[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests - alanbushTest.py: cardClient.py: cardServer.py: fortuneTest.py: guidTest.py: itimeTest.py: newsTest.py: quoteTest.py: quoteTest1.py: quoteTest2.py: storageTest.py: translateTest.py: weatherTest.py: whoisTest.py: wordFindTest.py:

Stephan Richter srichter@cbu.edu
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 11:39:34 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv1678/SOAPpy/tests

Added Files:
      Tag: srichter-OFS_Formulator-branch
	alanbushTest.py cardClient.py cardServer.py fortuneTest.py 
	guidTest.py itimeTest.py newsTest.py quoteTest.py 
	quoteTest1.py quoteTest2.py storageTest.py translateTest.py 
	weatherTest.py whoisTest.py wordFindTest.py 
Log Message:
- Switched to SOAPpy library.

- Made the first action in XUL work.

This checkin is primary for people that want to look at the code. I will 
probably replace SOAPpy with Brian Lloyd's SOAP implementation later today,
since I have no approval to use SOAPpy in Zope 3 and Brian's stuff is 
already ZPL 2.0.

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/alanbushTest.py ===
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2001 actzero, inc. All rights reserved.

import sys

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

ident = '$Id: alanbushTest.py,v 2002/03/13 16:39:33 srichter Exp $'

SoapEndpointURL		= 'http://www.alanbushtrust.org.uk/soap/compositions.asp'
MethodNamespaceURI 	= 'urn:alanbushtrust-org-uk:soap.methods'
SoapAction		= MethodNamespaceURI + ".GetCategories"

server = SOAP.SOAPProxy( SoapEndpointURL, namespace=MethodNamespaceURI, soapaction=SoapAction )
for category in server.GetCategories():
   print category

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/cardClient.py ===
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2001 actzero, inc. All rights reserved.

import sys

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

ident = '$Id: cardClient.py,v 2002/03/13 16:39:33 srichter Exp $'

endpoint = "http://localhost:12027/xmethodsInterop"
sa = "urn:soapinterop"
ns = "http://soapinterop.org/"

serv = SOAP.SOAPProxy(endpoint, namespace=ns, soapaction=sa)
try: hand =  serv.dealHand(NumberOfCards = 13, StringSeparator = '\n')
except: print "no dealHand"; hand = 0
try: sortedhand = serv.dealArrangedHand(NumberOfCards=13,StringSeparator='\n')
except: print "no sorted"; sortedhand = 0
try: card = serv.dealCard()
except: print "no card"; card = 0

print "*****hand****\n",hand,"\n*********"
print "******sortedhand*****\n",sortedhand,"\n*********"
print "card:",card

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/cardServer.py ===
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2001 actzero, inc. All rights reserved.

import string
import sys

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

ident = '$Id: cardServer.py,v 2002/03/13 16:39:33 srichter Exp $'

# create the list of all cards, and keep strings for each suit
__cs = "Clubs"
__ds = "Diamonds"
__hs = "Hearts"
__ss = "Spades"
__cards = []
for suit in [__cs, __ds, __hs, __ss]:
    for num in range(9):
        num += 1
        __cards.append(str(num+1)+" of "+suit)
    for face in ["ace","King","Queen","Jack"]:
        __cards.append(face+" of "+suit)

def deal(num):
    if num not in range(1,53):
        return -1
        alreadydealt = []
        ignore = 0
        handdealt = []
        import whrandom
        while num > 0:
            idx = int(str(whrandom.random())[2:4])
            if idx in range(52) and idx not in alreadydealt:
                num -= 1
                ignore += 1
        return handdealt

