number that works best for 
+        everyone, this at least should err on the side of better 
+        performance "out of the box" for higher-end production
+        systems.
+        Note that you can always use the -i argument to z2 to change
+        the check interval.
       - Added support for gzip content compression for clients that 
         support it. See lib/python/ZPublisher/HTTPResponse.py for more
@@ -181,7 +191,7 @@
       - Added a database activity monitoring graph to the control panel,
         making it easier to tune the ZODB cache size.
-    Bugs:
+    Bugs Fixed
       - External methods didn't properly setup func_defaults and func_code
         when they were first loaded. This meant mapply couldn't properly map
@@ -329,342 +339,3 @@
         when slicing BTree-based data structures.  For example,
         an_IIBTree.items()[0:0] had length 1 (should be empty) if
         the tree wsan't empty.
-  Zope 2.5.1 beta 1
-    Bugs Fixed
-      - Fixed failed incref in cAccessControl that caused problems when
-        ghosting occured.
-  Zope 2.5.0
-    Bugs Fixed
-      - Btree module and UnicodeSplitter could potentially 
-        fail to incref Py_None on return
-      - Setting proxy roles on DTMLMethods and Documents has been broken
-      - Collector #99: items(), keys() and values() methods
-        of IIBucket objects has been broken when called with
-        min/max parameters.
-      - WebDAV: The long outstanding read-only problem with WinWord
-        and .html is finally solved. Zope sends now an additional ETag
-        header for DTMLMethods and DTMLDocuments. Many thanks to
-        Joachim Schmitz for this hint. 
-      - PathIndex: fixed minor bugs, enhanced testsuite
-      - DTML-MIME tag: creates now a 'Mime-Version: 1.0' to make
-        some fussy email programs happy
-      - utilities/requestprofiler - fixed bugs in timed mode which could
-        show nonsensical results.
-    Features Added
-      - TextIndex/Splitters: the constructor of all three splitters
-        has now three new optional parameters:
-        'maxlen'=(1-256) -  to specify the maximum length of 
-                            splitted words
-        'singlechar'=(1|0) - allows single characters to be indexed
-        'indexnumbers'=(1|0)- allows numbers to be indexed
-        The default values of all parameters reflect the standard
-        behaviour.
-      - Enhancements to utilites/requestprofiler.py:
-        Added readstats and writestats features which allow for saves and
-        reuse of profile stats between runs of the requestprofiler.
-        Added urlfocus mode.  Urlfocus mode presents a summary of
-        activity within a period of time before and after the
-        invocation of a particular URL as it was recorded in the big M
-        log.  This can be useful when trying to track down a problem
-        which you believe is related to some series of URL invocations
-        as opposed to a single URL invocation.
-      - added doc/ENVIRONMENT.txt to document all used environment
-        variables Zope is using
-      - Provided a much more robust tool for recovering data from
-        damaged FileStorage files:
-        Allow recovery of data when:
-          - either transaction or data records are damaged and when
-          - multiple parts of a file are damaged
-        The interface has changed to not modify in place.
-        Other features:
-          - Progress indicator
-          - Verbose output
-          - optional packing
-          - index creation
-      - The last entry in the breadcrumb path in the ZMI is now an
-        underlined hyperlink.
-      - Added a new script "utitilies/check_catalog.py" to perform
-        some consistency checks on a ZCatalog instance
-      - Added the following new products related to sessioning:
-	- browser id manager
-	- session data manager
-	- transient object container
-	- temporary folder
-      - Zope will create default sessioning objects on startup
-      - Zope will create an Examples folder on startup. This folder
-      contains a collection of simple example applications.
-    Bugs Fixed
-      - STXNG: added '+' as allowed character inside URLs
-      - enhanced the checks for 'Domains' field in the UserFolder
-      - Webdav: fixed broken MOVE and COPY commands
-      - Updated DTMLMethod validation support patch with version
-        by Steve Alexander
-      - <dtml-var "..." fmt="structured-text"> did not work 
-        properly under some acquisition related reaons.
-      - pre-2.5 installation could not properly migrated to 2.5 because
-        of changes in the Splitter API
-      - ZODB conflict errors were logged at a severity that caused
-        tracebacks to be logged to the stupid log file "out of the box".
-        Because conflict errors happen under normal operations, and
-        their appearance in the log frequently alarms folks, typical conflict
-        error logging verbiage has been reduced, and traceback logging
-        has been changed to happen only at BLATHER log level, which
-        means that conflict tracebacks will only be logged if
-        STUPID_LOG_SEVERITY is set to -100 or lower.
-  Zope 2.5 Alpha 2
-    Bugs Fixed
-      - New accelerated security management bugfix in App/Manager.py,
-        changing calling sequence to positional parameters.
-      - STXNG: re-enabled inner now work also through DTML
-        and not only when using STXNG standalone
-      - STXNG: generated HTML is now more HTML4/XHTML compliant
-        (quoted attributes, inner links)
-  Zope 2.5 Alpha 1
-    Features Added
-      - re-enabled inner links for STXNG documents.