def arrangeHand(hand):
    c = []
    d = []
    h = []
    s = []
    import string
    for card in hand:
        if string.find(card, __cs) != -1:
        elif string.find(card, __ds) != -1:
        elif string.find(card, __hs) != -1:
        elif string.find(card, __ss) != -1:
    for cards, str in ((c, __cs),(d, __ds),(h,__hs), (s,__ss)):
        idx = 0
        if "10 of "+str in cards:
            cards.remove("10 of "+str)
            if "Jack of "+str in cards: idx += 1
            if "Queen of "+str in cards: idx += 1
            if "King of "+str in cards: idx += 1
            if "ace of "+str in cards: idx +=1
            cards.insert(len(cards)-idx,"10 of "+str)
        if "King of "+str in cards:
            cards.remove("King of "+str)
            if "ace of "+str in cards: cards.insert(len(cards)-1,"King of "+str)
            else: cards.append("King of "+str)
    return c+d+h+s

def dealHand (NumberOfCards, StringSeparator):
    hand = deal(NumberOfCards)
    return string.join(hand,StringSeparator)

def dealArrangedHand (NumberOfCards, StringSeparator):
    if NumberOfCards < 1 or NumberOfCards > 52:
        raise ValueError, "NumberOfCards must be between 1 and 52"
    unarranged = deal(NumberOfCards)
    hand = arrangeHand(unarranged)
    return string.join(hand, StringSeparator)

def dealCard ():
    return deal(1)[0]

namespace = 'http://soapinterop.org/'

server = SOAP.SOAPServer (("localhost", 12027))

server.registerKWFunction (dealHand, namespace)
server.registerKWFunction (dealArrangedHand, namespace)
server.registerKWFunction (dealCard, namespace)

except KeyboardInterrupt:

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/fortuneTest.py ===
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2001 actzero, inc. All rights reserved.

import sys

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

ident = '$Id: fortuneTest.py,v 2002/03/13 16:39:33 srichter Exp $'

SoapEndpointURL		= 'http://www.lemurlabs.com/rpcrouter'
MethodNamespaceURI 	= 'urn:lemurlabs-Fortune'

server = SOAP.SOAPProxy(SoapEndpointURL, namespace = MethodNamespaceURI,
    encoding = None)
print server.getAnyFortune()

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/guidTest.py ===
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2001 actzero, inc. All rights reserved.

import sys

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

ident = '$Id: guidTest.py,v 2002/03/13 16:39:33 srichter Exp $'

# Three ways to do namespaces, force it at the server level
server = SOAP.SOAPProxy("http://www.itfinity.net:8008/soap/guid/default.asp",
print "GUID>>", server.NextGUID()

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/itimeTest.py ===
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2001 actzero, inc. All rights reserved.

import sys

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

SoapEndpointURL		= 'http://www.lemurlabs.com/rpcrouter'
MethodNamespaceURI 	= 'urn:lemurlabs-ITimeService'

server = SOAP.SOAPProxy(SoapEndpointURL, namespace = MethodNamespaceURI,
    encoding = None)
print server.getInternetTime()

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/newsTest.py ===
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2001 actzero, inc. All rights reserved.

import sys

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

ident = '$Id: newsTest.py,v 2002/03/13 16:39:33 srichter Exp $'

SoapEndpointURL		= 'http://aspx.securewebs.com/prasadv/BreakingNewsService.asmx'
MethodNamespaceURI 	= 'http://tempuri.org/'

# Three ways to do namespaces, force it at the server level

server = SOAP.SOAPProxy(SoapEndpointURL, namespace = MethodNamespaceURI,
    soapaction='http://tempuri.org/GetCNNNews', encoding = None)
print "[server level CNN News call]" 
print server.GetCNNNews()

# Do it inline ala SOAP::LITE, also specify the actually ns (namespace) and
# sa (soapaction)

server = SOAP.SOAPProxy(SoapEndpointURL, encoding = None)
print "[inline CNNNews call]" 
print server._ns('ns1',

# Create an instance of your server with specific namespace and then use
# inline soapactions for each call

dq = server._ns(MethodNamespaceURI)
print "[namespaced CNNNews call]" 
print dq._sa('http://tempuri.org/GetCNNNews').GetCNNNews()
print "[namespaced CBSNews call]"
print dq._sa('http://tempuri.org/GetCBSNews').GetCBSNews()