-      - Zope installations upgraded from pre-2.4 installations
-        did not show the WebDAV LockManager entry in the control panel.
-      - "requestprofiler.py" script in utilities now does better analysis,
-        including:
-        "active" in detailed output is now slightly more meaningful.
-        It is > 0 only if other requests started after it started
-        but before it finished.  The greater the active count, the
-        more likely it is that something was going on at the time
-        in which the request ran that caused a slowdown.
-        Multiple files may be analyzed at the same time.
-        Also, script recognizes "U" opcode in big M logs as meaning a restart.
-      - Added a "preview" field to the edit form for Image
-        objects. This provides a preview of the actual image data on 
-        the form to make it easier to know what you are working
-        on. The preview image is scaled if necessary to be useful
-        without being obtrusive.
-      - Added the ability to edit File object content in a
-        textarea. If the content of a File is a text type and the size
-        is less than 64K (the max size for text area data in some Web
-        browsers), then you can edit the content as you would a DTML
-        or other text-based object.
-      - New user management API for user folder objects was implemented.
-        As of Zope 2.5, manage_addUser, manage_editUser and manage_delUsers
-        form the official API for user management. The old grotesque way of
-        using manage_users is now deprecated. 
-        The default implementation of these API methods simply call the
-        _doXXX versions of the methods that user folder authors have already
-        implemented, which means that these APIs will work for current user
-        folder implementations without any action on the part of the author.
-        User folder authors that implement the new manage_XXX API can get
-        rid of the old _doXXX versions of the methods, which are no longer
-        required (we only use them if the new api is not directly implemented).
-        API documentation for the User Folder API was also added to
-        the help system.
-      - Python compiler in RestrictedPython brought in sync with
-        main distribution.  Made to be compatible with Python 2.2.
-      - Added links in the "debugging information" control panel
-        for viewing the contents of the ZODB cache.
-      - Added user password encryption capability, fulfilling the
-        needs described in the proposal at:
-        http://dev.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Proposals/EncryptedUserfolderPasswords
-        There is now a "properties" tab in user folders where you
-        can select whether passwords are stored encrypted.
-      - Locale support in STXNG has been broken (since 2.4.0)
-        control panel to make it easer to tell what configuration of
-        Zope is running.
-      - Re-applied Medusa patch to allow proxy-like HTTP requests
-        (GET http://hostname:port/ HTTP/1.0)
-      - Objects indexed by the PathIndex can now provide a hook or an 
-        attribute with the same name as the index name to provide
-        a customized path information other than using getPhysicalPath().
-      - Selecting "Clear Catalog" from the ZCatalog "Advanced" did not clear
-        the vocabulary associated with a TextIndex. 
-      - Added updated and enhanced testsuite for STXNG.
-      - added getEntryForObject() for PathIndexes. Reworked PathIndex's
-        internal inverse index.
-      - API help topics can now document functions as well as classes.
-      - Security accelerations in c
-      - Accelerated C Document Template handling; Document Templates
-        can now do additional rendering in C, improving performance.
-      - Unicode support for ZCatalog: 
-        - added new UnicodeSplitter
-        - ZCatalog now allows unicode strings as attributes
-          of objects to be indexed using a TextIndex
-          (see lib/python/ZCatalog/README.txt)
-    Bugs fixed
-      - WebDAV: Zope escaped nested object properties derived from
-        internal dav__* functions in PropertySheets.py although they
-        are considered to be safe and do not need any escaping. This 
-        caused Zope to be completely incomplete with Windows XP. Fixed !
-      - WebDAV: '(' and ')' are now allowed in Ids for Zope objects.
-        This is needed when one tries to duplicate files using cut&paste
-        through Microsoft webfolders.
-      - Collector #2532: ZCatalog.availableSplitters is now protected
-        by security mechanism.
-      - Collector #2412: a read-only FileStorage has not been closed
-        properly.
-      - Collector #2390: Objects of type 'Help Image' were not properly
-        re-registered inside registerHelp().
-      - Fixed broken FTP download for larger files.
-      - Collector # 2396: StructuredText did not allow URLs containing "%"
-      - Collector # 2397: StructuredText could not handle underlined text
-        properly. Also <dtml-var stxdoc fmt="structured-text"> will no longer
-        produce <html>..<body>  and </body>..</html>
-      - Collector #2438:  Using a slice operation like [30:] on a 
-        ZCatalog search result caused a MemoryError because 
-        the __getslice__ implementation used  range() instead
-        of xrange().
-      - Collector #2423: Searching a FieldIndexes for documents
-        with a blank string has been broken.
-      - WebDAV Lockmanager was not working due to a Python 2.1 
-        incompatibility.
-      - Collector #2482: A COPY operation through WebDAV on a locked
-        resource left the destination resource in a locked state
-        so any WebDAV client  was unable to unlock the destination 
-        object. Locks are now cleared from the destination object.
-      - Error message AttributeError/_v_blocks when a DTMLfile is
-        not present or could not be read replaced by a more
-        informative message.
-      - Collector #2497: SERVER_PROTOCOL variable is now compliant
-        with the CGI specification and looks like "HTTP/1.1" instead
-        of "1.1"
-      - Creation of a TextIndex ignored the vocabulary setting.
-      - Fixed broken aquisition of vocabularies from a Catalog
-        by a TextIndex.
-      - Collector #2504: level parameter has not been passed to HTMLClass
-        constructor
-      - default for 'orphan' attribute of <dtml-in> is now 0 instead 3.
-      - Fixed conflict resolution problem in BTrees (BTreeTemplace/
-        _p_resolveConflict)
-      - Fixed many subtle bugs in the BTrees, including some that
-        could silently corrupt the BTree and render some data
-        inaccessible. 
-      - Collector #2524: Medusa sent "HTTP/None..." as response header when
-        then HTTP version could not be determined from the HTTP request.
-        Now sending "HTTP/1.0..."
-      - queries for the PathIndex can now specified as tuple (path,level).
-        the level parameter inside a query overrides the optional 
-        'level' parameter for a complete search request.
-      - Collector #2561: XXBucket.values() returned keys instead of values 
-      - Fixed the API docs for user objects.
-      - Fixed bad interaction between ZCatalog and dtml-in (submitted by
-        Steve Alexander)
-      - Multiple links in a paragraph with mixed link notation
-        (quotation+colon+URL or quotation+comma+whitespace+URL) did not
-        work properly (thanks to Alastair Burt for reporting and submitting 
-        the patch).
-      - Fixed case where DTMLMethod.py complained when it tried to remove
-        the accelerated DTML security validation routine after recursive
-	entry.

=== Zope/doc/HISTORY.txt 1.6 => 1.7 === (420/520 lines abridged)
   in the file CHANGES.txt.
+  Zope 2.5.1 beta 1
+    Bugs Fixed
+      - Fixed failed incref in cAccessControl that caused problems when
+        ghosting occured.
+  Zope 2.5.1
+    New Features
+      - Added the fsIndex feature.  This adds a new BTree variant,
+        fsBTree, a module fsIndex.py that uses it, and some changes
+        to FileStorage.py to use fsIndex if it exists so that the
+        oid-to-offset index (pindex) is a BTree rather than a straight
+        dict.
+      - ZODB changes necessary to support StandaloneZODB were merged
+      - requestprofiler: added new --daysago option and added
+        support for reading gzipped detailed logfiles
+      - HTTP_TRACEBACK_STYLE environment variable controls the
+        appearance of error tracebacks when not in debug
+        mode. Recognized values are 'none' (no traceback), 'js'
+        (&sect; that expands into traceback when clicked), and
+        'plain' (plain text).  The default is to include the traceback
+        in an HTML comment.
+    Bugs Fixed
+      - A fix for the issue addressed by Hotfix 2002-04-15 was 
+        incorporated into the core.
+      - Fixed table regex parsing bug in ClassicStructuredText
+        thanks to Albert Ting via Zope maillist.
+      - Register CatalogPathAware as a ZClass base class in response
+        to Collector #33.
+      - Fix for Collector #319: filtered_manage_options didn't
+        correctly filter tabs based on permission.
+      - Fix for Collector # 275: setPermissionDefault was not being 
+        propagated to actual security settings.

[-=- -=- -=- 420 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

+        informative message.
+      - Collector #2497: SERVER_PROTOCOL variable is now compliant
+        with the CGI specification and looks like "HTTP/1.1" instead
+        of "1.1"
+      - Creation of a TextIndex ignored the vocabulary setting.
+      - Fixed broken aquisition of vocabularies from a Catalog
+        by a TextIndex.
+      - Collector #2504: level parameter has not been passed to HTMLClass
+        constructor
+      - default for 'orphan' attribute of <dtml-in> is now 0 instead 3.
+      - Fixed conflict resolution problem in BTrees (BTreeTemplace/
+        _p_resolveConflict)
+      - Fixed many subtle bugs in the BTrees, including some that
+        could silently corrupt the BTree and render some data
+        inaccessible. 
+      - Collector #2524: Medusa sent "HTTP/None..." as response header when
+        then HTTP version could not be determined from the HTTP request.
+        Now sending "HTTP/1.0..."
+      - queries for the PathIndex can now specified as tuple (path,level).
+        the level parameter inside a query overrides the optional 
+        'level' parameter for a complete search request.
+      - Collector #2561: XXBucket.values() returned keys instead of values 
+      - Fixed the API docs for user objects.
+      - Fixed bad interaction between ZCatalog and dtml-in (submitted by
+        Steve Alexander)
+      - Multiple links in a paragraph with mixed link notation
+        (quotation+colon+URL or quotation+comma+whitespace+URL) did not
+        work properly (thanks to Alastair Burt for reporting and submitting 
+        the patch).
+      - Fixed case where DTMLMethod.py complained when it tried to remove
+        the accelerated DTML security validation routine after recursive
+	entry.
     Zope 2.4
       Bugs fixed