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/quoteTest.py ===
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2001 actzero, inc. All rights reserved.

import sys

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

ident = '$Id: quoteTest.py,v 2002/03/13 16:39:33 srichter Exp $'

# Three ways to do namespaces, force it at the server level

server = SOAP.SOAPProxy("http://services.xmethods.com:80/soap",
    namespace = 'urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes')

print "IBM>>", server.getQuote(symbol = 'IBM')

# Do it inline ala SOAP::LITE, also specify the actually ns

server = SOAP.SOAPProxy("http://services.xmethods.com:80/soap")
print "IBM>>", server._ns('ns1',
    'urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes').getQuote(symbol = 'IBM')

# Create a namespaced version of your server

dq = server._ns('urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes')
print "IBM>>", dq.getQuote(symbol='IBM')
print "ORCL>>", dq.getQuote(symbol='ORCL')
print "INTC>>", dq.getQuote(symbol='INTC')

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/quoteTest1.py ===
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

ident = '$Id: quoteTest1.py,v 2002/03/13 16:39:33 srichter Exp $'

# http://www.durrios.com/Finance.wsdl

server = SOAP.SOAPProxy('http://www.durrios.com/soap/finance.cgi',
    namespace = 'http://www.durrios.com/Finance')

print symbol, "-> close ", server.stockquote_lasttrade(symbol=symbol), \
   " volume ", server.stockquote_volume(symbol=symbol)

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/quoteTest2.py ===
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

ident = '$Id: quoteTest2.py,v 2002/03/13 16:39:33 srichter Exp $'

# http://www.mybubble.com:8080/mybubbleEntServer/MyBubbleSoapServices.wsdl

server = SOAP.SOAPProxy('http://www.mybubble.com:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter',
                        config=SOAP.SOAPConfig(argsOrdering={"login":("userName", "authenticationToken")}))

loginToken=server.login(userName='wsguest', authenticationToken='pass')
print server.getServiceResponse(loginToken=loginToken, serviceName="StockQuote", inputText=symbol)

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/storageTest.py ===
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2001 actzero, inc. All rights reserved.

import sys, os, time, signal

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

ident = '$Id: storageTest.py,v 2002/03/13 16:39:33 srichter Exp $'



def resourceChanged (url):
    print "\n##### NOTIFICATION MESSAGE: Resource %s has changed #####\n" % url
    return SOAP.booleanType(1)

def printstatus (cmd, stat):
    if stat.flError:
    	print "### %s failed: %s ###" % (cmd, stat.message)
        print "### %s successful: %s ###" % (cmd, stat.message)
    return not stat.flError

server = SOAP.SOAPProxy(encoding="US-ASCII", 
#	, config=SOAP.SOAPConfig(debug=1))

# Register as a new user or update user information
reg = server.registerUser(email=EMAIL, name=NAME, password=PASSWORD, clientPort=MY_PORT, userAgent=SOAP.SOAPUserAgent())
printstatus("registerUser", reg)

# See what this server can do
reg = server.getServerCapabilities (email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD)
if printstatus("getServerCapabilities", reg):
    print "Legal file extensions: " + str(reg.legalFileExtensions)
    print "Maximum file size: " + str(reg.maxFileSize)
    print "Maximum bytes per user: " + str(reg.maxBytesPerUser)
    print "Number of bytes in use by the indicated user: " + str(reg.ctBytesInUse)
    print "URL of the folder containing your files: " + str(reg.yourUpstreamFolderUrl)

# Store some files
reg = server.saveMultipleFiles (email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD, 
	fileTextList=['<html><title>bennett@actzero.com home page</title><body>' + 
			'<a href=again.html>Hello Earth</a></body></html>',
			'<html><title>bennett@actzero.com home page</title><body>' + 
			'<a href=index.html>Hello Earth Again</a></body></html>'])
if printstatus("saveMultipleFiles", reg):
    print "Files stored:"
    for file in reg.urlList:
    	print "    %s" % file

    # Save this for call to test pleaseNotify
    mylist = reg.urlList
    mylist = []

# Check to see what files are stored
reg = server.getMyDirectory (email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD)
if printstatus("getMyDirectory", reg):
    i = 1
    while hasattr(reg.directory, "file%05d" % i):
    	d = getattr(reg.directory, "file%05d" % i)
	print "Relative Path: %s" % d.relativePath
	print "Size: %d" % d.size
	print "Created: %s" % d.whenCreated
	print "Last Uploaded: %s" % d.whenLastUploaded
	print "URL: %s" % d.url
	i += 1

# Set up notification
reg = server.pleaseNotify(notifyProcedure="resourceChanged", port=MY_PORT, path="/", protocol="soap", urlList=mylist)
printstatus("notifyProcedure", reg)

pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0:
    # I am a child process.  Set up SOAP server to receive notification
    print "## Starting notification server ##"

    s = SOAP.SOAPServer(('localhost', MY_PORT))


    def handler(signum, frame):
	# Kill child process
	print "Killing child process %d" % pid
    	os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT)

    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)

    # I am a parent process
    # Change some files
    reg = server.saveMultipleFiles (email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD, 
		fileTextList=['<html><title>bennett@actzero.com home page</title><body>' + 
			'<a href=again.html>Hello Bennett</a></body></html>'])
    if printstatus("saveMultipleFiles", reg):
    	print "Files stored:"
    	for file in reg.urlList:
    	    print "    %s" % file

    os.waitpid(pid, 0)

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/translateTest.py ===
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2001 actzero, inc. All rights reserved.

import sys

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

ident = '$Id: translateTest.py,v 2002/03/13 16:39:33 srichter Exp $'

server = SOAP.SOAPProxy("http://services.xmethods.com:80/perl/soaplite.cgi")
babel = server._ns('urn:xmethodsBabelFish#BabelFish')

print babel.BabelFish(translationmode = "en_fr",
    sourcedata = "The quick brown fox did something or other")

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/weatherTest.py ===
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2001 actzero, inc. All rights reserved.

import sys

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

ident = '$Id: weatherTest.py,v 2002/03/13 16:39:33 srichter Exp $'

SoapEndpointURL	= 'http://services.xmethods.net/soap/servlet/rpcrouter'
MethodNamespaceURI = 'urn:xmethods-Temperature'

# Do it inline ala SOAP::LITE, also specify the actually ns

server = SOAP.SOAPProxy(SoapEndpointURL)
print "inline", server._ns('ns1', MethodNamespaceURI).getTemp(zipcode='94063')

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/whoisTest.py ===
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2001 actzero, inc. All rights reserved.

import sys

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

ident = '$Id: whoisTest.py,v 2002/03/13 16:39:33 srichter Exp $'

server = SOAP.SOAPProxy("http://soap.4s4c.com/whois/soap.asp",
    namespace = "http://www.pocketsoap.com/whois")

print "whois>>", server.whois(name = "actzero.com")

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/SOAPpy/tests/wordFindTest.py ===
import sys

sys.path.insert (1, '..')

import SOAP

def usage():
    print sys.argv[0], "searchString"
    print '''\tcurrently, this can be used to search for word completions or
    anagrams- the function will parse and perform the word-search function if
    there is a "?" or "*" character, and perform the anagram-search function

if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage()

ss = sys.argv[1]

if ss.find('?') > -1 or ss.find('*') > -1: word=1
else: word=0
#SOAP.Config.debug = 1
serv = SOAP.SOAPProxy("http://webservices.matlus.com/scripts/WordFind.DLL/soap/IWordFind", namespace="urn:WordFindIntf-IWordFind", soapaction="urn:WordFindIntf-IWordFind#FindWords")
if word: print serv.FindWords(Source=ss)
    serv._sa= ""
    print serv.FindAnagrams(Source=ss)